Birthday Best Day

Chapter 1

Elle had been squirming in her seat all day. She was getting annoyed because she kept having to straighten the bows on her stockings. They were her favorites, worn for her favorite day of the year: her 26th birthday. As she tugged and twisted at the bows, she wondered why she was waiting, anyway. It was her special day and daddy should be home! She decided then and there to give him a piece of her mind when he got home.

Her decisiveness was suddenly interrupted with a sharp hunger pang. Maybe instead of a piece of her mind, she should eat a piece of cake. That would do nicely. She knew that she was under strict orders not to eat any extra today because daddy had a special night planned for them, but it was his fault for not being there right then and there. Yes, she decided that she would go into the fridge and get a piece of her cake. It was hers, so she should be able to eat it when she wanted it.

She hopped up from her chair, straightened her pink skirt, and took a moment to smile at how tight it had gotten since the last time she wore it. She figured it might not last the night, and she was going to use ruining her skirt as a bargaining chip for something later. That was later, though, and now was time for cake. Little Elle shuffled over to the kitchen, eyes on the fridge. The warm light mixed with the cool air as she opened the door. She could already smell the sweet icing. Removing the cake box from its icy prison, she put it onto the counter and carefully undid the tape around the box. Each flap fell to the side, and she was presented with a beautiful cake as reward for its freedom. It was just the way she liked it, with pink flowers, her name beautifully written in florid script, and so many, many calories.

She opened a drawer and picked out a big knife, perfect for cutting a big piece for herself. She was squirming for a different reason now, as she cut through the smooth icing and hit the starchy, heavy cake. Soon, she had served herself about an eighth of the 14" cake, the heavy slab sitting on a warmed plate. She brought it over to the kitchen table and plopped her expanding rear onto a chair. Her first forkful was so rich, she beamed from ear to ear. Her legs swung back and forth happily. It was so moist! So sweet! So much like herself.

In only a few moments, the cake was gone, resting happily inside of her. Musing to herself that nothing goes with cake like some frosty milk, she waddled to the fridge, removed the carton, and poured a large glass for herself. It was then that she remembered how cross daddy was going to be with her for it. Then again, it was so good that maybe she should just have another piece. That way, the punishment would be worth it. Soon, both were gone, and it was time to clean up. She rubbed her tummy happily, noting how cute it was when her little belly ball poked out above her skirt line.

The rattling of the lock surprised her. She was pleased, though, because she had covered up her little crime. No sooner did the door open then she jumped in his arms with a loud exclamation. He strained himself to hold her sudden weight in his arms, bracing against the door frame as she gave him a loving kiss hello. He asked her how her day was, and she decided to pout about it. It was rotten and it was his fault and on her birthday no less and- She was interrupted by his finger on her lips. He shushed her gently and acknowledged how terrible it must have been for her. However, he had planned quite the night for them, and he was sure she would be so happy with it. She beamed inside, but chose to still squint her eyes and stick out her tongue at him. He would have none of that, though, and smacked her playfully on her behind.

Daddy changed into his nicest suit, combing and oiling his beard just the way she liked it. He was strong, big, and a chubby, and he reminded her of a great bear. It was wonderful contrast with his doughy, short Elle. She playfully rocked on her heels as he readied himself, doting on him in her own loving way by getting his socks and things as he needed them. Soon, donning his grey suit, they were heading to the door for their dinner out. Elle giggled to herself about getting a head start already.
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Blasty 4 years
omg i love this story so much