Friends? or... more?

chapter 1 - new fantasy!

It was time for the lunch break and usually i'd be excited but i just felt a little flat. I already ate my full lunch while working so I wasn't sure what to do this break. My two friends - whose desks are close to mine - and I all made our way down our cooperation's building to walk around the city. Ember was going to buy food from the food court and Delilah brought an apple, having already eaten her lunch too.

As we walked for a minute, I gave out a little rant.
"Ugh, I want to eat something but I don't have anymore food. I should've brought a snack."

Ember swiftly replies with, "Yh, you should have."

I groan at her response. Delilah suggests buying something at the food court, like Ember.
I just say, ''Mm, maybe. I don't know."

We arrive at the food court. Ember buys a burrito. I look at her food and eventually give in to my urge to eat. Nowadays I can't go 2 hours without filling my stomach with something. I walk for a bit and spot a shop selling chocolate chip muffins. Ugh I haven't had muffins in so long and these look so golden and soft and moist and they have so many melty chocolate chips in them. Mmm, I almost audibly moan just from the sight. I just have to have them.

I walk back to Ember and Delilah and start picking the crunchy muffin top off with my fingers and eating it. It's so sweet and soft and tastes so good. "Mm!" I sound my enjoyment of the taste to my friends. They smile and chuckle in return. I offer Delilah some after she finished her apple and she breaks some pieces off to try.

I get past the crunchy top parts and reach the middle soft part. It's hard to break off with my fingers so i proceed to biting it. Delilah watches me take a big bite of the muffin. I look up at her, furrowing my eyes a little, as if questioning her. "Why was she watching me eat?", I thought. She doesn't answer me and just looks away away. She's actually been doing that lately. I wish she would just tell me why and not just watch me.

That night as I'm in the shower, I think about it more, and I realise for the first time that it was actually kinda hot. This is the moment a new fantasy blossomed in my mind. A new fantasy with a new person. I feel heat rush to my core and suddenly feel a little weak at the knees. I think of that quick comment that Ember made, "Yh, you should have", referring to how i should have brought more food. The thought of her urging me on, encouraging me to eat, even though i wasn't hungry and had already eaten enough for the day, it turned me on instantly.

I quickly finished my shower, dried off, and jumped into bed. Whilst touching myself, I imagined scenarios of Ember encouraging me to eat as much as I want, coercing me to fill my stomach even though I'm full. At times, I would throw Delilah into the picture and imagine her watching me, admiring my growing form as I stuffed my face with iced cakes and sweet muffins, whilst drinking down litres of creamy milkshakes, rounding out my little chubby belly. I imagined both Ember and Delilah in my room, Delilah watching me eat whilst also pleasuring herself, and Ember feeding me a whole cake after the 5 muffins I had already eaten. She helped me shovel piece after piece into my mouth as I started to struggle. Finding it hard to swallow as my belly felt full and tight from the mix of muffins and milkshake. I finally finished the cake, drinking a bit of milkshake between bites to ease it down.

So, in my thoughts, I had eaten 5 muffins, a full cake and drank 2 litres of fattening milkshake. After a while of putting my trusty right hand to work, I finally orgasmed. My head backed into my pillow, my whole body tensed, and my back arched up off the bed as pleasure swept over me.

After riding out that high and coming down, I rolled over and fell asleep satisfied.

My new fantasy proved to be quite stimulating and worthy. I don't think I'll be forgetting it for a long time.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Theswordsman 3 years
Hopefully this fantasy becomes reality