Chapter 1 - tidbits from an encourager

Disclaimer: I'm only posting these for the enjoyment of others. It's not meant as a cohesive story by any means, and mostly came as little fantasies from someone I used to speak to (who I found has a rail thin S/o). I also didn't take the time to edit these for grammar or anything, don't come at me in the comments. Oh well, I hope you enjoy!

My fantasy is to make a woman as fat as possible. I know it’s not logical, but god dammit the thought of a woman constantly shoveling more and more food down her throat, and growing absolutely massive is the sexiest thing to me. I want to watch her burst out of all her clothes, break furniture, become winded from doing the simplest of tasks (eventually immobile), but still demanding that I feed her more

We could go shopping together, I’d have a shopping cart and you would be in one of those scooters. We would load up both baskets with as much food as it can hold, and I’d probably encourage you to eat as we shopped because I can't have my big sexy lady go hungry . The entire store would be in awe at the both of us, but I wouldn’t care because I have a massive goddess to love and take care of. We’d check out and go home where all you would do is eat and eat and eat. And then we’d go back to the store the next week/few days later and do it all again. The people at the store would get to watch you grow fatter after every visit to the store. Well until the day you’re just so fat that you can’t leave the house any more.

I just want you to continuously expand I want to feel so small and inferior to you and your incredible size. honestly I’d love to be crushed by all that sexy weight, just completely smothered by your glorious fat.
I just want you to be a massive blob
I wouldn't want you to move at all. your beautiful body just needs to relax and shovel more food in your mouth. And I’ll just keep bringing you more and more and more and more and more and more and more..... I’ll just keep feeding you and watch as you outgrow EVERYTHING

I want you so fat that not only the bed breaks under you, but it also can’t contain you. I want your fat to be flowing off the bed. And for you to constantly be begging me to feed you more food. No matter how much you just ate, even if you are stuffed to your limit, I want you to keep begging for more

We are together and you just got home from work. As you walk through the door I already have a feast ready for you and start shoving goodies in your mouth before you can speak. I feed you so much that you fall into a little food coma and I lay you in bed. You wake up and see you're tied to the bed frame. You maybe panic a little and I walk in the room with a cart loaded to the brim with food. I say hello my love. I noticed how miserable you were coming home from work so I decided that you’re never to leave the house again. I start feeding, maybe you resist or maybe you are really into it. Once you devoured every last piece of food I leave the room and come back with another cart, just as full as the one before. At this point you are absolutely stuffed, but I insist you keep eating. You’re so full it hurts, but there is still so much food left to eat. You say you can’t eat anymore, but I beg you, I plead you to continue. I kiss and rub your belly as I tell you how beautiful you are and how I NEED more of you. You slowly but surely continue to eat and eventually eat everything. You pass out from eating so much.

And this cycle of you eating to your absolute limit and then passing out, only to be fed even more food once you awake continues for a few months. I don’t let you do anything except eat. You stay on that bed. all day every day gorging yourself.

You will be the fattest, doughiest, softest, roundest, heaviest, biggest, hungriest, most well fed goddess to ever exist. I will feed you every single moment of the day, and encourage you to eat until you possibly cannot anymore. I don’t want you to work, only eat. Growing fatter will be the only job you will have. And I’ll love every single pound you gain, and tell you that you’re even more beautiful after each piece of food you eat.
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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