The skinny fiancé

chapter 22

Tony loosened the rope on Allison’s hands. Allison wriggled out and took the vibrator out of her pussy. She stood up and embraced Tony, pushing her chubby body against his hard abs. God, the contrast turned both of them on. She could feel Tony’s penis rapidly growing hard against her fluff.

“Do you remember what I used to look like a few months ago?”

“Oh yeah,” Tony said. “You were tiny. You came into the gym every day and ran on the treadmill. You were like a little mouse, scared of her own shadow.”

“That seems like a lifetime ago,” Allison said. “Describe me now.”

“A voluptuous woman who loves to strut around in tight clothes, acting like she owns the place. And she always looks hungry, but she doesn’t like to cook. She expects to be fed.”

“Good. I am always hungry. And I do expect to be fed.” Allison said. “Grab that burger and let’s go to your bedroom.”

Tony led her to his room and stripped down completely. Allison eyed him up and down ravenously. To Allison, sex had always felt imbalanced. There was always one person driving the action, controlling the pace, the instigator, the aggressor, whatever you wanted to call it — and it was never her. She recalled an old college hookup who used to hump her like she was a sex doll, barely caring about what Allison wanted. She liked sex, but it often felt like something that happened to her.

Not anymore.

Allison pushed Tony onto his queen-size bed and climbed atop, letting him feel her full weight on him. She was no longer a delicate, petite woman. She had mass. She began to paw at him, exploring every muscle of his toned body, kissing his neck. Tony loved the feeling of her fat rolls and swollen tits brushing against his bare skin. Allison grabbed his hard cock and slipped it in her pussy. She rode Tony hard, enjoying the feel of his stiff penis deep inside her. Allison used to be so bony that it made rough sex difficult. Jeremy was afraid he would hurt her. But now Allison was slamming her newly fattened ass and pussy against Tony, feeling shockwaves of pleasure ripple out along her jiggly body. She loved how her belly bounced against his abs.

“Gimme that burger,” Allison commanded, taking it from Tony’s hand.

Allison started grinding even harder against Tony’s crotch, rubbing her clit against him, while she devoured the burger.

“Slap my ass,” she yelled in between bites. “Oh god, that felt fucking good. You’re so fucking hard right now, Tony. I bet you’ve never been fucked like this before. Don’t cum until I give you permission. Grab my belly.”

Tony could only mumble a “yes.” He was moaning in pleasure, watching this burgeoning goddess on top of him, doing everything in his power not to climax yet.

As Allison took the last bite of cheeseburger, Tony could feel her pussy tighten and her whole body shudder. Allison let out a sultry moan.

“Now, Tony,” she said.

Her words felt like a dam bursting. Tony came instantly. They lay in bed for a moment. Both were nervous to speak. The stuffing, the vibrator, the blow job, the sex — it was the most intense sexual experience for either of them. It felt so raw, so primal, so indulgent.

“I’m sorry I kinda took over there at the end,” Allison said. “I dunno what came over me. I’ve never done something like that.”

“Don’t apologize at all,” Tony said. “That was so fucking hot. I’ve never had a woman do that to me. Boss me around, and, I dunno, kinda take control. I liked it. A lot.”

Allison sat up and looked at her belly. After three double cheeseburgers, it was looking pretty swollen. She was starting to get curious. It had been a few weeks since she had weighed herself.

“A big, buff man like you must have a scale, right?”

Tony led her to the bathroom.

“So, this whole journey began less than two months ago, right?” Tony asked. “And what did you weigh then?”

“Around 113, give or take a couple pounds.”

“Well, you’re definitely not 113 anymore,” Tony said smiling.

Allison took a deep breath in and stepped on the scale.

“159 pounds?!”

“Dammmnnnn,” Tony said. “You really did drink all that workout mix.”

Allison pressed her hands into her supple skin and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. 159 pounds? Sure, that wasn’t bad. But she honestly thought she was 165 by now. Allison had little more than a month of gaining left before hitting the midpoint of her fiance Jeremy’s consulting gig in Texas. That’s when she had to start losing weight. Allison wanted so badly to experience life at 200 pounds.

“You don’t need to call it ‘workout mix’ anymore, Tony. I know it’s weight-gain powder,” Allison said firmly. “And I want every last container you have.”
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Peachtree1 2 years
Thank you!
Peachtree1 2 years
Hey all, taking a break for now, but will finish up this story later.
Scott12 2 years
It’s the dilemma. He’s been in the shadow about it. She explored and is into it and he doesn’t get to experience it with her. He’s still uncertain of her feelings toward it.
Scott12 2 years
Almost like a, lose what you’ve desired the most type of theme. But I’m with you, hopefully when they reunite, or one of them figures it out through the online chat and
Scott12 2 years
And recognizes it’s one of them on the other end...I’m curious to see how things might play out.
Fatowl 2 years
Great story! Allison's mental conflicts are the best. Another crisis after she squats with Tony? Gets together with Carly? 3some with Carly and Jeremy? Then loses weight? Fun!
Peachtree1 2 years
Thanks for all the nice comments! @luvchubbygirls — that's a good question. I say Allison's weight starts at 115 and later I say she is tall. I guess that's a bit of an inconsistency. If she were tall, being 115 would be really skinny. Maybe let's say s
Karenjenk 2 years
This is amazing
love how the rate of gain is
P;lease keep going
Luvchubbygirls 2 years
Great story, how tall is she?
Kangaroo 2 years
I'm really, really enjoying this. Thanks so much!
Ssaylleb 2 years
Well done! I'm really enjoying this one.
I like how you showed her feelings and doubts, and she didn't jump to love it and gain 200lbs in a week.

Looking forward to more!
BulletSpire 2 years
This is awesome, keep going, it's great.
Peachtree1 2 years
@Jazzman -- Thanks, man. I appreciate it!
Jazzman 2 years
Awesome Story. Really better with every chapter
LeandroAlex 3 years
Good afternoon, how much do you think about putting on weight? How about she get annoyed that I couldn't find a method that ends up making her huge.
Jazzman 3 years
This beginning is Fabulous. Reminds me of a Fantastic story still in my mind 20 years later. Please update regularly
Zxcv 3 years
Just love this!
Peachtree1 3 years
Thank you for reading! I hope to add a couple chapters a week. I've got big plans for this story!
Jazzman 3 years
Good Start!
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