
Chapter 1 waking up

I just woke up from a very long nap. i realized it was 7 at night and i have no clue where C.J. is. i walked to the kitchen and i saw her, and all i could is look at her beautiful body. she was wearing a bikini while cooking. I don’t know why but of course i don’t mind. I just couldn’t help my self i couldn’t stop looking at her thick thighs, juicy ass, and her curves. Recently though she has been complaining about how she was gaining weight even though her rib cage was staring me down. Anyways it looked like C.J. was making dinner it seemed so i walked to the living room to just see what was on. Then i hear a soft and beautiful voice say “ honey dinners ready.” I got up from the old chair to see fifty freaking bacon cheeseburgers on the table. I screamed “ who on earth are you feeding an entire empire.” She giggled and said “ no silly i’m feeding you.” I was confused because i was looking at fifty cheeseburgers and just two people. She smiled and said “ common baby i made so much food so you could enjoy so please eat up.” i looked down at her and said “ well i’d understand if it was normal dinner but i’m looking at 50 cheeseburgers.” C.J. went to the kitchen to grab one plate but just one….. why just one…. um i counted 50 cheeseburgers and 2 people but she grabs one plate. She put the plate on the table and mumbled “ i’m going to enjoy this.” i asked “ enjoy what.” she smiled and pushed me onto the chair and sat on me. C.J. just pushed me on the chair and is sitting on me oh my god did i do something wrong. before i could say a word she grabbed a burger and shoved it into my mouth. It tasted so good that i didn’t even need to bite it i just gulped it. After that she said “ well it seems my little piggy enjoyed that hehe.” I asked “ what do you mean my little piggy.” She said “ well since i was a little girl i loved to cook. i lived to cook so much i’d make to much food, but my mom would always eat all of it. My mom used to be a softball player so she was pretty fit but I would cook all the time so she would eat all the time. In about 6 months she went from a healthy woman to a mindless pig. she was 500lbs and she loved my food. That’s when my obsession started. I love fattening people up it’s just the best. i love it when their belly becomes so massive that they can’t even walk. When i found you we were in college. I was basically a nobody but you were the star soccer player. You were always so skinny and fit. Then you started to like me and i started to love you. After college you went to go work as a doctor while I work as a part time baker. Your body is so rock hard, and has all of these muscles you don’t really need. What you need is a pit belly and a pair of moobs. So i wanted to fatten you up ever since we met. But don’t get it twisted no matter what i’ll always love you, but I just think you would look better with a pot belly you know. so while you were asleep i’ve been busy making all of these bacon cheeseburgers. and your going to eat every one of them.” I looked at her and she looked very serious. I’m still confused but I don’t know what do to. If i eat all of these cheeseburgers who knows what would happen to me let alone my body, but if i say no she would definitely be heartbroken. so I said “ why though why do you want to make me fat.” She responded with “ It’s just my kink hehe i love fattys, especially when they’ve been naughty hehe .” I don’t know anything about this kink or whatever but i don’t wanna make her sad. “ fine i’ll eat them.” C.J. started jumping up and down crying and hugging me saying “ oh my god i love you baby oh my god.”
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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