Prison piggy

chapter 1

Hello all! This one is a bit of a slow burn, trying something different.

‘Kayla smiled and wiped the tears from Jake's cheek. She leaned in to kiss him, giggling as he squeezed her back.’

Jamal Lexington took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. He was mid-way through his lunchtime wank in a private prison guards bathroom. A vision of forced obesity played through his mind. He had just finished rereading, ‘Failing Feature,’ a weight gain story about an up and coming video game streamer who got plumped up far beyond what he had ever dreamed of by a devious feeder. In Jamal’s mind, he saw himself being the one made to swell up with fat. He could practically feel his body going heavy and wide, the dangerous arousal growing as he felt his mental image submit and grow as large as their feeder wanted. Jamal leaned back on the crusty toilet seat, blood rushing to his face as-

“Unffff! Holy hell…”

It was the second time Jamal, or Lex as everyone called him, had jerked off that day. Jetting streams of cum arched up on his small belly, one even past his navel. His own expression of satisfied shame reflected back at him in the warped stainless steel walls of the tiny stall. Lex shook his head and pulled at the roll of toilet paper, wading it up and getting himself as clean as he cared to be.

‘Not like I have anywhere to be…’

It was a slow day at North Bangor Women’s Correctional. Prisoner count was low, Thanksgiving had just come and gone. The first dusting of snow had shown itself on the concrete walls this morning, which no one was excited about. A mood of listless lethargy was shared amongst guards and prisoners alike.

Lex had nowhere to be until the new prisoners arrived, and had already completed his morning rounds. Every scarred face and tattooed bicep had been checked and served, and Lex had enjoyed his little, ‘break’. The warden had practically given him the rest of the morning off, but time was ticking. It wouldn’t be long now before that commanding voice crackled through the tinny speakers of the facility. Lex looked up at a clock above the stall mirror and back down at his phone, eyes narrowing.

‘Just need a second…’

Lex scrolled down the page to the profile picture of the story’s author, only referred to as Zykar. Just like every time he had checked in the last month, the circle under the profile was orange. Lex furrowed his brows and sighed.

‘Still gone? It’s just so unlike them,’ he thought, ‘usually we get a notice of hiatus, something. Where did you go, Zykar?’

Before Lex could think any further, the warden’s voice bounced around the bathroom.

“Slackers!” the speakers crackled, “We have a bus of delinquents arriving today. I want them to know how we run our facility, and quickly. We don’t need any rebels this close to the end of the quarter with our shareholders visiting after the holidays. I expect all guards to the docks at two, sharp. Out!”

Lex sighed and hoisted himself to his feet. He looked at the mirror, clucking at the stubble that coated his brown face. At 5’8, 210, no one would confuse Lex for being trim, but with thick muscles coating his arms, legs and torso, no one would dare to call the barrel-chested man fat either. At least to his face.

“Definitely still heavy though,” he said with a chuckle, patting his slightly rounded midsection and buttoning his pants. That belly had been much more prominent a few months ago, had even begun to make his clothes tight. But with Zykar’s disappearance, Lex’s motivation for pushing it out any further had waned. In truth, Lex didn’t want a new story. Well, he did, but what he wanted more was for Zykar to chat with him again. It had taken him months, and 20 painstakingly added pounds, to convince them to take him on as a gainer, yet the week after they started in earnest they had just, poof, gone into the ether. Since then Lex had checked Zykar’s profile every single day. At each his hope they would return waned, and the curve of his middle had followed suit. Lex was just beginning to fit back in his regular clothes, and while for most people that would be a reason to celebrate, it had only put him into a melancholy mood.

‘Did I turn them off somehow? Was I creepy? Maybe they just get off on ghosting people like that.’

Lex rubbed his chin as he slid out of the guard locker room and out to the main facility. Like most built during the private prison boom in the early 21st century, there were two floors of cells around a sunken rectangular concrete hall littered with tables and chairs in various states of disrepair. As if to make the place as boring as possible, the whole facility looked like a giant block-letter ‘C’ from above, each wing its own singular big block. A metal grate separated the two floors, and sent harsh crisscrossed shadows over every part of the lower area. Lex’s boots shot metallic echoes across the facility at each step, joined in with the march of the other guards who made their way to the docks. Lost in thought, Lex ran through every message he had sent Zykar as prison cells and downcast faces streamed by, mindlessly clinking the metal bars with his baton.

‘I was sure I had completed every step they had for me. Midnight shakes, documentation of every snack and meal. Three thousand calorie minimum for a month straight…’

Yet Zykar had still vanished. Had left Lex with a belly and unfulfilled dream. He didn’t just want to be hefty, he wanted to be huge, to be cared for, to get away from this horrible place. As the days turned to weeks, Lex went from concerned, to dismayed, to now, annoyed. He hated being toyed with. Living with a fetish like his was… challenging enough, relationship wise. Most days Lex just wanted something resembling normalcy, but from past experiences knew it wasn’t in the cards for him. His… needs disgusted every person he had been brave enough to tell. When Lex had finally earned Zykar’s approval, it felt like he had turned a corner. He was finally working toward the body he wanted. Now the window with Zykar had seemingly shut for good, and Lex had no idea why.

“Hey! Watch it, bub.”

Lex had walked head on into the back of a fellow guard. One as gruf and built, but a half foot taller. Lex shook his head and looked up at the downturned eyes that stared back at him, evaluating.

“Sorry, hungover,” Lex lied, but the excuse clearly struck a chord. Stony features softened, trunk-like arm slinging around Lex’s shoulder as they continued to the end of the hall.

“Ahh, so Lexy is finally loosening up a bit! Done with your diet? The boys miss stuffing our faces together in the hall!”

Lex yelped as he felt a hand swat his rear. Blushing, he tried changing the subject.

“Just want to fit in my good clothes for the holidays. Anyway, get a look at the new perps?”

The guard slowed to a halt before the stairwell door. His nose shriveled, mouth warped to a knowing smirk.

“Warden’s really gone off the deep end, I swear.”

Lex maintained a blank look. The guard pushed open the door that led down to the courtyard, gusts of icy cold swirling up Lex’s pants.

“You’ll see.”
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Kyzarburner 2 years
right now!
Rickeb 2 years
Geeze! Cliff hanger!!!
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Excited to see where this goes.
Kyzarburner 2 years
Hope you enjoy!