The model's waddle

Chapter 27

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Sarah woke up the following day, finally feeling vindicated from years of dealing with the highs and lows of living in an ampler body. Though being morbidly obese had been incredibly fun at times, Sarah couldn't deny that beyond sex, it outwore its welcome. During her four years as a fat girl, Sarah had finally found the sexual fulfillment she'd been chasing for years. However, Sarah knew there was more to life than sex and still desired parts of the life she had left far behind. The path her life had turned after that fateful day had made her realize how much harder it was to live in society as a fat girl. Sarah missed her cushy existence where everything she wanted was handed to her because of her looks. That was a much easier life to live.

Yet as the sleep wore off, something felt off that morning. As Sarah began to try to move, she found some unexpected resistance to her efforts. Expecting to have the feathery and agile movement of her 118-pound bikini model body, it was strange that she didn't feel the same way she had before the swap. Something definitely felt off. There was still the burden of excess weight on her body, but it felt amplified in a way that Sarah had never felt before. Had the reversal spell not worked?! Maybe it didn't work over the phone? Maybe she and Freia needed to be in the same place? These questions raced through Sarah's head as she realized things were not as she anticipated.

While Sarah felt herself starting to worry, she tried to pull herself into a sitting position but surprisingly found that option closed to her. It was like something was weighing her down, and Sarah felt too weak to bypass it. In fact, as Sarah tried to move her body, she was only successful in rolling her legs slightly from left to right and barely lifting her arms. Though she could move her arms, there was sluggish labor to it that effort.

As the seconds ticked by, Sarah realized that her body felt even more off than she'd initially discovered. Something about how she was filling out her bed caused further concern. It felt as if her body had spread further out and filled up more space, creating new sensations in new places on Sarah's body that were utterly foreign to her. Curiously, Sarah used all the effort she could muster to push the sheets off of her. When Sarah looked down, she screamed.

Not only was her body not 118 pounds again, but it looked twice the size it had been a day ago. Sarah's body spread enough to cover nearly the whole mattress, her body entirely overburdened with fat. The clothes Sarah had worn the night before were in shreds, tucked into her numerous fat folds like torn rags. She couldn't see anything past the massive dome of fat her belly was, but Sarah could feel how much broader and softer her lower body was, stretched to proportions she'd never imagined seeing on herself.

Horrified, Sarah tried to get up but found the effort of doing so too hard. Sarah tried and tried again to get out of bed until she was a heaving, sweaty mess, winded and starving. The most Sarah managed was to prop herself up more against the headboard of her bed. However, this only served to give Sarah a better view of her gigantic new body.

If Sarah hadn't been panicking before, she was now. The sight in front of her was a sight she was unwilling to accept, but the reality that was now making itself evident couldn't be ignored. Eyes full of tears, Sarah tried with all her might one last time to get out of bed but found the act fruitless. Not only was Sarah an enormous blob of fat, but she was now so fat that she was an immobile bed-bound fatty.

The coursing cocktail of emotions ran through Sarah. Once again, Anger at Freia for deceiving her, fear of how permanent her new situation was, hunger after spending so much time fruitlessly trying to get out of bed, and lastly, shamefully, Sarah felt horny. In Sarah's current state, she was utterly helpless, unable to get out of bed to get her own food, unable to stand up and go work out to regain her mobility, unable to leave her bed to search for Freia, and unable to reach between her legs to sate the annoying arousal she felt building stronger and stronger.

Though fear was gripping Sarah, she couldn't will away how horny she felt. The longer the itch went unscratched, the more Sarah let the feeling dominate her. This reality was a fantasy she had shamefully masturbated to dozens of times. Yet, the natural sensation of utter helpless obesity was a lustful burden Sarah wished wasn't making her feel so wet. Somewhere submerged deep under and into Sarah's fat rolls, Sarah's pussy begged for attention. As hard as Sarah tried, she couldn't move her heavy belly out of the way nor get even a single finger past the dome of fat to the needy space hidden somewhere out of sight between her legs. Yet unfortunately for Sarah, discovering that she was too fat to masturbate only turned her on more. Even though Sarah knew these thoughts weren't right and counterproductive to getting out of the situation she'd woken up to, she couldn't help but indulge in these new feelings, overwhelming her fat fetish.

Despite being unable to get out of bed, Sarah was at least able to reach her phone. Finding a moment of clarity, Sarah calmed herself down and tried to focus on getting help. However, looking through her contacts, Sarah had no idea who to call to help her. She knew, given her condition, that she wasn't capable of getting through the day on her own if she couldn't even get up. No one from her pre-weight swap life was still close to her, everyone having had moved on. She hadn't made any new close friends at her new job. Calling 911 was an embarrassing thought, too, imagining firefighters having to lift her out of her apartment with a crane filling her head. Sarah had to bite her lip to suppress how humiliating and arousing that would be.

After exhausting a complete array of thoughts on what to do next, Sarah knew the one and only person she knew that would understand. This person was a dangerous option, with many strings attached, but Sarah didn't know where to turn. If she called this person, Sarah knew she wouldn't be able to help but indulge in the circumstances she was in now.

Nervously sweating, Sarah called the contact, nearly losing her breath when she heard him pick up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi Owen.." Sarah started. "I've missed you.."
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Blondiee18 2 months
Another great read! Loved this 😊💕
ConJohn 2 months
Cheers! Ty, kindly smiley
Joshlaker1982 10 months
Holy fuck. This was amazing. This is the best story I’ve ever read on this website. Including these things that turn me on along with a story with actual characters I cared about was great! 10/10
ConJohn 10 months
Super kind of you to say. Glad you took the time to read and enjoy. Labor of love.
Champ 2 years
Love the story! Thanks for sharing! I look forward to future tales!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! More will come.
Hereiam 2 years
Thanks for an excellent story!
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate it! Thanks for taking the time to read.
EsotericSwede 2 years
Thank you for another excellent story!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you for reading smiley
Delta625 2 years
I'm so happy she grew to love her body and her desires, but I have to admit I was hoping for a darker ending for Freia as a redemption for poor Sarah

That said, I was utterly gripped by this story!
ConJohn 2 years
TY! I think true acceptance is a journey that ebbs and flows. Most of my other stories I'll keep darker than this one, but I don't think Sarah as a character deserved a dark ending.
Theswordsman 2 years
Im a little surprised Owen didn't try to read the book because if it was me I'd be curious good ending though
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I thought about playing around with the book more, maybe introducing another spell at the end. Could've been a lot of fun potential
Bcain 2 years
Great work and way to bring it home. A fun concept that was well written from start to finish. Bravo.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you so much! Feels great that I actually finished it lol
Justenjoy 2 years
Gotta say, I got worried around the middle of the story with all the weight loss, but you definitely stuck the landing at the end!
ConJohn 2 years
haha, yea, I had fun playing around with the yo-yoing of weight loss/gain, but in the end, we all knew the weight was going to end at a peak.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Such as sweet saucy ending to your story. I'm so happy for Sarah and Owen. Her having him ditch the book was a nice touch, showing how far their relationship has grown. A truly splendid conclusion!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Yeah, I thought closing that loop in the story would symbolically be a nice touch for the end.
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