Haley's Gain

  By ConJohn  

Chapter 1 - Freshman Year

Stepping out onto the quad, Haley felt like she was ready to conquer the world. The Freshman girl was beyond excited to start college, be on her own, and begin a new chapter of her life. Standing at 5 foot five and a toned 120 pounds, Haley had spent her entire high school career being the model of fitness. Soccer season dominated her fall while track and field took over her spring. Quite frankly, Haley was all too happy to finally give it up. Haley was done with sports and ready to party. Of course, her college education would get a little attention from her too.

Looks-wise, Haley was a total knockout. Deep green seductive eyes, a cute snub nose, full pouty lips, and an adorable smile all combined on a face that made most men melt. It had been her athletic body though that had given Haley her tremendous power over the opposite sex. Though she had small perky A-cup breasts, her figure was a perfect hourglass. Slightly curvy hips flowed into a toned abdominal midriff with the real claim to fame being the caboose she had.

The string of boyfriends she had had in high school was nice enough. All of them had been fellow jocks like her. Yet Haley was ready to chase the college boys. These men had real experience, and Haley was ready to learn a thing or two from the student body her school had to offer.

Breathing in the fresh air and soaking in the exciting collegiate sights around her, Haley made her way towards a group of attractive looking people and introduced herself. Confidence had always been one of Haley's strongest attributes. Though she had never been an amazing student, Haley had always found it easy to persuade the smarter students to help her study or even do her homework for her. Haley knew college would be no different. Being an only child, she was used to getting what she wanted. One way or another.

After getting invited to a party by the group of (what turned out to be) Sophomore students, Haley headed to the campus cafeteria with one of her new friends. She ate lunch with Stacy, who showed her the ropes of the dinning hall. Apparently, the entire cafeteria was completely buffet style. No limits. After years of strict diets and parents who controlled everything she ate, Haley knew she could get used to this lifestyle.

In her first few weeks of school, Haley seriously partied hard. Five nights a week, she went out. Many of those nights she had gone home with a random hook-up, embracing the slut lifestyle. There was one boy who kept texting her and even took her out on a date. Haley wasn't sure if she was ready to be locked down just yet, but the handsome gentleman sure did make her rethink being single.

Never before had Haley experienced this much ecstasy in life. She was doing whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, and nobody was telling her no. With four years of this, Haley knew her college life was going to be a blast.



Feedback is appreciated. Always love to hear what people think!
104 chapters, created 5 years , updated 2 years
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Squirreman42 3 weeks
Haley gets even bigger than my wife is now. Nothing better than seeing a slim, confident girl. become an embarrassing blob. I can’t help but wonder what Haley The Hog smells like.
Mikeboi1994 2 months
I've been rereading this story and honestly, my favourite chapters of all time are 51-53, the funniest I've ever read 🤣 This story is my favourite of all time!
MutualBlob 5 months
Really great work, thank you for sticking with it and finishing. One for fat fetish histories.
ConJohn 4 months
Thanks! Still happy with how this turned out
Noback 8 months
I can't wait for that Melissa's spin off, to learn how Todd convinced her and trained her to be a fat ass,
To learn what happened after her last encounter with Haley and how her sister's dynamic is no
ConJohn 8 months
Melissa's character will have more light (if not much more light) in another story that I've already outlined for the future
S123 1 year
I know the story is over but you should write a different story where Melissa and Todd's story continues
ConJohn 1 year
I’ve written a draft where that story keeps going that I’m happy with. Yet I’m making an effort to finish the stories I haven’t finished yet, before kicking that off (or anything else new).
SquishMinstrel 1 year
It’s crazy that this isn’t known worldwide as the best work of feedist literature ever to be written. 100% #1 quality, from beginning to end. You’re a friggin’ mad genius.
ConJohn 1 year
Dang, that's nice to hear. Thank you! Though I do think there are other stories out there that should have that title, I appreciate it all the same. I'll be sure to keep the madness coming.
F4nt4sy 1 year
Enjoyed every part. Would love to see a Melissa spin off showing her go from hating Haley to loving her gain!
ConJohn 1 year
We may see Melissa again in the future
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Easily one of the best stories I've read in a long time.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks a bunch!
Mickmick 2 years
I was hoping for Haley to become Erin’s submissive pig or for and her and Melissa to get together as mutual feeders. But I don’t mind her getting with Dylan in the end. At least it wasn’t Todd!
ConJohn 2 years
Would've be a fun way to end things for sure.
EsotericSwede 2 years
Thanks for this! Best story I've read on here!
ConJohn 2 years
Wow, that's very high praise. Thank you.
Rimtech 2 years
Honestly, excellent.

The way you explored inner conflicts and the darker aspects of the fetish and its real life ramifications was just jazz.

Genuinely looking forward to whatever you write next.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you. That's something I enjoy writing about in all of my stories and enjoy exploring. Inner conflicts are fun to explore!
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