The model's waddle

Chapter 28

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"Owen! Owen!!? OWEN!!!" Sarah yelled out.

After a few seconds, Owen entered the room. "What do you need, babe?" Owen smiled. He was usually quick to respond to Sarah, a trait that she'd grown to love from him.

"I'm hungry!" Sarah whined in the pouty way she knew Owen liked.

A satisfied smirk crossed Owen's lips. "Already? I just funneled you full of gain shake like an hour ago." He wasn't lying either. He'd spent the better part of 20 minutes funneling Sarah to her capacity. Unlike her evening shakes that tended to make her sleepy, Sarah's morning shakes only served to sate her hunger fleetingly, no matter how many calories Owen pumped into her.

"Owen, I'm over 700 pounds.. I'm always fucking hungry." Sarah moaned. It was true. Since she'd become immobile, Sarah's colossal body required a similar caloric intake to a domestic pig's daily diet. At least, that's how much it took for Sarah to feel satisfied. Even with Sarah's complete lack of activity, she found that two shake funnels, six meals, and constant snacking throughout the day was a nice sweet spot that kept her stuffed and feeling good.

Before moving Sarah to his house, Owen had done a lot of work to accommodate his now immobile girlfriend. Though Sarah couldn't get out of bed on her own, Owen could help her out of it and to her feet if Sarah needed to or desired. Though walking without help was impossible for Sarah, Owen made sure there were bars and railings around his house to grab onto whenever she needed to waddle anywhere slowly. Additionally, Owen had installed a scale under Sarah's bed so that they could accurately track her weight. When she'd first moved in, Sarah had been a whopping 650 pounds. Yet, even though Sarah needed 4,000 calories a day to maintain her weight, she surrendered her decision-making around food to her feeder, who kept her intake between 12,000-20,00 calories a day, helping Sarah gain to her current weight of 745 pounds.

Owen could only laugh at his girlfriend's statement. "haha, fair enough, piggy. What do you want?"

"Can you get me pizza?" Sarah gave her belly a sensual rub, paired with her request.

Owen walked further into the room and sat down next to one of Sarah's enormous elephant-sized thighs, spread out on the bed, lovingly stroking it. "Sure. How many?"

"I want you to decide since you'll be feeding me." Sarah purred. She loved giving Owen control of how much he fed her. In her current condition, Owen could feed her whatever he wanted, and Sarah couldn't do anything to stop him. Even though Owen would never do anything Sarah didn't consent to, she loved enabling him to push her limits and dominate her with food whenever he wanted to. Some of Sarah's strongest orgasms tended to come when he was rough with his feedings, reminding Sarah that even if she wanted Owen to stop, she couldn't do anything to stop him. Though Sarah had always been more of a submissive, since she'd become immobile, she found her submissive tendencies getting even more extreme.

Owen thought for a moment, sizing up his girlfriend and deciding how much she could realistically handle. "Five Large meat-lover Pizzas should do it." He said decisively.

A low breath left Sarah just hearing the amount of food he was planning on getting for her. "Do you really think I can?" Sarah had causally eaten four large pizzas to herself for her second dinner two nights ago, but five pizzas would be a new record.

"You will." Owen said confidently. He then stood up, walked to the head of the bed, and looked right into Sarah's fat face. "And If you can't, I'll make sure you finish every bite." Then, finally, he leaned in and planted a kiss on Sarah, which she happily received.

Sarah squirmed a bit excitedly as he pulled away. "Ooh, kinky. Fuck, at this rate, I won't even be able to get out of bed, even with your help."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. How about you leave the thinking for me and keep eating, okay?"

"Okay. I like being a mindless piggy for you to feed and fuck whenever you want." Sarah said, loving what Owen was saying.

Ever since getting back together with Owen, Sarah had started to let go of every concern, obligation, or stressful thought. At first, Sarah had been worried about how she'd get out of the immobile situation she'd woken up to a year ago. Yet, as Sarah spent more time with Owen, she realized that everything she ever wanted in life was being handed to her by her feeder.

While Sarah thought that returning to her model-sized body was still the goal, she found that being admired, fed, fucked, and desired by Owen felt better and more fulfilling than anything in her previous pre-fat life. Jealous looks from other models, unfulfilling tasteless salad, vanilla sex, and gawking lustful stares from strangers would be the kinds of things Sarah would return to if she found a way to get back. With Owen, Sarah got belly rubs, guilt-free food binges, extremely erotic fat fetish sex, and a handsome guy that treated her better than any ex ever had.

Day by day, the desire to leave the massive body she and Owen had grown to love evaporated, and Sarah let go of that piece of her that thought getting skinny was the right thing to do. Finally, when Sarah realized that she was okay with living the rest of her life with Owen, she slipped away into complete careless bliss, leaning as hard into her fetish as she possibly could.

"I know you love being my mindless pig, Sarah." Owen said while playing with a fat fold between Sarah's underboob and waist fat.

Owen had stepped up as a feeder since first coming over to Sarah's house that morning she'd called him. Though it was shocking to see Sarah as big as she was, nothing delighted him more than seeing that Sarah had apparently been recklessly gaining weight to the point of immobility. While Sarah had appeared frightened, she had desperately begged Owen to help her cum.

After that, Owen made sure Sarah had all the food and attention she seemed to need, eventually moving her to his house. The process had been difficult given Sarah's size. Still, he'd managed to get her dressed in some custom-ordered clothes, walk her past some doors she'd been nearly too wide to pass through, out of her apartment, and then into the back of a trailer he'd rented that typically was used to move farm animals.

From the moment Owen moved Sarah into her new bedroom at his house, their relationship grew. Since Sarah was too fat to move, Owen became a more dominant feeder, while Sarah happily became more and more of a submissive feedee, laying naked in bed day after day. Other than the times they role played, Sarah always opened her mouth for Owen whenever he brought food to it. Something about eating for him and growing for him made her feel good, making the situation feel fulfilling. At some point, Sarah's goal of getting back to her former self was replaced by the goal of getting as fat as possible while eating and cumming as much as she could.

Owen began to walk away from his girlfriend, knowing he couldn't keep her waiting for food for long. However, another more pressing need was unnoticed by him.

"Umm.. Owen?" Sarah inquired, just as Owen was heading for the bedroom door.


Sarah shuffled a bit in her bed, as much as her body would allow her. "Can you adjust my vibrator? I think it fell out." Sarah put both her hands on her belly and gestured down to wherever her fat crotch was hidden.

Typically, Owen left Sarah's vibrator on throughout most of the day, giving her the consistent vibrations against her pussy that she so needily craved. However, as little as Sarah moved, her minor shifts from side to side in her bed sometimes dislodged her vibrator from the fat fold. Owen generally lodged it near the outer fold of Sarah's pussy fat. Sarah enjoyed the sensations her vibrator gave throughout the day, especially when she was eating or being teased and playfully fat-shamed by Owen.

Owen smirked, loving how needy his feedee was when it came to her arousal. Even though Owen had been working out more since getting back together with Sarah, it still took him a good amount of effort to lift her belly. Then there was the even more difficult challenge of finding Sarah's pussy under that heavy belly and between her massive inner thigh fat that crowded the space occupied mainly by a sea of folds, rolls, and soft fat. The fat pussy mound was usually identifiable by the slick wetness caused by the series of wet discharges of cum Sarah's many daily orgasms forced into those particular fat folds.

"Is that better?" Owen asked after managing to get Sarah's vibrator back into the place where he assumed her pussy was.

"Mmmmmmm... yes." Sarah moaned, reacting immediately. Biting her lip, Sarah eyed up her boyfriend, half wishing he didn't have to go off and get her food but appreciating him for being a good feeder. "I wish it was you between my legs right now. Could we try again tonight? I miss your cock inside me." Sarah whined, pleasurably wincing as she felt an orgasm starting to build.

"We've tried that a few times, last month, remember? Unfortunately, it's not possible with the extra weight you've put on."

"I know.." Sarah pouted.

It was true. Sex between Sarah and Owen had gotten significantly more challenging since she'd become immobile. Given the amount of lard covering and surrounding Sarah's opening, no matter what position Sarah and Owen tried, he couldn't quite find a way to penetrate her with his cock. At first, Owen had been able to fuck Sarah if he got her on all fours to take her from behind. Yet as the weight piled on and Sarah's ass grew even fatter, even that option was closed to the couple. Though it was a little frustrating that sex was so difficult, it was still thrilling for both Sarah and Owen that they had to get very creative with intimacy to compensate for Sarah's immense size.

"I can still get there with my fingers, or if you want, I flip you on your side like I did last week and go down on you." Owen offered.

"No, it's alright. I still.. Ohhh Mmmmmmm Fuckkkk uuuhhh!!! *huff* *huff* *huff*" Sarah writhed in bed as an orgasm slammed her body, induced by the vibrator whirring between her legs. Since moving in with Owen, it had become relatively typical for orgasms to hit Sarah mid-sentence, turning her into a complete glutton for pleasure. It usually took Sarah a moment to catch her breath after cumming, so Owen patiently waited for Sarah to regain her composure before continuing as if this was a perfectly normal piece of the conversation.

Sarah picked up right where she left off "..I still wish you could reach it. I didn't realize being this big would make it impossible. I feel bad you have to settle for finishing in my fat folds."

Though Owen couldn't fuck Sarah like they used to fuck, he'd started to resort to using the vast canvas of rolls her body offered. There were soft pockets of fat just about everywhere on Sarah's body that could easily be covered into a makeshift orifice to fuck. Most of Sarah's fat folds around her belly, hips, and thighs were deep enough for Owen to slide his cock into and start pumping away. Even though Sarah wished Owen get between her legs, she found it insanely hot that her body was in a state where a fold of fat of her could be used to make someone else cum. When Sarah ate, she often thought about how her gluttony was making more places on her body for Owen to fuck. All Sarah wanted was for her body to be used and enjoyed however Owen wished to use and enjoy it.

Owen saw the minor trepidation in Sarah, so like a good feeder, he comforted his feedee. "Sarah, there is more of you to fuck than there ever was, and it feels amazing. Don't feel bad about anything. Having you as my immobile girlfriend is a dream come true."

"Aww, thanks Owen..." Sarah said, melting at his word. Wanting to get closer to Owen, Sarah tried to get up but remembered that wasn't possible. "I wish I could get up and kiss you. Could you come to me?"

Owen smiled, walking around the side of the bed again and leaning into his massive immobile girlfriend, giving her the kiss she wanted to give him. She always tasted like the last meal he fed her when they kissed.

"That was nice." Sarah remarked, feeling herself getting horny again. As much as Sarah wanted to ask Owen to help her reach her next orgasm, she knew that she couldn't wait any longer to be fed. Even thinking about eating was setting Sarah's pussy on fire again. "Can you go get the pizza, please?" Sarah begged, batting her eyelashes at her feeder.

"Sure can." Owen said, now walking in stride toward the door. "Need anything before I leave?"

"Nope, you've given me everything. But please hurry back." Sarah said eagerly, already thinking about her next meal.

"Okay, babe. Don't run off while I'm away."

"Oh Ha Ha. very Funny." Sarah laughed, wiggling in her bed a bit to emphasize that she wasn't going anywhere no matter how hard she tried.

Then something popped into Sarah's head that she had been thinking about for quite a while. "Wait!"

Owen turned, having almost left Sarah's room. "What's up, babe?"

Sarah took a moment to think about this decision that she'd been seriously mulling over for months. It was a significant decision, but she knew now that it was the right decision after everything she and Owen had experienced together this past year.

"There is a yellow book on top of the shelf." Sarah pointed to a bookshelf in the corner of the room where Owen had stacked all of Sarah's books after she moved in with him. "Could you get rid of it?"

Owen walked over and picked it up. "Magical incantations of the 19th century? What is this? Why do you want to get rid of it?"

"It's just a joke book a friend gave me a while ago. I don't need it anymore. Pretty useless and takes up space. I'm the only thing that should be taking up space in this room."

"Uhh.. okay, sure. I'll get rid of it, babe." Owen picked up the book and then gave Sarah a loving wink as he walked out of the room.

Sarah had thought a lot about using that book to get her out of her immobile situation. She'd thought about telling Owen about it and then finding a willing or unwilling person to take on the massive burden of fat on Sarah's body. Yet, the more time passed, the more Sarah realized that for the first time in a long time, she was delighted with her life with Owen. Though she couldn't get out of bed, she felt content with the comfortable life Owen gave her.

These was a moment where Sarah knew she could have called out to Owen and stopped him from taking that spell book away. Yet, the front door of Owen's house opened and then closed as he left to get her food and dispose of the book that was her only way out of immobility. As Sarah realized her situation was permanent, a powerful orgasm shook her body, causing Sarah to lose her breath and nearly pass out from pleasure.

A dazed smile crept onto Sarah's face. She didn't regret her decision at all. The only thing Sarah had to worry about was when Owen would bring her her next meal.

- End
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Minifan 2 years
Wow, I feel like I need a chapter from Freia's POV on how she got so immense
Kexickus 2 years
Yeah, that'd be awesome.
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I thought about having that chapter(s), but didn't want to expand the scope of the story much more, so I'm leaving it to the readers interpretation on that one
Littlejohnboy 2 years
I would also like to read Freiaโ€™s story, too from 118 to 600-700 pounds in four years. Wow! And did she get immense again? ๐Ÿ˜‹
Growingsofter 2 years
So ๐Ÿ”ฅ
ConJohn 2 years
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow, even with the foreshadowing this was better than I hoped. I hope Sarah is able to live with changes. Owen will do everything he can to make her as happy as possible. Rooting for this cute couple!
ConJohn 2 years
Think you'll be happy with the last chapter
Hereiam 2 years
Please say there's more chapters of Owen "helping" her. Just delicious stuff!
ConJohn 2 years
Yup! One more chapter smiley
TheGreatFatsby 2 years
This cliffhanger has me logging into FF more.oftwn than I'd like to admit to see the next chapter.
ConJohn 2 years
haha, dang. Happy to create so much buzz. New chapter is here
Hereiam 2 years
Same, been checking all weekend. ๐Ÿคฃ
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I knew it! Freia has returned! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I can't wait for the next chapter. I have a feeling that freia is going to stick around a while.
ConJohn 2 years
We'll see!
Kexickus 2 years
I'm so excited!
ConJohn 2 years
Inotai 2 years
Sarah immobile please
ConJohn 2 years
Check out if I delivered on that
Inotai 2 years
best story on FF
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