The babysitter

Chapter 1 - the babysitter

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Jenna was excited to start a new job tonight. Having babysat her younger siblings for most of her childhood, she knew a thing or two about nannying and was proving it with an early-childhood education degree at the college she just started at a few months earlier. Sitting in her red Nissan looking down the long driveway at her new client’s house, she felt that she may have struck gold with this one. She only had two kids two watch – 7 and 9. They seemed very sweet during her onboarding phone call and the parents were very kind as well! They also were paying her quite well for her time.
She turned the car off and engaged the parking brake. Grabbing a lunch sack with a tuna fish sandwich and a bag of chips for dinner, she went insight to greet the family.
The house was gorgeous and very large. Tastefully decorated too, something that so frequently evades people with large spaces and rooms to fill. After a thirty-or-so minute conversation with the parents, they took off, and Jenna played with the kids until their bedtime around 7:30. These parents were particularly kind to Jenna and told her to order whatever she wanted through UberEats and they’d comp her. Not wanting to push any boundaries, she declined to and quietly ate her sandwich while playing The Sims in the family room. A few hours passed before the parents returned and they were very impressed with how she got the kids bathed and in bed well before their return. CLEARLY these folks hadn’t hired a quality sitter before and Jenna was secretly so grateful for that – it was much easier to make a good impression when the family did not really know what to look for.
Driving back home that night, she booked a regular weekend job with them to help get the kids to bed, help the family with dinner, and provide some support while they attended to the various important meetings that rich people seemingly always had at random hours and days. This would be a sweet job and Jenna was thrilled to have scored it with such little effort!
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Latelyoverco... 1 year
"She hardly even thanked the delivery guy" - because he's Chinese? Reads more like the character is racist than that she's insatiable. I don't think that was your intention. Easy fix if you want to
TwelveHundre... 1 year
Pretty nice story but I died laughing at her accumulating "cellulose". My girl became a plant xd
Foodieplantguy 1 year
HAHAHAHA 100% conclusive evidence I need to proofread these. I only tend to proof if they get any traction!
Sonic16 1 year
Almost thouggt the story wouldn't continue. Glad to see it's back!
Fanedfox 1 year
Very well written. I love your character too! Great job.
Karenjenk 1 year
love how she doesnt even care that she is changing
Roflmao 1 year
Great writing and I'm stoked for more!
Jens01 1 year
yes more and long please. the pool idea perfect
Jazzman 1 year
Continue. Your pacing is great and you have excellent wording.