Test of true love

Chapter 9 - Epilogue

This is the last chapter! Hope you have enjoyed reading. Thanks for checking it out and if you're interested be sure to check out my other works coming out in the future :).
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Everything had changed since that fateful day in the office.

Finally, finally, finally Tommy and I were official. Things were going great at work and most of the time we’d see each other on the weekends. Sometimes I’d stay overnight. Maria and the rest of the staff welcomed me with open arms.

His mansion at this point was my second home. Though it had been a bit early in our relationship, Tommy had hinted that he would like for it to be my only home. I’d never consider moving in so soon with anyone else, but with him I felt comfortable. And we’d already known each for so long, already had some great chemistry.

But one other thing did change after the fact…
—------------------------------------ --------------------

“Could you…slow down?” Tommy panted from behind me.

I paused on the concrete path and turned back. “Sorry.” It was a force of habit to walk at my normal pace, but with Tommy I had to consciously remind myself to slow down.

I waited for the massive figure to reach me a few feet away. Christmas had come and passed, and we were well into April. Though Tommy had stopped gaining weight quickly for that silly test, he didn’t actually stop gaining. His weight continued to climb into the holiday season and past that.

The sunlight was blinding today in the park. We’d done plenty of dates at the mansion, but it was nice to get out every once in a while too.

Though, I wondered if Tommy was having fun as I watched him waddle up to me with his stumpy legs and globular gut. His puffy fat filled face was red and sweaty and his massive t-shirt, which looked more like fabric was draped over him as opposed to a shirt, had visible sweat stains under his armpits and moobs. His poor sweatpants were doing their best to contain his rippling behind which also continued to swell. With every step, he jostled and jiggled in every direction, from his face, stomach, ass, and even his arms.

“Ha…sorry,” he panted as he finally reached me. He wiped away sweat from his forehead. “It’s real…hot.”

“Why don’t we take a break?” I asked. “There’s a bench right over here.”

We’d been walking–well, I’d been walking while he was waddling– behind me for a good fifteen minutes.

I didn’t bother waiting for a response from him, because he would protest and claim he was fine to keep going despite needing a breather. Climbing onto the grassy area, I took a seat on the empty bench and patted beside me.

Huffing and puffing, he followed me and plummeted onto the bench beside me. The bench creaked slightly under his weight. I was pushed a bit more off to the side due to how much Tommy spread when he sat his massive body down. I was dwarfed by him. Nobody else could sit on this bench if they wanted to.

I looked at his big stomach which was sitting his lap by this point, hanging over his waistline.

“Sorry. Maybe…you should…go without me,” he said.

“Well, it’s not much of a date if I leave you behind, is it?” I shook my head.

He frowned. “I can’t believe I’m too fat to not even walk with you,” he sighed.

“Then maybe it’s time for you to lose weight, big guy,” I said, patting his stomach. “You told me about all the ideas you had for dates and…well, I don’t think it’s gonna happen easily like this.”

“But I thought you liked big guys.”

“I got a preference, yeah, but if you’re not happy with it or feeling good that’s your choice,” I said, leaning against his wide frame. “I mean, remember the last time we went out to a restaurant?”

“...Don’t remind me,” he pouted.

Tommy had become so large that he almost got stuck in one of the booths after dinner one evening. It took a lot of effort to get that giant gut to slide out, but he did it without needing to call the fire department.

I felt bad for him, but I would be lying if it didn’t tickle me pink too. “Odds are, it’ll happen again and you really will be stuck…”

He shook his head immediately, fat cheeks wobbling. “No, no, no. Not happening.”

“Then we got work to do,” I smirked. “Starting tomorrow, I’ll be your personal trainer.”

Tommy groaned. “It really is too bad you weren’t some gold digger…”

“You’re the one who made the ridiculous test to begin with,” I shrugged. “But don’t worry. I’ll make it fun.”

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I should have specified that it would be fun for me.

I had no complaints. To be honest, I was excited for the whole thing. Sure I liked bigger guys, but I didn’t want him to be unhealthy or unhappy. After all, much like Maria I believed it to be a stupid idea that he’d done in the first place. And if he wanted to do things like take vacations and hikes amongst things with me, there was no getting around it. We’d also discussed marriage probably in the next 3 years and we both figured we didn’t want him in a motorized scooter coming down the aisle.

Honestly, this was one of the fun parts of being around massive guys, especially the fat ones. One day they think about being smaller and getting back to a particular size forgetting about how big and bulky they are now. To me, watching a fat guy attempt to lose weight was one of my favorite forms of entertainment.

After all, despite me keeping Tommy on track with losing some weight, I knew he’d never be thin ever again. In the midst of fattening himself up for that plan, he’d grown so used to those massive meals and the habit of reaching for food for comfort, that it’d be impossible for him to be skinny again. He wouldn’t outright admit it, but it was clear he loved to eat. And on top of that he hated extending so much effort in working out–not at first realizing how clumsy and awkward it was to feel massive sacks of fat poking out and bouncing around with every movement. I knew he wouldn’t keep it up for very long. I’d give it a year or maybe a year and half before he would tell me, he had enough… hehe.

But yes, it was fun to always make him truly and actually commit to the process of weight loss.

I got to tease him every day, help with the diet, and make sure he was doing an adequate amount of exercise. And if he failed–as sometimes he’d skip workouts or eat more than he was supposed to– you bet I had punishments prepared. The last time, I refused to have sex for a couple of weeks. Not like at this point, he was doing as much work as I needed to get on top, but the result was that he hauled his fat ass into the gym nearly every day.

“Can you not be here?” Tommy asked, as he walked on the treadmill. He would work out in the private gym in the mansion every day for small chunks of time as he regained his stamina little by little.

I grinned. “I’m just making sure you’re doing what you say you will.”

“Sure.” he remarked sarcastically. He knew he couldn’t make me leave.

This was one of my favorite parts of the day. I loved watching. As he got acclimated to walking for a while, he’d attempt to jog for a shorter period of time. As usual, I enjoyed watching his fat ass bounce all over the place on the treadmill. His stomach was bouncing up and down and sometimes showing under his massive t-shirt. His huge ass was jiggling every which way, his calves and thighs shuddered nonstop, and even sometimes the fat in his face would shake as sweat was pouring off of him. He’d save these little five minute jogs towards the end of the cardio training and would need forever to catch his breath.

“Tired already, fatty?”

“Don’t make… me come… over there and sit on you.”

“You could, but then you couldn’t get up,” I smirked, passing him a bottle of water.

“Yes, I could.”

“You don’t remember the last time you tried to do a situp and you couldn’t get up because of that gut?”

He flushed. “I’ve lost some of it since then.”

“Alright, then once you’ve caught your breath, let’s see it.”


I laughed. “Well, buddy I’ll let you off the hook today, but you’ll need to do some sit ups this weekend. If you don’t, I’ll order from Johnny’s and I won’t order anything for you. Then I’ll eat it directly in front of you and not share.”

Tommy pouted. “Seriously?”

“Hey, hey, I helped you make a diet plan that requires you to eat a bit less and not deprive you of so many goodies. But if your chubby ass doesn’t do his share of the work, you’ll be getting stuck in restaurant booths.”

“Please don’t remind me,” he flushed.

“Then off to weight training. Chop chop.”

He didn’t protest, but sighed as he went off towards the weight rack. Just like I thought, if I wasn’t here, he’d definitely go too easy on himself. I smirked. I’d ride him hard for now and when he decided to quit, I knew exactly what to do to ensure he’d never be thin ever again…

But until that day, I’d be here every step of the way for my soon to be chubby hubby.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Shiloh 1 year
Yeah, but it’s not as exciting then I thought😕.
Baconlass 1 year
Thank you! It means a lot smiley
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