The perks of my summer job

Chapter 1. Filled with opportunity

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Do you have a lot of time on your hands this summer, but not a lot of money? Join us at Scoopers for the next few months to help us cope with the summer rush and earn some cash to fill your empty pockets!

Experience needed: none. We want to support your education and encourage students to apply. Perks of working here? All-you-can-eat ice cream all season, free of charge. Apply today!


I was already surfing on my phone to track down the online application. I couldn't believe how perfect this was. Scoopers was a cutesy touristy ice cream parlour right on the beach, just around the block from my parents' house. As a full-time university student who lived on campus for the school year and with my parents for the summer, the location of the parlour along with the demographic they were targeting for hire suited me to a T. I had nothing better to do with myself this summer anyways than laze on the couch, watch tv shows, and snack. This would give me a purpose and a way to be productive, as well as some extra cash to fund any hobbies and fun outings for the school year ahead. I would get to stare out at the beautiful ocean view every day, not to mention have more free ice cream than I could eat quite literally at my fingertips.

My job interview was scheduled within the next few days. I was nervous when I walked in, worried that the competition would be steep and that I would be written off within the first few minutes of the interview. Upon stepping into the shop I triggered the cheerful ringing of a bell and caught the attention of a warm, jovial, hefty woman. I was a bit taken aback by how much volume she took up in the room. My eyes couldn't help but linger for just a little too long on her plump breasts, trace the lines of her generous hips, and ogle her tremendous belly. She was poured into a bright floral fitted sundress, and it did little to conceal her many rolls and folds. With reluctance, I forced myself to focus on her face. Bright green eyes stared out at me from a round face, complete with chubby cheeks and several squishy looking chins.

"Mornin' darling!" She greeted me with Southern twang. She moved to shake my hand in a series of thunderous steps. There was so much shaking happening in her body as she shuffled towards me: her tree-trunk thighs jiggled, her expansive hips swayed, her hulking belly wobbled, even her immense breasts shifted as a consequence of her every movement. The very floor seemed to shake beneath her bulk as she tottered over.

"Come on in, don't be shy now. Have a seat, sweetie. Would you like some ice cream? It's on the house."

"Yes, please," I squeaked before I could restrain myself.

"What's your favorite flavour? Choose wisely now," she winked at me merrily.

"Umm...Cherry?" It came out as a question.

"Well golly, if it ain't mine as well. Excellent choice." She busied herself, scooping several heaping balls of cherry ice cream into a waffle cone. I was surprised and impressed at the sheer quantity of ice cream she was able to deftly wrestle into the cone. By the time she handed it to me, the cone looked comically small under the rich pink mountain of ice cream. Darker swirls of cherry syrup criss-crossed along the surface of the scoops, along with a smattering of black cherries.

"You've gotta eat it fast, or it'll melt and make a mess," she commanded. "You can take a bit of time to eat sweetie, and then I have some questions for ya."

I didn't waste any time. Something came over me and I dug into the ice cream greedily, slurping and licking and biting and swallowing as quickly as I could. I couldn't get enough of the cold creamy goodness filling my mouth and sliding effortlessly down my throat. A soft moan escaped my mouth before I realized I was making quite the spectacle of myself. I proceeded to flush a deep crimson.

"Sorry, I got carried away. I don't normally pig out like this," I apologized.

This earned a chuckle.

"You've got nothin' to apologize for, darlin'. I've always thought there was somethin' endearin' about a sweet girl like you who ain't afraid to eat."

She gave her massive belly an affectionate pat.

"I myself am guilty of over-indulgin' on many an occasion, but I don't regret it one bit. And neither should you!"

"Thank you." I didn't really know what else to say. I licked my ice cream-covered lips in an attempt to clean them and make myself a little bit more presentable. Mmm, cherry.

"Now honey, I noticed you were a university student."

"That's right, I study marketing. I just finished my first year and I'm back in town to stay with my parents for the summer."

"Good on you, education is important. Why do you think you'll be a good fit for working here?" I felt like her eyes were piercing me and I began to sweat. I felt as if she was testing me, and I was on the verge of failing. My sticky hands - how did I manage to get ice cream all over myself already? - fidgeted in my lap.

"Well, I don't have anything else planned for this summer so I'm free to work any and all hours. I love chatting to people and I'm looking forward to keeping customers happy and providing them with good service. I'll work really hard, ma'am," I promised eagerly. "I'm dedicated to doing well, whatever I commit to doing."

Something prompted me to add the next part, blushing. "And I can connect to the customers' love for the product, because I really like ice cream."

She gave me an approving nod. Then she leaned back in her chair with a soft sigh. One hand stroked her sizeable belly, the other tapped at her chins thoughtfully. I noticed that her nails were dressed up in a cherry-red lacquer. It reminded me of the ice cream I already wanted more of. In that moment, I was in awe of her. Her figure was corpulent, but it gave her a stately presence. Her motions and mannerisms were delicate and sweetly feminine. Her eyes twinkled with vivaciousness and mystery. This woman...she was beautiful.

"You're hired," she broke the silence simply.

"Wait what?" I thought I'd misheard.

"I like ya, darlin'. I see a lot of myself in ya. If ya wanna be my extra pair of hands for the summer, I'd be pleased as punch to have ya."

"All I want is to work here! My answer is yes!" I blurted out without a second thought.

"Then it's settled, dear."

She gave me a brilliant smile, and I beamed back at her. This was going to be the best summer ever.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Letters And ... 12 months
Very sweet ending, lovely story. The characters really came into their own.
Passing For ... 12 months
Thank you so much! πŸ’œ
Pd500 1 year
Great work! I loved chapter 11 big-time
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you very much! It was indeed a juicy one 🀭🍰
Reader 1 year
The banter between these characters makes this story unique! I love their relationship. Your writing is excellent and I can't wait to read more!
Passing For ... 1 year
Thanks Reader! I'm so happy you commented, I love this relationship too and I have so much fun writing about it πŸ₯°
Pd500 1 year
I love this! Can't wait to read more! Great writing!
Passing For ... 1 year
Hi there! I am not the most consistent with updates, but they will be worth the wait 😘 Thank you for the compliment, these two girls are very dear to me πŸ’œ
Piturekapiteka 1 year
My favourite story from you, simple as
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you sir! 🫑 As promised, updates will continue rolling out at a snail's pace 🐌
Built4com4t 1 year
That was different for me but very arousing…a definite treat
Passing For ... 1 year
Incorporating variety can enrich any diet πŸ˜‰
Angelhoney 1 year
very nice update. this story is incredible, love the dynamic of a domineering feedee + feeder that also likes to eat
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you for the compliments! I'm happy you're enjoying it πŸ₯°
Piturekapiteka 1 year
Omg this story has not been forgotten!! So good to see it continue
Passing For ... 1 year
I definitely plan to continue it, and my other stories as well! I am just going to be a bit slow with updates πŸ¦₯ Glad that you're enjoying so far πŸ₯°
Kouradaor8ia 1 year
good freaking lord, i love this
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it 😊
Jazzman 1 year
This is good. I always love reading this story
Passing For ... 1 year
Thank you so much, it makes me happy to know I can put out content that readers enjoy 😁❀️
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