Lonesome valentine

Chapter 1

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“Another Valentine’s Day alone,” Rebecca sighed as she wobbled her way into the grocery store. It had been a long day, and all Rebeca wanted to do was load up on goodies so she could go home and pig out like a fiend. “No one seems to want this body anyway,” she said to herself, “I may as well just go ahead and ruin myself.”

Rebecca had long struggled to maintain an acceptable weight by society’s standards, having been heavy since she was very young. Once she entered her mid twenties the weight began to really stack on, and now that she was thirty she was the heaviest she’d ever been, nearly double the weight she was when she graduated from college.

“I’m already fat,” she thought to herself as she grabbed a cart and began wheeling it around, leaning heavily upon the handlebar, “I might as well just keep on eating and let myself get fatter. Apparently that is my destiny in life: to just get as fat as I possibly can.”

She was feeling down on herself at the moment, feeling lonesome as she saw symbols all around her of the love being celebrated by so many happy couples around the world on Valentine’s Day. The truth of the matter was though that she really never minded being fat. In fact, she rather liked it. She found comfort in touching her soft rolls, her bulging tummy, her plump and undulating breasts. She liked the way it felt when her big butt would sway from side to side as she waddled about. Even though she was turning to food for comfort in this moment of sadness, she was just as comfortable stuffing herself in times of joy and happiness as well.

It seemed however that these days there were more occasions for her to feel sad and alone than there were for her to celebrate anything. She had a few boyfriends in the past, nothing too serious, but since she’d started putting on a lot of weight she was having a hard time finding someone who was willing to date a “fat chick.” Rebecca would often spend her evenings online, looking at websites designed to connect plus-size women with the men who supposedly loved them, but it seemed as though most of those men weren’t very serious about being in a relationship, and the ones who were didn’t live anywhere near her. The whole experience of trying to date online just made her feel more lonesome.

“Okay, first I’m stopping at the deli,” she thought, “I’ll get loads and loads of meats and cheeses so I can make myself a giant sandwich. I’ll get lots and lots of potato chips and some big bottles of soda to wash it all down. I’ll get several pounds of bacon and sausage, fry them all up and eat them straight from the pan. I can just feel the grease rolling down my throat, filling up my gut and making me get fatter by the second.”

Rebecca loaded her cart up with cold cuts, prepared meats and rotisserie chickens before she began zigzagging up and down the center aisles, tossing all manner of snacks and junk food on top of the growing pile in her cart. Then she made her way toward the bakery section. This was by far her favorite section of the store as she had an absolute passion for sweets and desserts.

“Look at that cherry cheesecake,” she thought to herself as she stared through the glass case at the bakery counter, “it looks absolutely divine!” She then imagined what it would be like to take that cake home and shove every last slice of it down her throat one by one. “Then I’ll have some blueberry pie, some apple pie, that pineapple upside-down cake over there. I’ll stuff my face full of sweets until I’m big as a house, then I’ll top it all off by squirting an entire can of whip cream into my mouth.”

Rebecca started licking her lips and salivating at the thought of having all of this amazing food to herself. “I’m so greedy,” she said to herself in a gleefully devious tone, “such a greedy, gluttonous pig. There’s enough food in my cart to feed a hundred people, and it's all mine! It’s all for me!”

For a moment Rebecca’s sadness subsided as her mind reeled at the thought of how much she was going to eat when she got home. However, something in her heart began to feel heavy as she thought about the fact that she was going to be all alone. “I wish I could find a cute, chubby guy who loves to eat as much as I do. We could pig out together and get fat together, give each other belly rubs when we’re both super-stuffed. That would be like a dream come true.”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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