The cult of gluttony

Chapter 5

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A day had passed, we were now in the after-class period and I was heading towards the agreed upon club room, I could see Heather, but no trace of Amelia though.
“Hey Jane!” Heather greeted me “You’re up early”
“Yeah, I thought I didn’t want to keep anyone waiting, I brought some snacks by the way” I replied
“Great! I was thinking of messaging you to bring something but I kinda forgot, hehe” She said as she adjusted her glasses “Put them in the bowl at the center of the table”
I filled the bowl with a large assortment of candies, I picked them up from the Cult, they have been pumping out a large quantity of food ever since I taught them how to use the tome. Speaking of which, I took a look at Heather, she was only slightly larger than I was, around 3 or 4 pounds, placing her around the 147 pound range. I'm sure I would have caught up if I had kept stuffing myself with conjured threats as often as possible but I rather not think about that. She had the beginnings of an inverted triangle figure, I believe they call it a strawberry type, I could tell that some of her fat had gone towards her breasts, it’s not enough to go up a cup size but I’m certain that they must have fitted more snugly than before.
It was getting kinda awkward so I decided to break the silence:
“I didn’t know you knew Amelia, you two don’t really seem like the type of people to be friends”
“Well, we both have a thing for games, we met on the school forum actually, do you use it?” she asked
“No, I haven’t really used the school forum, but now that you mention it I might begin to use it” I replied “So, what kind of game are we playing?”
“We’re playing a TTRPG, which stands for Tabletop Role Playing Game, do you know what they are?” she asked
“Uh, kinda, like Dungeons & Dragons right? With like elves and fairies? I’m not sure how they actually play, I only know they throw some funky-looking dice and have DMV sheets or something”
“Hmmm, well… they’re kinda like… oh I know! Have you ever watched Stranger Things? From Netflix?” She asked enthusiastically
“Can’t say that I have, no” I replied
“Dang, well, have you played Genshin Impact then? On mobile or on a computer?” She asked again
“I’m not much into videogames in general, I’m not what they’d call a ‘Gamer’ I guess”
“Urgh, well, down to my last resort then… Have you ever been in theater or drama club when in high school?” she asked
“No, I have not” I simply replied
“Ahem, well, so, TTRPGs originated in the 70s, they are a type of game where people take on the roles of their own made-up characters in a sort of ‘collaborative storytelling experience’. Like a videogame, the players control their character's actions and decisions, but unlike one, you aren’t restricted to the sole option programmed or designed for you, you can do whatever you want! Since there’s a game master or ‘GM’ that creates and describes the world and the living beings inside it, kinda like a god or director. Players use dice rolls and character sheets to determine the outcome of their actions and to keep track of their character's abilities and progress. You can play the game in a variety of ways and in a multitude of different settings, like, instead of a fantasy setting you can play a sci-fi setting or a contemporary setting. There are lots of ways to play a–” Heather explained
“I think I understand” I interrupted “So, what kind of Role Playing Game are we playing?”
“Well, uh, it’s in like a fantasy setting but it isn’t medieval or Tolkien-esque! It’s a bit vague but it’s typically more like a Reinassance or Modern period” She explained “This particular game is a tabletop roleplaying game that is designed to be very tongue-in-cheek. It is a game that parodies the typical roleplaying game genre and aims to be both comedic and over-the-top.”
“Interesting, so what is it called?” I asked
“The tone of the game is very much focused on comedic relief, and it is meant to be played in a lighthearted and fun manner. The game can be played as a one-off session, but there are also ways to create longer campaigns with more elaborate storylines.” She continued explaining
“Campaigns?” I continued asking
“Each player character has a unique set of skills and abilities, and the gameplay revolves around role-playing interactions between the players and the GM. The game uses a simple d6-based system for resolving actions, with players rolling dice and adding modifiers to determine the outcome of their actions. The game also features a random event system that introduces unexpected plot twists and challenges for the players to overcome.” She continued explaining
“Heather, what is name of the game?” I asked once again
The door opened and Amelia came into the room
“Sorry for being late” She apologized “Thank you Heather for bringing snacks”
“Jane brought them actually” Heather corrected
“That’s right, by the way, Amelia, what game are we playing?”
She approached the table while holding a book in her arms, she plopped it down on the table, the title read:
‘MAID: The Role Playing Game’
Fuck me.

Author's notes:
Not much action in this chapter but things should begin ramping up soon. I hope you’re liking the characters, I had a lot of fun writing them. By the way, I have to mention that I used ChatGPT in the creation of this story, I didn’t use it as a replacement for a writer, I only used it as a tool to give me ideas and to improve spelling and flow in certain parts. It’s a greatly versatile tool, I personally use it a lot for my TTRPG sessions. If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, feel free to comment or shoot me a DM through Discord, my tag is: Green Trinket#1568
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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GreenTrinket... 1 year
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