Chapter 1 - Heartbeat
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For the briefest of moments, Laura sensed her heart skipping a beat. She felt the shock wash over her, only to be replaced by a futile excitement. Marie was single!
How long had Laura been secretly in love with her now? It was love at first sight, over a year ago, when she first arrived at college and saw Marie for the first time, back in the dorms; that perfectly beautiful face and model-like height. Marie was older than all of them, having spent two years travelling before coming to college. She’d grown into her looks more than the other girls, and had that worldly confidence that drew people to her and made them listen. Of course she had picked up the cutest boy on campus. She was the most beautiful creature on Earth.
“You’re serious?” Laura asked, in shock. “But they were so great together!” She couldn’t deny that; as much as any closeted gay girl hated to admit that her crush’s boyfriend was perfect for her. Marie and Ben had been like two peas in a pod.
“She broke up with him this morning. Just strolled into his class and finished it, right there in front of everyone; cold as ice!” Paula laughed, despite the seriousness of what she was talking about. “Our girl didn’t seem to care in the slightest!”
Laura’s eyebrows furrowed. That didn’t sound like the Marie she knew at all - and she knew Marie better than most. She’d been swept up into the girl’s circle of friends during their first year and was now sharing this enormous house with several ladies, including Marie herself. “Is there someone else?” she asked, already having that sinking feeling that her straight friend had moved onto the next guy.
Paula’s eyes travelled around the room, as if she was worried about being overheard. “Well, I don’t think she came home last night. And I know she wasn’t with Ben…” she speculated; the most salacious gossip they’d had in months.
“Oh, dear!” Laura sighed, already sensing a new drama on the horizon. Sharing a house with several other good looking girls, one of them was always up to no good, breaking some poor boy’s heart somewhere. Although, she was just one of Marie’s many secret admirers; lost in the background and collecting dust. Marie would forever be out of reach. And it was about time that Laura accepted that.
Magical Realism
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
43 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years
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I'm hoping the one with the toys stops being undercofident.