Gaining a Fortune

Chapter 1 - Lori

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“So, what sort of things are you up to now?” asked Lori, holding her glass of wine and starting to look as if she had had a few too many.

In truth, Michael could hardly take in the question; this former high school beauty had been completely transformed in the ten years since graduation. She’d gone from the fittest cheerleader, to the overfed, fat girl people needed to squeeze past; as her giant, monstrous gut pushed out in front of her, with a butt that did exactly the same in the opposite direction. Lori must easily have weighed close to four hundred pounds, if not more, Michael considered. And, boy, did it suit her! Of all the girls, who had put on a little weight in the intervening years, none looked as good, nor as large, as Lori did.

“I mostly work in the stock market,” Michael explained, knowing how best to upsell his career to people he wanted to impress. He’d certainly dressed the part today, in a sharp suit and arriving in his hire car with the roof down. His own school friends at this ten year reunion didn’t need to know what a constant struggle it was to make ends meet. “What about you?” Michael asked; surprised that this popular girl even remembered who he was.

“That sounds impressive,” Lori smiled, taking another gulp of her wine as if she was trying to compensate for something. “I work in sales,” she nodded. “It’s a good income. But...” she stated, patting her huge tummy, “…it’s not a good career for keeping your waistline in check; all those hours on the road; the take-out food.”

Michael opened his mouth to say something reassuring; explain to Lori that she looked good, or that the weight suited her. But the woman seemed to be blundering on, as if she wanted to get something off her very large chest as soon as possible.

“And I recently left my husband,” Lori stated, like ripping off a Band-Aid. He’d heard how she’d married one of the guys from the football team not long after high school. It had all sounded like a match made in heaven, from the little snippets of gossip he had heard about her over the years.

“We were never right for each other,” Lori admitted, looking a little guilty. “I actually…” the former cheerleader blundered on, “I actually used to have the biggest crush on you in high school,” she finished, now unable to look Michael in the eyes. “That sounds so stupid now, doesn’t it?” she laughed awkwardly, taking another gulp for courage.

His own eyes wide, Michael was stunned into silence. If only he had known all those years ago! How their lives might have been so much different! He’d always got on well with Lori when they were paired up for assignments, but Michael knew that he had never really been popular enough for Lori to want to hang out with him socially. “I’m speechless!” Michael laughed, unable to help the flattered smile spreading across his face.

“Hey, Lori!” called one of the other guys. “Come and meet Jackson’s wife…”

“Excuse me,” Lori whispered, heading away, a little red in the face from her admission, and pleased of the excuse to leave.
15 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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SuperPieGuy 4 years
Good story! It’s simple and I like that little touch of time travel fantasy. Thank you!
Feeder862 4 years
This story will have fifteen chapters.
Metalman 4 years
You have a great skill in writing
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Love this cant wait to read more smiley
Fatchance 4 years
VERY well written with nicely developing characters!
Fatchance 4 years
This is well written and thought out.
Karenjenk 4 years
This is the perfect set up.
i am excited for whats to come
Xandercroft 4 years
This might be a good one. Give me an alternate 2020. Please!