A trip in america

  By Levy

Chapter 20 : Point of no return

After they went back to the hotel, Micheal sat on the bed, lost in thought about the conversation Lena had with her mother. He realized that they had made a decision that there was no turning back from.

He turned to Lena and asked her if she was sure about the path they were taking.

Micheal's concern was apparent on his face. He knew they were to a point of no return as he asked Lena if she was truly ready for the possible consequences of their decision.

"I mean, on long term we're talking about mobility problems down the line," he said, "Are you really okay with that?"

Lena looked at him with a mix of determination and excitement in her eyes. "Yes, I couldn't be more excited," she said, "I've never felt more free and happy than I do now. And I don't want to live my life based on other people's expectations or societal standards."

Micheal couldn't believe what he was hearing. He asked Lena if she was serious about indulging for the rest of her life.

Lena replied with a huge grin on her face, "Absolutely! I want to enjoy every moment of my life and not worry about anything else."
Micheal smiled back at her and said, "That's amazing! I love how confident and comfortable you are with yourself. And I want to do the same."

Lena took his hand and said, "Together, we can do anything. Let's live life to the fullest and never look back."

"Then let's order an incredible amount of food and eat until we can't move," Micheal said excitedly.

Lena's eyes widened with excitement as she agreed with Micheal. "Yes, let's do it! I want to feel completely stuffed and satisfied," she said.

They ordered a massive amount of food from the hotel's room service menu. They started with appetizers of mozzarella sticks, onion rings, and loaded fries. As they dug in, they laughed and joked about their decision to indulge.

For their main course, they ordered a large pizza for each with all the toppings, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, and a burger with a side of mac and cheese. They couldn't believe how much food was in front of them.

As they ate, they talked about their future plans.

Lena's eyes sparkled as she shared her mischievous thought with Micheal. She couldn't help but imagine the look of shock and surprise on her mother's face when she would see them again after indulging in their culinary adventures.

She laughed and exclaimed, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if my mom didn't even recognize us because we've put on so much weight?"

He laughed out loud, imagining how they would be unrecognizable, and how their size would astonish everyone who knew them. The thought of being so big that people would stare in amazement thrilled him.

Lena looked at Micheal with a twinkle in her eye, happy to see that he was so excited about the idea. She couldn't wait to see the look on her mother's face when she saw them, and the shock on everyone else's face as well.

They both giggled as they imagined the scenario, ordering more food and indulging even more, knowing that this was the life they wanted and they were going to enjoy it to the fullest. The thought of being so large that people couldn't help but stare was intoxicating, and they were both eager to make it a reality.

As Lena and Michael continued to talk about their plan to indulge without any restraint, Lena became more and more turned on by the idea of completely transforming their bodies. She could feel her excitement building as she imagined the shock and disbelief on her mother's face when she saw them next.

"We have to do this," Lena exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.
Michael nodded, a big grin spreading across his face. "I couldn't agree more," he replied.

They started to discuss their plan in more detail, bouncing ideas back and forth about what kinds of foods they could eat and how they could push their bodies to new limits. Lena suggested that they start documenting their journey on social media, sharing their progress with their followers and encouraging others to embrace their own bodies.

As they talked, Lena could feel a rush of excitement building inside of her. The idea of indulging without any restrictions was incredibly liberating, and she knew that Michael felt the same way. They were both fully committed to their new path, and nothing was going to stop them from achieving their ultimate goal - total and complete transformation.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 8 months
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Neper 9 months
Great update, can’t wait to see where this goes
TooFAttening 1 year
Love how they are so sweet and loving toward each other. Looking forward to chapter 19 and whenever they get ready to head to the farm!
Carson94 1 year
How many chapters you have planned for this?
Levy 1 year
I don't know, i will end it when i will end it ^^
Levy 1 year
I published chapter 29 yesterday, probably around 50.
Levy 1 year
Thx ! I try to be so, actually my main activity for now !
Pd500 1 year
Thank you! Chapter 11 ending made chapter 12 so perfect!!
Levy 1 year
^^ Let me know about 13 ^^
Hollychester 1 year
Amazinggg 😍😍
Levy 1 year
Thx !!!
Jazzman 1 year
Chapter 9 One of the best. You have a easy- read style like Ned Fox. Good Company to be in.
Levy 1 year
Thx ! I hope to write even better ones !
Finchy87 1 year
Enjoy the stories can’t wait to read more
Levy 1 year
Dream fulfilled ^^
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this so far. Can’t wait to see where this goes
Levy 1 year
Glad you love it !
Kertus 1 year
Amazing stories. I love every next text
Levy 1 year
Am really proud of what coming next ! Just let me know your opinions !
DoughyDrew 1 year
Outstanding 4 chapters!! Cannot wait to see how this plays out!
Levy 1 year
More chapters already available on patreon.com/Ellie_Cohen ^^
Don't panic they are also coming here, just a bit later smiley
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