
  By Quiver

Chapter 1 - Food Balloon

He looked at her wide-eyed with a mix of awe, excitement, and trepidation. He knew that no matter how normal she looked, she was capable of virtually anything, not bound by the laws of physics or any other earthly rules. She could change herself before your eyes, make herself look like someone else, or else change the environment, make furniture grow leaves or dissolve into jello- he wouldn't have been surprised if she could control the weather. The fact that he seemed to have gained her favor was thrilling, but there was no way to know what could happen with a person- or thing- like her. And if his fear overtook him at any point and made him want to run rather than risk interacting with someone so unpredictable, he knew she was far too powerful to really escape. He was essentially at her whim, so his best bet was to continue to try to make her happy.
Right now, though, she looked so normal, just a young and conventionally pretty woman cuddled up next to him on his couch, appearing to appreciate the close contact of another being, fingers running through his hair, along his arms, exploring his chest, and stroking down his belly. When she did that, he shivered a little, so she did it again. He had put on a little chub in the last year, having gradually become less active, maybe about fifteen or twenty pounds. It was enough for his stomach to push out when he sat down now, and strained at his shirts. He'd bought a few larger ones to accommodate the change, but the one he was wearing was old and looking stretched across him. He also noticed his belly was more sensitive to touch now, but not in a way he minded. She asked, "Do you like that?" She did it again, and his stomach rumbled audibly. "Ohhh, I see, you're hungry."
"Well, a little, it is dinnertime," he said.
She gave him a knowing smile- it always seemed to be "knowing" now that he thought about it, like she was always thinking about the next step ahead- and said, "Look in the fridge for something for us to eat." He questioned everything she said in his head, but did as he was asked. He came out into the kitchen and noticed the fridge was making a slight creaking noise. He opened the door expecting to look for chicken or pasta or something- but instead the door came flying open and food was spilling at his feet. He exclaimed and had to take a step back. Duplicates of the food that he'd had in the fridge were piling up on top of each other, falling out from within the fridge. A whole feast was pouring out-- whole roast turkeys, multiples of them, were falling in a gentle avalanche of food at his feet and ankles, forcing the fridge door to stay open. The longer it stayed open, the more food poured out- much more than could possibly be stuffed inside of it, several times over; he tried to close the door but he couldn't. It did look delicious though. He was yelling in confusion and panic, which called her over, but she just had that same smile on her face as before.
"Help! Stop this!"
"What? You said you were hungry," she said innocently, almost as if she really thought that humans regularly ate quantities like this. It was evident she was making this happen.
The food was half-way up his shins and piling up against the wall behind him at this point, and he thought he felt himself sink a little. "The floor is going to crack under all this weight at this point!"
"I wouldn't worry about that," she winked. "Won't you at least give it a try?"
When she made a direct request like that, he knew better than to try to argue. His hope was that by doing so, that would be the condition where she would stop the food-avalanche pushing every form of poultry, pasta, fish, pork, beef, cheese, eggs, rice, vegetable garnishes, breads, and fruits around him. It was also very messy. He picked up a stray roll- warm and fresh, like it was just out of the oven, and gave it a bite while looking at her, too timid to ask, "is this good enough for you?" Clearly, though, it wasn't. She marched over to him, wading through the food, and pointed into the evolving stream of sustenance as it tumbled out of the fridge shelves. "And none of this 'finger food' stuff, either, I don't like you having to use your hands."
He swallowed hard. He got down on his knees and brought his face to the place where the food burgeoned out of the fridge, falling to either side of him. He wanted to get this done quickly. Big, meaty raviolis pushed themselves out among the stream, so he grabbed a couple in his teeth and started to chew and swallow. They were warm and delicious. A stray slab of de-boned, breaded porkchop was visible next to them, and he went for that too. There was some spaghetti coming out on the other side of the mess, punctuated with large meatballs, and he had to kind of turn his head to grab a mouthful of those. He was chewing and swallowing as fast as he could. Everything was hot, everything was delicious. A few shrimp almost fell on his face, but he managed to catch a few of them- and, still too scared to use his hands, felt the hard crunch of the tails as he swallowed them whole. He hadn't seen cocktail sauce, but they tasted like it anyways. Likewise, he found some fries as they spilled out and they tasted like they had been seasoned just right with a hint of barbeque sauce. He would try to catch his breath but whenever he did so, he felt the tug of her watchful gaze and made himself keep eating.
After a while, she was giggling innocently. "You've done well, little piggy." He seemed like he might not have heard her, because he was chewing away quite happily at a steaming chicken breast that tasted like a lemon sauce after having just finished a couple of hotdogs and baked beans. With a surprising amount of strength, she easily grabbed his arm and made him stand while she closed the door. The food continued to pour out like water from a fountain until the moment the door sealed shut. The kitchen floor was covered in steaming, delicious food of every variety; it spilled into the hallway and was up to their knees where they stood. He hadn't registered whether he was hungry or full that whole time- he had gradually slipped from doing what she said out of a reverent fear, to an indulgent joy in the tastes and textures lavished upon him. The joy of eating had distracted him from everything else. Only now was he noticing that his buttoned shirt was looking tortured and his belly was doing its best to find freedom. It was sticking out so much that he thought he should be in pain, and yet he wasn't. And the shirt that had been a little tight on him before was begging for mercy at this point- his belly had been buried from view for most all of the time that he'd feasted, so this was the first time he'd seen it in a while.
She lead him by the hand back out to the living room. His stomach bounced in front of him, bumping against her. He noticed that while his clothes were covered in stains and spices, she looked very clean- she only had shorts on, and her legs didn't look like she had ever waded into that messy pile. She stood in front of him in the living room and gave him a hard look up and down, noting, "You're a very sloppy eater, aren't you piggy?" The fact that she'd called him "piggy" twice now evoked some strange feeling in him. He didn't bother pointing out the logic of how she had made him get this messy. She touched his sides very lightly and ran her fingers up and down along the seams of his clothing, causing him to shiver again. "Your clothes are too tight to take off at this point."
"What do we do?" he asked very quietly. She gave him another big smile. He thought she was going to modify his clothes or something, but he was quite wrong.
She sat him down on his couch again and stood high above him. He was a little embarrassed to be reminded that his navel was sticking out, which she made obvious by poking around at it. It was so sensitive, it made him gasp. And not "sensitive" in the way that an overly-full belly should be- "sensitive" like it had suddenly become a very erogenous spot for him. Something about the fact that he would now have a harder time reaching his belly button than she had, made it more enticing to feel her touch it. She placed her whole hand over it, and began to push into it very gently. His newly-shaped body was soft and formed to the shape of her hand on it. It felt incredibly good. He didn't recognize this body, but he liked it. He felt powerful in it, in spite of the fact that she was calling the shots. "I have an idea," she said quietly as she did this, as he felt his blood rushing. "We could cause the food to keep multiplying, just like what it did from out of the fridge." Even as she spoke, he felt and saw his belly swelling up a little more and a little more, and not because she was pressing any harder. He could visualize it, and he could feel it: some things, like the shrimp, he had swallowed whole, and he could visualize them continuing to duplicate inside his body, forcing more and more growth. His belly was looking more orb-like than ever in front of him, nothing like anything he'd seen on a human. He didn't understand why it filled him with a tantalizing erotic energy, but he was enjoying it so much he didn't care. One button burst clean off his shirt, pinging against a lamp on the other side of the room. His pants were also creaking and threatening to pop open.
He was smiling. "It's blowing up like a balloon." She looked at him wide-eyed, a pleasant look of surprise.
"You DO like this," she said, although she brought her hand away from him and let his stomach rest on his lap.
"Yes," he answered.
"Do you want even more of it?" she asked.
"Good, because I have an even better idea." She was toying with his belly button again, and let one finger slip inside of it- properly inside of it, up to her knuckle. The sensation of it was powerful and he couldn't hold back a moan. With some more gentle wiggling, soon her other fingers were in there, under his skin, and soon it was her whole hand. It was a very vivid feeling: she was penetrating his stomach, which had become a point of such powerful sexual energy that he was sweating and moaning in response to every little move. He could feel her inside him, with all the food and fat he'd piled on. Soon her wrist was inside too, and with a little more coaxing, her arm was sliding in with greater and greater ease, up to her elbow. He couldn't hold back the amount of strange pleasure this gave him, as if it was something he'd always wanted without realizing it. It felt like she was reaching for something in there, and she found it. She gently pulled her arm and hand back out, which was just as enjoyable for him as when she went in.
With two fingers, she pulled something out of his navel that hadn't been there before as he twitched and let out an, "Oooooaaaahhh!!" He sat there panting before stammering, "What is that?", far too round to be able to see over the crest of his own belly. She didn't answer. She just lowered herself onto her knees before him, disappearing behind his big, stuffed belly, and put her lips to the thing she had pulled out from him. It was a weird sensation- he could feel it as part of himself, something with nerve endings like the rest of his body, but somehow it felt . . cold and metallic. He could feel it when she put her lips to it, and could feel her breath on it. She took one deep breath and blew. The air entered him through this mysterious thing, and she did it again and again. The inhales she took were long and large, and with each puff she blew into him, he could feel his body growing a tiny bit more and more. Again, he was sweating and panting in response. Between blows and as hard as he was stammering, he asked, "is that . . . . . a . . . valve?"
His body was answering his question for her, no need for her to pause. With each breath, his stomach grew a little bigger and a little rounder, slowly disappearing the things in the room on the other side of him from his stomach. The air flowed freely into his gut, a little more at a time, and was gradually making its way to his other body parts- his chest, shoulders, hips, and thighs were all starting to look and feel a little bloated. Two more buttons finally exploded off his shirt, leaving just two close to his chest left to suffer. His clothing creaked around him. He placed his hands on his stomach to better appreciate how it bulged a little more with each breath she took, but even this small motion was physically difficult- he was both constrained by his shirt sleeves, which by the sounds of it were starting to tear, as well as the increasing mass of his arms themselves in response to the change she forced upon him. Even his hands and fingers were looking puffy and round, much more so than he remembered. Down around her, he could feel the breeze of the air in the room on his legs as his pants gave way with loud tears at the seams.
The sensation of being blown up reached his neck, ballooning around his jawline, until it slowly crept up into his cheeks. "How big . . . are you going to make me . . .?" he asked. Even his voice was sounding strained, as if his vocal cords were being pushed on by the increasing mass of his neck and chest. At first her only answer was to inhale and exhale harder, making his stomach jerk with the growth as she went. There was no slowing down at this point. Between his legs, he could feel himself throbbing as his member also grew and grew like the rest of him. He could feel it poking her between her breasts, and it poked against her harder each time she drew breath. At this point, that whole region of his body was totally inaccessible to him, even as he was pining for release. The feeling of being bloated and distended was at no point painful or taking away from the pleasure it afforded him, but the emotional confusion of what was happening did weigh on him. His voice was more strained than ever: "Please . . . how far . . . are you going to . . . push this?"
At this point, she heeded him and stood up. He could only see her from the chest up; everything else was hidden. She was still smiling though. "Do you want me to stop?"
He was finding that thinking was hard. He couldn't find a logical answer for some reason. A few seconds passed as he tried and failed to string words together or even decide how he was feeling, or at least focus on whether this would kill him or leave him like this forever. Failing this, he found the only thing that was clear to him was how intensely he had been enjoying the sensation of being blown up, exactly like a balloon. He realized that he was longing for it. The word came out of his mouth as if it wasn't even his: "No."
"Are you sure? Positive?" She giggled and rubbed his rounded form, which instantly made him sigh with joy.
"M- . . . . m-more," he grumbled.
"More? How much more?"
"More . . ."
"Like one of those floats from that big parade in New York City? Or even more than that?"
"M-mmmooooorre," was all he could say.
A sly look in her eyes, she said, "well, I have just the thing." He could neither see nor concentrate on anything she was doing, but she took the small air valve she had been blowing into and pulled it out of his navel- revealing that it was attached to a hose from inside his gigantic belly. She picked her own shirt up with one hand, and with the other, pressed the valve into her own belly button. Her body not being a normal human body, her stomach swallowed up the valve completely, until it appeared that her very small torso was connected to his by the black hose. She closed her eyes and enjoyed how it felt, and took another deep breath. When she exhaled, no air came out of her mouth or nose. It went directly into the hose connecting them, and directly into him. She proceeded to do this, drawing in one large breath after another, now completely free to stroke him and kiss him as her stomach blew his up every couple of seconds. His pants were ripping wide open, barely clinging together by threads getting stretched feet apart, and his shirt sleeves were faring no better. The second-to-last button on his shirt flung to freedom, leaving only the one by his bulging neck. Bending his limbs was no longer possible; more and more they stuck straight outward, his fingers and toes barely able to flex. Nothing was visible to him now but the skin of his incredible body and the ceiling. He filled out the space of the whole couch, and it was clear that before long he would not fit at all.
She lavished his belly, which obeyed everything she had wanted it to do, with licks and kisses and massages, and went from the top crest of that belly toward the bottom. She sat before him, situating herself so that she could put her legs in the valleys formed between his stomach and his hips as he towered over her, her back on the ground. Here, she waited patiently as the man's belly obscured more and more of the room above her. With a few more big puffs, his center of gravity shifted and he began to fall gently forward to where she lie in front of him. She took his member, which was every bit as engorged and oversized as every other inch of his body, and lead it inside of her. It would never have fit in a normal human body- but the last thing she was, was human or normal. It was tight and its inflated feeling was strange, but it was every bit as enjoyable as the rest of this wild exercise.
Soon he could finally feel the release coming upon him that he'd been wanting desperately with her this entire time. As his bulging body filled the space between the back of the couch and the floor where she lie, he filled her as well- but unlike any other time he'd been intimate with a woman before, this was not some brief moment of paradise that was over quickly. When the sensation hit him and caused him to cry out in his bloated-sounding voice, it continued to pour into her, just the same way the food had poured into the kitchen with no apparent end. Far below his shadow, as his stomach touched one wall closest to them and began to balloon toward the other, he was not filling her with seed but with air. Her thighs clenched tight around him- he was still growing, and that included growing inside of her, which made her body look bigger and bigger the deeper he went into her. But her body was also now growing in its own right: her chest and thighs were burgeoning out, mimicking how his had done to begin with. The flow of air from her breath into his body was now doubling, and some of it was coming right back into her, blowing her up just as he was, if further behind. She deliberately took deeper and deeper breaths to make the process faster and more dramatic. Her hips stretched more and more and more as his impossible girth demanded within her, all the while his stomach- although it did not have much weight to it- pinned against her increasingly-large body. His balloon-like form was pressing against the ceiling, floor, and wall, and was now hitting the closest window, causing the shades to flatten against the glass. The couch would have been hard to see from any angle, and the woman likewise could only be felt by the man, and not seen by anyone. Filling the window, he was now visible from the outside, and she knew it. "They'll see you," she teased. "Do you want them to see you like this?" His moaned response was almost more like a roar, but his intention was clear to her: he still didn't have enough. Giant, balloon-like stomach now pressed against three of the four walls, and the last one was being closed in on. The glass on the window was cracking. The pressure of it weighed more heavily on her body, adding to her pleasure. "Will you be satisfied once you've destroyed this building?" Again he issued a loud moan that sounded like, "Moooore!!!" All she could do was smile and tilt back her head as it, too, filled from the neck up with air. "Have it your way, then!"
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
As always, creative and surprising. You really write excellent erotic fat stuff.
Quiver 1 year
Thank you!
Built4com4t 1 year
A wonderfully erotic fantasy ;-)
Quiver 1 year
Thank you 😊