Not My Usual Delivery

  By Abyssal Mind

Chapter 1

You wanna know the worst part about my job? No one says thank you. I drive around town to give people their delicious pizza and hardly anyone appreciates it, let alone tips. I needed to get other work but I was out of luck, this is the best job I can find right now. It drove me crazy sometimes, feeling like this was all I was good for. I try to cheer myself up thinking about how I contribute to the women’s figures but that was barely doing it for me, I've never seen a truly fat girl in my time.

It was late past 10 p.m., apparently enough people are willing to buy food at this ungodly hour and I was the one who had to bring it to them. At least I can go home soon, I want to get out of these clothes. My boss told me I'd be making one last stop and my shift would be over, looks like someone's having a party with how much they ordered. Usually that meant I got a big tip so I was looking forward to it, I'd straight up quit if I didn't get a dime.

I grabbed the bag holding the pies and got in my car. The address was for a wealthier neighborhood, a good sign if they weren't assholes. The customer had never ordered before so they might be new to the area, their name was Karly. When I pulled up, the place was quiet and dark save for a couple of lights. It was the right place but there didn't seem to be many people, I guess it's just a couple of stoners.

I grabbed the boxes and went to the front door, ringing the bell. I was right about the stoner bit, the place reeked of weed. I had good encounters with them, I've gotten a hit a few times although that wasn't the smartest move when you're driving. I expected a group of college bros but what I got instead was much more appreciated.

Before me, standing at the door, was a bombshell of a woman, nicely wrapped with a loose dark grey tank top that revealed her deliciously deep belly button and very skimpy purple booty shorts. Her plump body stood up on bear feet supporting her elephantine thighs, I must've looked like an idiot staring at her. “Uh… for Karly.”

“Yep, that's me.” She spoke in a very relaxed tone, her blazen eyes told me why. “What do I owe you?”

“Um, I was told that you paid with a card already.”

“Oh shit, forgot about that.” She put the pizzas aside. “You can have this then.” She handed me a hundred.

I looked at the bill like I've never seen one before. “Is this a tip?”

*Giggle* “Duh, least I can do for making you come out here so late.”

I didn't know what to say. “I guess… thank you?”

“For what? You're the one who brought the pizza, I should be thanking you.” She leaned on the doorway.

“So uh… you having a party?”

“What makes you think I'm having a party?” She asked like it was a bizarre observation.

“Because of the pizzas… You ordered three extra large specialties.”

“Yeah, and?” She must've been really high.

“Are you .. gonna have it all to yourself?”

“Pretty much, wanted to try them ‘cause I couldn't pick just one.”

My heart skipped a beat. “You must be really hungry…”

“The munchies tend to do that to me, it's no wonder I'm so big.” She gave a pat on her sexy double belly.

This woman was like nothing else, I was enamored by her. “You must like to smoke a lot…”

She cracked a smile. “Want some? I've got way more than I can smoke all by myself.”

I couldn't believe this was happening. “No one else is here?”

“Nope, parents are out of town.”

I wasn't about to miss the opportunity of a lifetime. “Sure, I'll have some.”

She nodded approvingly. “Sweet. You can bring in the pizza while I prepare another bowl.” When she turned around, I saw how the back was just as good at the front. I put the boxes on the coffee table next to her massive bong, the thing was three feet tall. She packed it to the brim and put some ice in for easier use. “You can have greens, I'm already baked out of my mind.”

I was pretty intimidated but I was way too excited to stop now, she used her lighter at the base while I took a rip. I've never smoked so much in one go in my life, my lungs and throat burned like crazy. By the time I was done coughing, my brain was being flooded with THC. It was actually really scary, getting so high so fast. I could feel my heart racing while my mind was approaching what felt like a panic attack.

Then an angel rescued me. “You okay?” Karly grabbed my hand, her skin was soft and smooth like satin. “Just breathe, you're safe. I'm here.”

She helped me calm down tremendously, this stuff is intensely strong. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“No problem, I didn't catch your name by the way.”


“Well nice to meet you Ethan, what better way to bond other than sharing weed?” I can think of one thing. “Mind lighting it for me?”

She rose while I stayed on the couch, seeing her body move was a treat in itself and don't get me started on seeing her from below with her sexy belly. “Ready?” She nodded before I ignited the flame, letting her suck up a shockingly large amount of smoke. She didn't even seem phased, she barely even coughed. “Wow, you hardly flinched.”

“I've been smoking for a long time, I'm basically high twenty-four seven three sixty five.”

“I couldn't imagine being this high all the time.”

She shrugged. “You get used to it. Now let me get some pizza, I'm starving.” She grabbed a slice. “Want some?”

“No thanks, I already had dinner.”

“So did I.” She took a bite of the slice of meat lover's. “Mmm, I love it already. I'll definitely be ordering more.”

This was the perfect woman for me, she was everything I wanted and more. “I’d be happy to deliver for you.”

“Why? Because I'd offer weed or because you like seeing my fat ass?” She asked while licking her fingers.

She caught me, I didn't want her to know I was staring but here we are. “Fine I'll admit it, you're very attractive to me. I have a thing for big women, you're just so damn sexy.”

“I know, I realized it the moment I opened the door. I'm high but I'm not dumb, I thought it was really cute.” She got a slice of chicken bacon ranch. “Must be nice to see such a goddess in the flesh, isn't it?” She boasted.

I don't know if it was my horniness, the high or her attitude but my inhibitions left the building. “This is one of my deepest fantasies, I've always wanted a fat chick to invite me in like in porn.”

Karly got closer. “Oh yeah? What happens in your fantasies?”

“Basically a horny fat girl has me watch her eat her order then we fuck, sometimes it's me fucking her while she eats.”

“Mmm, sounds fun. I haven't done that before, have you?”

“Admittedly no, I can't say I've had that pleasure before.”

She grabbed a piece of the Hawaiian. “Have you ever fucked a fat girl?”

“Not one as big as you, and definitely not one as sexy.”

She had her top ride up her belly. “What makes me so sexy?”

“Everything. You're a ten out of ten, just perfect. Amazing belly, huge tits, great ass, extra thick thighs and an adorably chubby face.”

“That's nice to hear, you're not too bad looking yourself.” She adjusted her shorts so her belly was hanging over the waistband and gave it a smack, jiggling it wildly. “So Ethan, what were you expecting when you first saw me?”

“Honestly, my brain shut off the moment I saw a super-sized babe at the door. I guess I wanted to get to know you.”

She stretched her arms up, letting me see the expanse of flesh at her midsection. “Know me, or fuck me?”

I started groping her sexy fat belly. “Both, I was interested and aroused by you. God you're really soft.”

*Giggle* “Yep, the best girls are.” Without warning, she straddled me and brought her big breasts to my face. “Am I too heavy for you?”

She was easily three hundred pounds of sexiness. “Not too heavy.”

“Good.” She cooed before grinding on me. “I wouldn't want to hurt you.” I felt up her hefty tits. “Mmm, more of that.” Karly tipped my chin up and kissed me deeply, I slipped my hands underneath and lovingly squeezed her breasts. We parted, seeing the lust in each other’s eyes. “You wanna go into my room?” I nodded. “Bring the pizza.”

I grabbed the food after she got off of me, leaving the weed and paraphernalia downstairs. I got to enjoy a spectacular view of her ass as she walked up the steps. Her room had a king-size bed with plenty of space to have fun, to my surprise she had a smaller bong with more weed ready. She took her tank top and shorts off as I put the boxes on the bed. Karly smoked again while I took my clothes off then offered it to me. “Sure, why not?”

It was a noticeably more tolerable hit, I didn't feel like I was dying. She leaned on the waist high bed and opened one of the boxes, displaying her fat pussy. She started eating. “So this is your deepest fantasy? To fuck a fat girl while she hogs on fattening food?”

I rubbed her round ass. “Yep.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” She goaded, shaking her cheeks side to side. I slapped her ass. “Mmm, that's more like it!” I choose to be bold and plant my lips into her, gripping her hips for leverage. “Wow, I-I didn't think you'd be into eating ass. Keep it up!” She encouraged before shoving more food into her mouth.

After warming her up I moved onto her smooth pussy. She moaned approvingly, bucking her hips into my face. I licked the alphabet on her clitoris, under and uppercase then onto numbers. I picked up the pace after 100, trying to go as fast as my tongue would allow. Karly moaned more frequently and deeply until she reached climax. It took me up to 267 to make her cum, she screamed into the sheets. “How was it?”

She rested her face in the bed. “Great… No one's been able to make me cum like that before with just their mouth before.”

I replaced the empty box with one of its brethren. “Ready for the next course?”

“Uh huh.”

I stuck my dick inside of her, groaning in pleasure as I felt how soft and tight she was. Her hips were nice and grabable. “You like that?!” She moaned her answer while slowly devouring more pizza. “Good. Because I love this!” I pounded her faster.

“You love fucking me from behind? You like seeing my fat body wave with every thrust?” She teased, I affirmed. “I actually kind of like getting fucked and stuffed, I might just keep you as a booty call whenever I wanna pig out.”

“I’d make sure you’d get horny every time you get hungry.”

“I already do, why do you think I invited you in? I was lucky the delivery guy was into fat chicks.”

“You're damn right. Who can resist this?” I picked up speed, pumping her over and over again.

“You one of those guys who's into weight gain?” I grunted in affirmation. “Well I wouldn't mind getting a little fatter, especially if it gets the attention of freaks like you.”

I was close to the edge. “How big would you get?”

“Dunno, maybe somewhere around three fifty. I could stand to gain fifteen pounds. With the way I eat it's inevitable.”

“Have you cum again yet?”

“I've been cumming, you're pretty good at that. Are you about to?”

“I'm getting close.”

“Then stop, I wanna try something.” She moaned after I exited her, crawling into the bed and put the pizza away replacing it with lots of pillows. She laid down on the mound and presented herself to me. “Okay, you can continue.”

I joined her, marveling at Karly’s big beautiful body. Seeing the years of overeating piled on her form waiting to be played with. I grabbed her pelvis to then plunge myself back into her. We both moaned together. “Do you want me to pull out?” She shook her head. “Good, I love creampies.”

“So do I.” I thrusted into her, feeling her softness underneath me. I loved seeing her gut bounce and wave. “You like seeing this fat shake for you? Do you want to see more of it you perv?” I nodded. “Then I want you to help me, bringing more food to me and fucking me while I binge.” I was at the precipice. “Will you do that for me? Do you want to help me grow?”

My climax struck me like a bell. “Yes! I will!” I blasted inside of her, filling her past the brim with cum. I fell onto her belly cushion, absolutely spent.

Karly rested her soft hand against my cheek. “That was nice, you have a very satisfied customer.” We lied there basking in the afterglow. “I'd love to have you stay the night but I don't want my dad finding out that I had I guy over, he already hates that I smoke. I hope you understand.”

I was about ready to pass out on her, but she made it clear that I'm supposed to leave. I didn't really know what to say as I was putting my clothes back on. “I guess this is a goodbye.”

“For now, I had a lot of fun. You can expect me to order for another ‘delivery’ soon.”

“If you want I can just pick up any orders for you, you'll get tired of pizza eventually.”

“That sounds good, but I don't know when I'll be getting the house to myself again so don't expect this to be a regular thing.”

“Then I'll look forward to it.”

Karly lazily sat up, moaning as my cum spilled out of her. “I will too. I'll give you a call when I want to see you again.” She prepared another bowl as I was getting ready to leave.

“I'll be waiting.”
1 chapter, created 7 months , updated 7 months
20   1   1734

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Whoskins01 6 months
Absolutely wonderful please make more like this🔥
Abyssal Mind 6 months
I'll try to sprinkle in these shorter ones between my more elaborate stories, they usually come to me randomly and I write them same day. I'm glad you enjoyed it.