Encouraging Overeating

  By Asha  

Chapter 1

I got a job at a bakery when I was 20, it was a small place, there was only the owner/baker and two other girls who also served customers.
I was already heavy, around 250lbs. I’d always struggled with overeating and when I started working there I quickly began taking food when no one was looking. I soon realised if I worked closing then I’d have access to all the unsold food, there was quite a lot and I would sit in the kitchen and eat as much as wanted. Soon I was working that shift most of the time so would sit and binge on the cakes and pastries a few times a week.
I quickly started putting on weight, my uniform was a branded top which I wore with leggings. I first noticed my leggings getting tight and had to go up a size. When the top got tight and was riding up my soft belly, I was dreading having to ask Mark, the owner, that I needed a bigger size already. Luckily I found one bigger size in a cupboard and hoped nobody noticed, it didn’t seem like it could be that much. But I guess its harder to notice when its your body, it just keeps getting a little bigger each day, and this happened over at least 6 months. The appearance of some stretch marks on my stomach should have made me realise it was actually getting pretty noticeable. It also had already hung a little but it had got much rounder and now properly hung down past my hips. I knew I’d gained a bit I didn’t know then that I’d probably passed 300lbs.
I think Mark had started to notice. He was a nice enough guy, maybe in his mid 30s, but I hadn’t talked to him a lot at that point. He must had suspected what I was doing, one evening I thought he’d left and started my binge of the leftover food. He came into the kitchen and watched me, I don’t know for how long, when I noticed him I froze. I was shovelling little cakes into my mouth, I quickly jumped up and started to apologise.
‘Sorry I don’t do this much they just looked really good’
He walked closer, looking right into my eyes. He got quite close and said quietly
‘It certainly looks like you’re doing this a lot’
He poked my belly, it surprised me, doubly because I felt his hand on the flesh of my stomach. I looked down and a roll of fat had become exposed between my too small leggings and top. My face flushed red and I quickly adjusted my clothes to cover me again.
‘Ok I have been eating some leftovers but it would get thrown away anyway’
‘Well I have also caught you sneaking a few things from the kitchen during your shift’
‘Sorry I will stop, I promise’
‘No, don’t’. He smiled and laughed and little. He walked to the counter as he said
‘I like that you like my food’ He sounded very genuine, he turned would you like to try some of these, he smiled and brought over some little pastry things. I just stood there speechless.
‘Don’t worry, sit down, try them’ I slowly sat and tried one, it was so sweet, like it was saturated with syrup.
‘This is amazing’ He motioned for me to take another one, I hesitated
‘No go on, it would all go to waste otherwise, eat as much as you can’
He started clearing up a bit, what I should have been doing, I did try to help but he wouldn’t let me. I started eating again, we started to chat, he was surprisingly easy to talk to. Soon I’d forgotten myself again and kept eating and eating as we talked. Eventually, I was too full to eat any more. I leaned back on my chair and saw him looking at me. I was suddenly very aware of how large my stomach looked. I was wide, and that wide belly protruded forward, it sat on my lap halfway to my knees, it also sagged between my legs a little. I did not help that it was straining against my top which showed the harsh line where my leggings were cutting into the soft fat. I put my hands on it in some attempt to hide it, he looked amused. I got up and we awkwardly said our goodbyes.
The next day he stayed again, he’d also got a much bigger top which I was grateful for. Then he stayed most days, it kind of became a little routine. Once the initial awkwardness passed he got a bit more forceful. When I finished eating he’d bring me another thing going ‘I think you can fit in a bit more’ I’d protest a little but found it hard to refuse, it was really good. I started eating past when I was full, my stomach would start to ache and feel tight. I’d start breathing heavier, squirm uncomfortably and groan a little. He’d tease me a little, saying how can you possibly eat that much, then saying lets see how much more you can eat. It was quite playful, but he did keep getting me to eat to the point I was uncomfortably full. One day he said
‘can I try something to help with that?’
I nodded, he came and knelt on the floor in front of me. He lifted my top to expose my stomach, wow it really did have a lot of bright stretchmarks now I noticed, he gently let his hands sink into the soft flesh. I felt a shiver of excitement go through my body, then he pressed firmly and started rubbing my stomach. It hurt at first as I was too full, but his hands felt extremely good. My stomach did start to feel a little less strained.
‘Oh yeah that does feel better’ He started doing it regularly after that. This kind of went on like that for the next 5 or so months.
4 chapters, created 3 months , updated 3 months
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Hhhhh05 3 weeks
this will continue?
Videos900 3 months
Fun read, would love to see it continued!