Enabling Eloise

Chapter 1

Staring blankly at an overloaded menu, Eloise's heart rang in rhythm with the clinking of cutlery, the medley of gathered voices, and the symphony of the busy Manhattan eatery. Her eyes, loaded with mascara, fluttered nervously before sliding across the spaces, catching glimpses of patrons and waitstaff scrambled in a joyous dance of rushed serves and feisty laughter.

Biting the side of her tongue, she glanced at the entrance.

Dave would be here any moment. She allowed herself to daydream, running through her memories from the last week—the nerve-wracking, intriguing, and, honestly, somewhat intoxicating conversation with this man who filled her heart with a strange, unnamed fluttering sensation. That man who'd unexpectedly invited her on a date.

She was careful to avoid the dessert section, dismissing it altogether from her thoughts. Eloise had already decided to indulge beforehand.

Earlier that day, while no one was looking, she’d purchased a creamy, divine-smelling triple chocolate mousse cake and quickly ate it all. Handpicking decadent treats was a secret joy and small defiance of her otherwise cautious nature.

The doorbell chime pierced the quietude, snapping Eloise back to reality. Dave. Nervously, she shoved the small empty box into her oversized purse.

“Hey, you look stunning,” greeted Dave, his blue eyes taking in her black floral dress and loose hair. He pulled out a chair and sat down, smiling warmly. “I'm glad we did this, Eloise.”

Draping a strand of hair behind her ear, she responded, “Me too, Dave. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect when you asked me out. But I've enjoyed getting to know you better."

“Likewise.” Dave nodded, fumbling with his silverware. "Honestly, it's been a breath of fresh air."

The waiter appeared, clearing his throat politely to catch their attention. "Are you ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes?"

Eloise peered up from her perusal of Dave's strong forearms, a light blush tinting her cheeks. "Um, yeah. I believe we've decided."

They recited their orders—Eloise selecting an indulgent spaghetti carbonara, while Dave went for a juicy steak and a side of seasoned vegetables. The waiter retreated, leaving traces of their shared warmth lingering behind.
Eloise's hands fidgeted in her lap, a smile tugging at her scarlet-tinted lips. Dave, equally smitten, felt an inexplicable connection to this young, vivacious woman.

Their gazes met, establishing an effortless link.

"I must say, I'm quite intrigued," Dave admitted, admiration edging into his tone. "I've never seen someone devour a meal with such enthusiasm and fervor. You're enchanting, Eloise."

Eloise giggled, momentarily taken aback. "Well, you're one to talk! You're finishing your steak faster than I've ever seen someone tackle a medium-rare cut."

Biting into the cheesy, savory carbonara, Eloise's palate ignited. She couldn't help but release an audible hum of pleasure as the scrumptious flavors danced on her tongue.

With a playful grin, Dave teased, "You know, there's no shame in indulging. Why don’t you try some of mine too?” Dave pushed his perfectly seared steak toward her—its outer layer caramelized and the sheen of fat melding with its juices.

Unable to resist, Eloise allowed a morsel of the tender beef to rest on her tongue before eagerly cutting herself a more sizable piece. The contrast between the seasoned crust and the tender interior proved too delectable to resist, triggering an insatiable hunger for more exquisite textures. Her eyes widened in delight, which only deepened with Dave's gentle encouragement, as he offered her the remainder of his meal.

As they shared and explored each other's meals, Eloise and Dave slipped into a relaxed, joyous rapport. They laughed uninhibitedly, pouring out dreams, stories, and absurd anecdotes as though time had stretched into an infinite, weightless vacuum. Before long, Eloise had finished both of their plates without realizing the extent to which she ate.  She glanced up to find Dave smiling, almost as though he knew exactly how her guilty pleasure brought her such delight.

Eloise, cheeks now rosy with satisfaction, embarrassment, and more than a little food-induced euphoria, leaned back in her chair, patting her belly gently.

“I must admit, I don't think I've ever finished so much in one sitting. You're a bad influence,” she laughed playfully, though, softening her retort, and reluctantly allowed herself to surrender the final pieces of her carbonara.

Dave gazed intently at her. "You know, Eloise, I couldn't help but notice you didn't order dessert. What with that devilishly rich cake I saw you purchase earlier, are you certain you're not craving something sweet? I'd gladly share."

Feeling the empty cake box pressed against her side, Eloise's hesitation peaked. She bit her lip, deliberating. The indulgence of dinner had already exceeded her expectations. Yet, when she met Dave's imploring gaze, her inhibitions dissipated.

"Well, I do have something in mind," Eloise admitted with a timid smile. "If you promise not to judge, I’d happily order one more dish…to share of course."

"Judge you?" Dave feigned a scoff. "Impossible. I always save room for dessert.” Eloise summoned the words, gathering the shreds of her noticeably dwindling restraint.

“Excellent decision, Eloise.” Dave leaned back, his hands folded, lazily draped over his stomach, his body language noticeably relaxed. “However, as we’ve sat and food has settled, I think I’m tapping out. Can you handle finishing this yourself?” He asked her, intrigued to see if she could indulge that much. He couldn't help but wonder if her appetite would continue to surprise him.

Eloise didn't hesitate, mischief flickering in her eyes. "Oh, I'll manage," she replied, only the slightest tremble hinting at her hesitation.

Their eyes hovered on the delectable chocolate soufflé. A conspicuous silence swathed the table like a plush velvet curtain, the tension broken by Eloise's hands, fidgeting together in her lap.

Dave leaned forward, his arms propped against the table, genuinely intrigued. The hunger in his eyes had little to do with the chocolate soufflé and more to do with how much his new date could hold, eager to see if she held promise of weight to come. Dave's eyes twinkled, his lips curling into a faint smile. He leaned back against the cushioned booth, watching as Eloise approached the dessert like a person of few words might approach an old friend.

Hesitant, yet hopeful, her body fighting against the omnipresent societal demands of what a girl her age ‘should’ look like and the peaceful enjoyment of being present in a unique and judgment-free moment.

Carefully selecting her utensils and drawing them closer, Eloise glanced up at Dave beneath fluttering lashes.

He merely winked, providing his tacit approval for her to dive into the decadent soufflé.

Without another hesitation, her fork dove in! Its silver prongs pierced the dessert's flawless, golden-brown exterior, while the airy, melted chocolate core beneath oozed with an irresistible warmth. It parted with an artful, gooey sigh, a lovers' moan of delight that resonated from deep within the cloud-like edifice.

Eloise's eyes fluttered, the succulent chocolate beckoning her to take that first taste. Suppressing her shyness, she obediently dipped the fork into her mouth, relishing the symphony of flavors and textures. The velvety chocolate dissolved in a wave of sheer indulgence.

Every molecule seemed to summon Eloise further into the moment, teasing her palate with the soft touches and whispered promises of forgotten desires. It was an all-encompassing orgasm of flavors, yet it was merely a mouthful. The word “more” drummed eagerly on her taste buds.

As she dove back in for seconds, Dave watched from across the table, eyes alight with curiosity and something darker, something compelling as he calculated how far he could push his boundaries with this tantalizing young woman.

His hidden interests flipped switches inside him, electrifying his attention and sending a rush of pleasure through his veins.

Aided by their lengthened encounter and the food’s loose grasp on Eloise’s taut control, she gave into more than just Dave’s encouragement; she willingly surrendered to the dark pattering of her heart. This inclination toward fullness – an idea previously uncharted – made her breasts appear heavier in her fitted dress and her legs feel warmer against the cold plate. It was simple; it was delicious. It was illicit.

It was luscious. And it was addictive. With every bite, every sinfully rich morsel, Eloise felt the walls closing in – the golden handcuffs of her newfound desire clinking softly at her wrists. Weight, flesh, and adoration were previously foreign concepts, but she craved them more than she cared to admit. A shiver trailed up her spine when she caught Dave's gaze, scanning her hungrily, as if mentally undressing her swelling figure. Eloise flushed, part embarrassment, part exhilaration.

Had she truly just eaten not one, but two main courses and almost the entire chocolate souffle? And worse, did Dave truly watch her every movement with such ravenous desire?

She had never experienced this level of decadence. Every bite swimmingly delicious, the sensory satisfaction surpassed her wildest dreams, while Dave watched her, captivated by the way her cheeks bloomed from sun-kissed to scarlet. His darkened eyes followed the curve of her throat. How the beating pulse, emboldened and exposed, echoed his own racing heartbeat.

Dave's curiosity piqued, stirred by Eloise's abandoned delight, eyes hungrily drank in the voluptuous mounds barely contained by her floral dress.

Her dress hugged her gently bloated middle. In any other setting, Eloise might have worried about how revealing her newfound gourmand nature could be, but in this instance, the dress merely accentuated her delight. She could only marvel at her lack of concern. Had this beautiful and gentle man sitting across from her really opened the floodgates for such a liberating, seductive indulgence?

Dave flashed a wicked grin, eyes never leaving hers, committing the vision of her gently swelling frame to memory. He intended to nurture this unspoken agreement, to foster this rare, unguarded Eloise.

With practiced skill and care, Dave unleashed the man who was achingly familiar with a tantalizing predilection, beckoning him forward.

His lingering gaze slid over Eloise's softened curves, appreciating the generous evidence of her indulgence, as it settled comfortably across her midriff.

As Eloise caught Dave's admiring glance, she felt a guilty tingle spark at her core. Self-consciously, she slid her hand over the prominent swell of her belly, concealing it in a partially protective gesture. The shared chemistry between them sizzled with unspoken implications, binding them in a tacit conspiracy.

Dave lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Eloise, I don't know about you, but I'm craving something else—something sweeter to end this perfect night. Would you care to join me for a little dessert at my place?" Dave asked slyly, eyes gleaming with desire.

Eloise hesitated, knowing full well that she'd had enough food for the evening, but feeling irresistibly drawn to this fascinating new partner. She brushed aside her doubts and agreed.

Dave's elegant apartment served as a charming getaway from the bustling chaos of the city. A mix of contemporary and vintage styles, the high-rise space offered a tantalizingly intimate atmosphere.

Subtle, dim lighting bathed the living room, bestowing a warm, sultry glow upon the furnishings: plush sofas facing one another atop a decadent Persian rug and an ornate fireplace that whispered stories of secret passions and stolen nights.

Eloise exhaled, emboldened by the sanctuary Dave's apartment had become; her shoulders visibly relaxed, and she absently caressed the curve of her waist, considering the night's indulgences.

Dave, never one to dismiss a lingering thought, read her mind. "I have something delicious in mind, something decadent and worth indulging in," he assured her, summoning a devilish spark in his eyes.

"You've already done so much," Eloise confessed coyly, curling her legs beneath her as she perched on the edge of the sofa, her posture slightly demure.

With a playful nudge, Dave eased her into a reclined position. He disappeared into a hall, returning with a bottle in one hand and two fluted glasses in the other. Bubbles danced against the crystal, crackling their secrets into the quiet room, teasing Eloise's waiting senses.

"Chocolate covered strawberries and champagne, shall we?" Dave's grin widened as he popped the cork, a triumphant flicker in his gaze.

Eloise flushed, genuinely smiling, and extended her glass. "With pleasure," she murmured, unable to tear her gaze away from his demeanor.

The entire evening had been a series of small indulgences, from the witty banter to her inability to resist the desserts, and this felt like the pinnacle. However, there was still a sliver of uncertainty needling at her consciousness. Had she met this enchanting man simply because he was charming and kind or was there a more profound power at play? How much of this attraction stemmed from her hidden desire for acceptance and love, regardless of her indulgent nature?
7 chapters, created 3 months , updated 1 month
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Theswordsman 1 month
This is on fire!
Heyson1313 1 month
Thanks, mate! It’ll be moving to premium soon, so keep your eyes peeled.
KayRedd 2 months
This stort is both insanely hot, and very romantic. And he's about to take over her diet for a week? I can't wait! I love the dynamic between these two. Anybody know where I can meet Dave IRL? smiley
Holyheck24 3 months
This story was unbelievably hot thank you so much!
Heyson1313 3 months
I think it might have another chapter or two if inspiration strikers. Thank you!