She Just Can't Get Enough

  By Ljrockarts  Premium

Chapter 1

Chapter One 

“You don’t mind, do you?” Marta asked as she slyly slid her hand over the top of Lance’s rounded tummy as the two of them sat snuggled up together on the sofa in Lance’s apartment. 

“Not at all,” Lance answered with a smile, “after the huge meal you made for me tonight, I think I’m going to need a belly rub.” 

Marta had always been a very good cook with a passionate love for food, specializing in making hearty meals that would fill you up from the inside out, leaving you feeling full, satisfied and happy. Growing up in a family where most gatherings revolved around the kitchen, her love for cooking and sharing large portions became a part of who she was. Everyone in her family had a hearty appetite, and most of them were quite large. As such, Marta learned to appreciate those who had a bigger figure – especially men. Somehow though, Marta herself had managed to avoid taking on this family trait, as she remained quite slim. It wasn’t that she didn’t eat and indulge, as she loved to sample her own cooking as much as she loved sharing it with others. Yet and still, the calories had not as yet caught up with her. 

Since meeting her boyfriend Lance, her love for making good food and feeding people became almost entirely focused on him. Marta just adored Lance in every way. He was sweet, charming, and already adorably chubby, with the kind of build that Marta had always found incredibly attractive. Yet in her heart of hearts she had a secret desire: she wanted Lance to be bigger. Much bigger. The thought of him with more heft, more softness, made her pulse quicken. Knowing that his big belly would get even bigger and rounder, and knowing that it was her cooking that would make him that way gave Marta a thrill like nothing else.Still, she did have some reservations about the idea of being intentionally deceitful toward her boyfriend. She didn’t want to be dishonest with Lance, but she just wasn’t quite sure how to tell him what it was that she really wanted. "Ugh, I don’t think I can move," Lance muttered playfully, his fingers finding their way onto the top of Marta’s which were still firmly placed upon his round and swollen gut.

Marta sat beside him, her eyes glinting with a mix of affection and something else—something that made her pulse quicken slightly. She smiled to herself as she watched him, the way his belly filled out beneath his shirt, the contented way he leaned back against the couch. There was something that was just so comforting, so satisfying about seeing him like this, so full and relaxed.

“I think that meal might have been a little too good,” Lance said with a chuckle, glancing over at Marta. "You’ve really been spoiling me lately, you know."

Marta’s heart skipped a beat, but she played it cool, leaning in closer. “What? You don’t like being spoiled?” she teased, nudging him gently with her elbow.

Lance laughed, the sound warm and easy. “Oh, no complaints here,” he said, giving his belly a playful pat. “I’ve just noticed... you’ve been cooking a lot lately. And every time I turn around, there’s more food on my plate. It’s like you’re trying to fatten me up or something.”

He said it with a grin, clearly joking, but Marta’s stomach flipped at how close to the truth he was. She could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks, though she quickly masked it with a laugh. “Who, me?” she said, feigning innocence. “I just like seeing you enjoy my cooking, that’s all.”

Lance raised an eyebrow, still smiling, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. He had noticed the way Marta’s gaze lingered when he took another bite, the way her smile widened when he reached for seconds—or thirds. And tonight, after that massive meal of pasta, bread, and a decadent dessert, he couldn’t help but feel like Marta had been particularly… pleased.

“Well, I can’t deny I’m enjoying it,” he said, shifting slightly on the couch. “But you’ve been feeding me like I’m in training for something.” He looked at her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “You like me at this size, don’t you?”

Marta hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the heat rising in her face, and she struggled to come up with a casual reply. But the way he was looking at her—teasing but kind—made her feel a little bolder.

“What if I do?” she said quietly, her voice soft but playful. “You look good like this, you know. Comfortable… happy.”

Lance blinked, surprised by the honesty in her voice. His hand instinctively rested on his belly again, and he gave it a small, thoughtful pat. “You mean you like all this?” he asked, genuinely curious.

Marta bit her lip, feeling her heart race even faster. She hadn’t planned on being this direct so soon, but there was no point in denying it now. She gave him a soft smile, her eyes flicking to his belly and back to his face. “Yeah,” she admitted. “I do.”

Lance chuckled, a little taken aback but clearly flattered. “Wow,” he said, his grin widening. “Most people try to tell me I should cut back, maybe hit the gym more.”

Marta shook her head, her hand brushing against his as it rested on his belly. “Not me,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”

There was a beat of silence between them, the air thick with unspoken words. Lance looked at her, trying to read her expression, trying to figure out just how deep her feelings about his size went. He could tell there was more to it than she was letting on, but the thought didn’t bother him. In fact, it kind of… intrigued him.

“Well,” he said, his tone lighter, though his eyes still held that spark of curiosity. “I guess I’m lucky, huh? Having someone who likes me this much… belly and all.”

Marta laughed, the tension easing as the moment passed. “Yeah,” she said with a wink. “You are.”

As they settled back into the couch, Lance glanced over at her, still amused by the whole thing. He wasn’t entirely sure where this was going, but one thing was for certain: he liked the way Marta looked at him, the way her face lit up when he was just being himself, soft and full and content.

And, if he was being honest, he was kind of looking forward to seeing where this might lead.
6 chapters, created 1 day , updated 1 day
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