Bondage Pig

Chapter 1 - 1

You lie still in the warm bed and listen to the click-clack of her high heels as she approaches. The door opens and the hourglass siloutte of your Mistress appears in the doorway.
"Time to get up, jelly belly. They'll be here in a little more than an hour."
You rise slowly, struggle out of bed. Your Mistress gasps as you stand, taking the full measure of your fattened physique. She crosses to you and clips a black leather leash into your collar. You are led down the long hallway to the dining room. All the extra weight she's put on you bounces and wobbles. Your love handles have grown so much in the last two months; you're now wider at the waist than the hips (and your hips are quite wide, you greedy pig.)
In the dining room is a large empty table made of dark wood. In the center sits a silver platter about four feet square. In the ceiling directly above the platter is a stainless steel ring twinkling in the light of a chandelier. Your mouth dries with excitement. You feel the insides of your thighs getting hot. Your mistress places a black leather bag on the table, smiles at you and begins removing several coils of rough, light brown rope. She places the coils neatly on the table's edge and gives a light tug on your leash. You move closer. Her breath quickens, she hefts your soft, bulging belly, testing its weight. She pinches a thick roll below your armpit and wiggles it. Her upper chest flushes slightly. "Goodness piggy, you've gotten so fat, I hope I brought enough rope." She laughs devilishly.
She helps you onto the table, cooks file in with platters of food: the tin clink of silverware, the scraping of plates on wood. Your mouth waters: you smell the spit-roasted meats, braised potatoes, sauteed vegetables, cakes, pies.
Your mistress positions you on all fours in the center of the empty platter. She pushes the small of your back into a slight downward arch and tip your chin slightly upwards. She loosens one coil of rope and begins to bind you. She passes the length of rope around your upper inner thigh at the hip joint, then underneath your large, yielding buttock. The other leg is tied in the same manner. The rope is then passed underneath your heavy,wobbling, hanging tummy (it almost sags to the table now). She then passes the rope around your hips underneath where those soft, bulging love handles start. She crosses the rope above the small of your back and then around front along the line of your ribcage."To show off this huge, greedy gut I've grown you," She whispers in your ear. Giving your bloated,sagging pot a rough jiggle. Gooseflesh forms along your neck and upper shoulders. You are being trussed to accentuate your abject fatness; she's turned you into an absolute PIG and you begin to pant with pleasure. The coarse rope tightens around your widest parts; your softest parts; your most vulnerable parts.
Your mistress places a bolster underneath your sternum to support your weight. She pulls both arms behind you with your fingers pointed at your neck, forearms parallel to your spine. She ties your arms at the wrists,the elbows, the shoulders. She weaves a long, black silk scarf in with the bundle of rope and blindfolds you with its free end.The loose strands are then run through a loop at your mid-back, up through the stainless steel ring in the ceiling. She pulls firmly on the rope and ties the taught ends to a stanchion on the wall. Your head and tailbone are pulled upward, your chest lifts off the bolster and the tightened ropes squeeze into your buter-soft pig fat. Rolls and rolls of blubber bulge heavily between the passes of rope. Your soft, bloated belly is pressed outward and lifted away from your thighs ever so slightly. Your wide, heavy ass cheeks are tugged upwards and spread wide. You're completely bound and helpless and on display in the center of the long table. Your mistress click-clacks to the end of the long table and returns with a shiny red apple, smiling. "Just one little thing to complete the scene my fat,fat, lazy darling." She wedges the apple in your eager mouth and laughs with delight.
"Don't worry, tubby, it's just for affect. You'll be fed plenty tonight."
Your nipples harden, your breath shortens. A tall, handsome man in a crisp waistcoat enters the room and addresses your mistress.
"Madame, the guests have arrived. They're quite excited. I've shown them to the parlor."
She smiles, "Thank you, I'll retrieve them shortly." She turns to you and sighs, runs her soft, manicured hand, her bright red nails, along the length of your fleshy flank, pausing to pinch, to wiggle, to savor your lovely squeezed-out rolls of blubbery hog fat. She reaches her hand under your chin and she squeezes your plump, piggy cheeks. Then comes close and kisses you softly on the forehead. You moan through your nose, your mouth stretched with apple. Your mistress turns and walks toward the dark double doors.
2 chapters, created 11 years
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Blubberjiggler1 5 years
I thought for sure those women were going to roast that hog for dinner! Excellently written as always - absolutely love all your stories.
Fatlilboy 8 years
Biggirlsareg... 10 years
I was bored, had nothing better to do so I started going back in the story archive..........damn am I glad I did.
Nok 11 years
Zaftig 11 years
Really digging your repeated themes of teasing and stuffing willing piggies. Keep up the great work!
Bradypig 11 years
Incredible!!! I want to be that pig!!!