Chapter 1 - Waiting
David was lying in bed, unable to get up. He was now a massive young man, huge and happy. You could tell by the smile on his face. He could do nothing much more than eat, watch TV, sleep, and wait.He remembered all the good times spent with Barbara, and especially the words that started these times, like the word 'exercise'.
‘Exercise’ just meant that David had to stand above Barbara, lying on a board, and do her strength exercises by lifting his huge, sagging belly. Because she was a weightlifting champion and also a feeder, she had convinced him that if he wanted to stay together, he had to support her on her way to the title of champion. She used him as a muscle maintenance device; the more she trained, the more he had to fatten up, ‘especially the belly,’ she would always say, patting his ever-growing gut.
Another word came back to his mind: 'encouragement'; just thinking of it aroused him. In the same position, Barbara simply raised the board on which she was lying at the level of his cock and gave him a blowjob.
But what he preferred to hear most was the word 'reward’. It simply meant that Barbara congratulated him on his weight gain at the end of her training, when he had swallowed all the weight gain shake she had put in a funnel for him to drink. She even sometimes said to him, ‘You drank it all to the last drop; I will suck you the same way.' If Eden was a feeling, that would be it, for sure thought David.
The last time he saw her, she had whispered in his ear, ‘Wait there, my fat piggy, that I blow up your friend Paul the same way and that I use your two huge bellies, one for each hand. No more exercise for me with you for the time being, and of course no exercise for you at all; you mustn’t lose any of those delicious pounds.
It was in this state that David stood and waited in a state of awe, an even fatter pig to be. Yes, very fat and so happy and longing to chat with Paul about the whole process they both went through.
Soon after David heard ‘exercise you two’...
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 5 months