
  By Azerty  

Chapter 1 - My turn ?

I could remember Jenny as a thin and pretty woman, but when I saw her yesterday evening, she was huge and still beautiful, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. I hadn’t seen her for months, in fact since Dave, her husband passed away.
Peggy, my wife, knew what I had in mind, hypnotize was I by the change in her best friend's appearance: “she’s beautiful isn’t she?”
Peggy, my wife, knew what I had in mind, hypnotize was I by the change in her best friend's appearance: “she’s beautiful isn’t she?”
I could only answer by shaking my head, a true and stupid yes.
I finally said: “do you know what happened. Well of course you do, they are no secrets between you two.”
Peggy laughed “yes she told me that before Dave passed away they had a good talk together and Jenny promised him she would do her best to become as fat as him or event fatter so she wouldn't ever forget him. It seems that she stuck to her word, what do you think darling?”
“Sure she did, it suits her very well, I don’t know if she’s as fat as Dave, but she is very fat and beautiful indeed. But I also remember when they first met, Dave was as thin as her. He blew up while they were together.”
“Yes she fed her husband so well, than within only a few years he had nearly doubled his weight. She blew him right like a balloon. What do you think darling?”
“It’s as she perpetuated Dave’s life within her.”
“Well… that could well be it.”
“What do you mean?”
“How do you think she grew so fat and so quickly? The best way to never forget him is to have him in her. It’s a true proof of love in fact.”
“I don’t understand! Do you mean she fattened him up for her pleasure to be sure one day she could…”
“… Eat him! Yes, eat him, like I’d like to eat you! What do you think darling?”
Peggy burst out in a huge laughter and we went to our room and got prepared to bed.
While in the bathroom and looking at my enormous belly, Peggy teased me, putting her hands all over my round body, starting by my moods, cupping them, then slowly going down to my belly and love handles. After several minutes, she whispered in his ear: “Stan darling, I hope you like being this fat? I believe I did a good job fattening you up. I promise: you’ll always be with me, what ever happens. What do you think darling?”
1 chapter, created 10 months , updated 7 months
2   1   1102

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Td0057 6 months
Very ominous. Will there be anymore?
Azerty 6 months
Yes, dreams or nightmares can be aminous. I don't know if there'll be more.