A New Body for Emily (part One)

Chapter 1: A Not-So-Normal Monday

Emily stared out the window of her cramped office, watching the rain drizzle down the glass. Her fingers drummed idly on the desk as she sighed, lost in the repetitive hum of her daily life. It was always the same: wake up, go to work, sit at a desk, deal with her bitch of a boss and repeat. At 27, she felt like she was running on a treadmill, moving but never getting anywhere.

Her long blonde hair, usually tied up in a neat bun, had loosened throughout the day, and she absently tucked a strand behind her ear. She didn’t wear much make-up to work, just a flick of mascara to highlight her bright blue eyes and a swipe of lip gloss. She wished she had time to wear a full face of make-up but she prioritised sleep over the extra thirty minutes she would need in the morning. She glanced at the clock—5:45 PM. Almost time to go home to her small, lonely apartment. It wasn’t much but after her grandma had died (her last living relative) it was home. She has tried to do it up as best she could on her tiny secretary pay check. It wasn’t a Kartrashian style mansion but it was home.

As she packed up her things, she heard the familiar swoosh of a new email hitting her inbox. Urgh, just what she needed as she was about to leave. Glancing at the screen, she saw the senders name was blocked. Huh, that was weird. Curious, she clicked on the flashing envelope.

“You are cordially invited to an exclusive event at the Belmont Mansion. Saturday, 8 PM. Dress to impress.”

The name at the bottom was unfamiliar—Dominic. No last name, just Dominic. The invitation was vague, but the opulent quality of the email spoke volumes. Belmont Mansion was known for hosting only the most elite of gatherings, places where someone like Emily would never receive an invitation. But here it was, in her inbox, as if it had been meant for her all along.

Who was this, Dominic? And why had he invited her, of all people?

She didn’t know if she should go to this party. How had he even gotten her email address? But maybe she needed to go or she would be left with questions and no answers.
8 chapters, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
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Juicy 1 week
Really fun, sexy story. Could easily continue if you want it to, like in further stories, vignettes rather than a through written long story? Could be fun.

On the other hand it's great as it is. :-)
PunchDrunk 1 week
Thank you so much! That's actually a great idea smiley xxx
Theswordsman 2 weeks
They deserve each other
PunchDrunk 2 weeks
Zxcv 2 weeks
Amazing!! Really can’t wait for part 2 smiley
PunchDrunk 2 weeks
Thank you so much! This means a lot, I was so nervous to post my work xxx
PunchDrunk 2 weeks
This is my first story on here. Would love to know what you all enjoy reading. x
McGiever 2 weeks
Fantastic can't wait for more!