Amanda's Social Project

Chapter 1

This Monday started like every other Monday. Amanda gets to work and starts to call and confirm appointments for the day. So many don't show up to the doctor visit they themselves set.

Some of the clients forget but most are embarrassed because of their weight. Just getting them to the office is often a big effort. A few have to travel in an ambulance because they won't fit in a regular vehicle. Most of the clients are morbidly obese. Business for the clinic has exploded since the show 600 Pound Life started. Amanda tried to be as understanding as she could but it wasn't easy.

Amanda thought the same thing with each person that wanted the weight loss surgery. 'Why did you let yourself gain 600 pounds if you didn't want to be 600 pounds?' She never had the courage to actually ask the question though. She would just make her calls and then greet the clients that did actually show up, doing her best to make them comfortable.

Today felt different for Amanda though. She had done some soul searching over the weekend and thought she would like to talk on a personal level with the clients. She knew such a thing could get her fired but she wanted to know what made these people tick. She also was fascinated by the weight gain community and people that were obese and comfortable being that way. She had to know if these clients had ever taken part in feederism. She just needed to formulate a plan. A reason to befriend them and ask the questions.

The first appointment today was a 432 pound man named Jim. He always came in with his wife who was normal size. She was attractive and doted on Jim as if he was helpless. It was clear that she enjoyed Jim's growing dependence on her. Amanda wanted to talk to him about it but was sure his wife would take it the wrong way so she just gave him the insurance paperwork and went back to her desk. She had to find a way to bring the subject up. She had to make it known that she wasn't judging, just curious.

Once she had Jim away from his wife and on his way to the exam room she asked.

"Hey Jim, can I ask you a personal question or two? I will respect your decision either way. I just have a few questions."

"Sure Nurse Amanda. What would you like to know?"

Amanda stood a little shocked at his willingness to talk then she let it out.

"Jim, I see that you're big. I see you're uncomfortable but I have to know when you decided to make it stop?"

"Make what stop? You mean getting fatter?"

"Well yes Jim. You knew at 250 you were getting heavy then at 300 you had to see the change in your body. I mean what let you decide to go this far?

Jim sat silent for a few seconds. Seemed like an hour then he let out a heavy sigh.

"Wife. She just keeps feeding me. If I am on a diet she feeds me deserts. She overloads me with carbs. She packs the weight on me then bitches about me not having any energy or wanting to do anything."

"Jim, how can it be her fault. It's not like she is drugging you then shoving the food down you. I mean my question is how did it get this far and why now are you here to make it all go away?"

Amanda could tell that this question, the whole conversation actually, was making Jim uncomfortable. Amanda thanked him for talking to her then after helping him on the exam table she left the room.

She knew she needed to change her approach. She wanted open honest conversation about a somewhat taboo topic so the subject can't feel ambushed. This would take better planning.
7 chapters, created 6 years , updated 6 years
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