Anomalous Fatty Files-the Machine

Chapter 1

Name: The machine.
Number designation: 02
Type: Anything.
Threat level: Passive
Security level: Passive
Status: In containment.
Description: The machine is a large 9 feet tall 3d printer measuring 12 feet side to side ... Its design is very reminiscent of the industrial revolution with several gears and steam vents being present on the machine..
..The machine was located in a old facility after a anonymous tip told the A.F.C.O about a certain machine they should take a look at….At the front if the machine lies a receptacle that can take in any form of paper and a large tube that extends downwards pushing the products of the printer out of the machine….At the back of the apparatus lies a huge storage tank that has the capacity to jiggle upon touch and has a somewhat fleshy feeling to it… This has brought into question whether or not the machine is alive or not however results have proven inconclusive as of yet…The machine also appears to have the words Miller Electronics plastered over the side which may connect it to Person of interest 01 Daniel Miller, main auction and creator of Frida Fatty or Anomaly 01…. The machine is set within the storage closet K-9 in the overweight containment wing. The machine possess the Anomalous ability to seemingly create living creatures….By placing a photograph of the creature into the machine the machine will immediately get to work creating a life sized version of that entity and pushing it out into the real world where the entity will believe that it is real and not a drawing come to life….Seemingly the machine can sense what the character is like from drawing as artists all say that the entity's created from this machine are always 100% in line with the characters they had in mind…The machine takes anywhere between 12 seconds and 12 hours to create the creature henceforth designated as a “Ink Man” or “Ink woman” due to them being mainly composed of dry ink…The Ink man will typically live for a large amount of time unless the machine is damaged, in which case the entity's show signs if distress….The machine has a tendency however to….Get the appetite slightly incorrect….It appears as if while the personality and the design is always perfect the characters typically show a desire to eat and consume excessively and may disregard certain customs or personality traits depending on the amount of nourishment they receive….Below is a few listed interviews with specific cases of 02 Inkman….

“Interview-02-A-Betty boobs-01”

Forward: This entity was created in front of the research team exactly 23 minutes before this interview commenced when one of the scientists a certain Dr Sparks put in a photograph of a fetishisized cartoon character Betty boobs (A rendition of Betty Boop that put more emphasis on her breast region) seemingly as a joke. The entity was then birthed 20 minutes later fully clothed and able to speak however showing a level of confusion until she noticed Dr Sparks and seemingly calmed down, she was then taken to a basic overweight interview room and the interview commenced.


Dr Sparks: OK so….What do you want me to call you exactly?

B.B: You can call me whatever you want daddy, as long as you show me a good time like before of course…

(Note: Her voice is seemingly nearly identical to another researcher working with Dr Sparks for the last 3 months by the name of Dr Kal.)

Dr Sparks: Why do you sound like that!??!?

B.B: Sounds like what? A little Bimbo who wants to fulfil your every fantasy?

Dr Sparks: I….What are you?? Who are you!?!? Why are you like this???

B.B: I'm only like you wanted me to be…Is this not pretty enough for you!?!??!

(B.B then gestured to her E Cup breasts and began trying to cup them in her hands while seemingly holding back a emotional outburst which caused Dr Kal to enter from the back of the interviewing room)

Dr Kal: Ok this little interview is adjourned Sparks, get out now!!

Dr Sparks: But I-

Dr Kal: As your senior in every way I demand you to leave this interview room and get back to the rest of the research team. Immediately.

(Dr Sparks then gets up and exists the room leaving Betty Boobs and Dr Kal alone)

B.B: You SNIFF kind of sounds like me toots……Why…Why did you steal him from me??

Dr Kal: I'm afraid I don't understand….What do you mean by stealing him? I only tried to get him out of the room, no?


Dr Kal: I'm…I'm sorry, I still don't understand…Me and Dr Sparks have never been intimate or even friendly…What makes you so sur-


(The Inkmon said grabbing her tits and bouncing them up and down in her black attire, they seemingly followed the rules of a cartoon and were able to bounce and hold a shape way better than any human female ever could)

Dr Kal: I see ... .Well is there anything I can do to help you ... .I'm sorry I don't think I quite caught your name…

B.B: The name Betty Boops you slut, and ye'll do well to remember it….

(A large audible growl is then heard as B.B's stomach begins physically rumbling the room around her as lines travel up and down her midsection)

B.B: Well you Dick bag you can start by trying to get me some proper food, I don't think you need any more after all!!

(She said pointing towards Dr Kals slight belly that she had gained mostly from her slightly hedonistic lifestyle)

Dr Kal: We will work right on it Betty…


Addendum: Upon analysis of Dr Sparks living quarters it was discovered that several drawings of cartoon characters had been stored beneath his bed of which Betty Boobs was a recurring character within the last 5-7 months with her quickly becoming the main drawing out of any of his other Oc's, it was also discovered that Dr Sparks had several photographs of Dr Kal which he had taken within the last few months….A few chimaeras existed where Dr Kals face would be placed on top of Betty Boobs body, these photographs were immediately incinerated upon containment and the other cartoon characters were kept for further research purposes…Dr Kal then moved Dr Sparks to a new project away from her and imposed several restrictions on him as a punishment for his pervish behaviour…Betty Boobs was then given her food consisting of a McDonald's happy meal and some Soda…She soon seemingly began to show signs of depression and requested more food….Written below is a incomplete list of characters the Dr Sparks had drawn that were later used in The machine.

Elastigirl- A superhero from the pixar classic film Incredibles however blown up to be the size of a mattress with a dopey expression on her face that looked like confusion, she wore her super suit however it was stretched over her like a sheet….She had a bow in her hair that was coloured pink which appeared to be the only coloured thing on the photo. She became 02-B-Elastibelly.

Wonder woman- Another female superhero however from DC this time, she appeared to be in a 2 piece bikini which did not cover much of her sagging sweaty cellulite ridden belly…She appeared to be stuffing her face on the streets with what appeared to be hot dogs…Passers-by on the street seem to be staring at the American flag she's wearing as a Cape get stuck in her ass crack. She has been labelled 02-C-Wonder Weight.

Black widow- The final of Dr Sparks addictions when it came to female heroines and certainly the most lardy….She appeared to weigh over 3 tonnes and was immobile…She was sitting in a stationary quinjet butt naked with a large green dildo she appeared to be using to get to her fupa…Behind her were several stink clouds that coloured the jet browns and greens….She was given the designation 02-D-Weighty Widow.

Rapunzel- This Specimen was clearly made more for slobbery than any weight gain as she is drawn very differently to the previous entries….She is drawn from behind sitting down with a large amount of dung being beneath her. Her ass Is covered in cellulite patches and her long long hair seems to have been added to her back rolls ... .This Specimen was given the designation 02-E-Rancid Rapunzel.

Interview 02-D-Weighty widow-01

Forward: Weighty widow was brought into this world a long 3 days before her interview due to an unexpected problem with the machine causing it to take around 12 hours to produce Weighty Widow. Upon being brought in she showed advanced stages of hunger and malnutrition for a girl her size and was hooked up to emergency calorie pumping machines in obese level containment…She was kept in there for a long time to the point where the entire room was deemed hazardous to enter due to the amount of gas the Inkmon released, she notably enjoyed the smell and only agreed to the interview on the condition she got her green dildo….

Dr Kal: Hello there Weighty Widow, how are you adjusting to our world

Natasha: P-Please cahll meh ...*frPPp*... n-natashha…

Dr Kal: Oh of course sorry, um well how are you finding life here in A.F.C.O custody??

Natasha: W-Weell fine ...*splutter*... II ...*Pffpffrrrtblt*... g-gueshs, ...*Splrrpffrtbtlt*... II'm ah ...*PblttFFf*... l-little ...*Pffpffrttt*... peent'sh uuhp r-riight'sh ...*Pffpffrttt*... noohw...II coouuld r-reeaahlly uuhsheeh ...*frrt*... aah p-paaiihr ...*Frrrpffltbtt*... ohf ...* pffft *... shlender h-haahndsh right'sh nohw...

Dr Kal: Natasha we agreed you will get your sexual release after this interview ok? Now I know 3 days can be a long time but please just relax ok? Now next question….What do you remember before coming here?

Natasha: W-Weell I ...*thbbbt*... remember g-gettin' ...*squelch*... ohn ...*Splrrpffrtbtlt*... deh ...*BRRPFFBLTTT*... q-quuiihnn ...*BlllffftTT*... jet....I rehmehmbehr f-feehlihn' ...*Pffpffrttt*... aa lihttleh ...*Splrrrpffltt*... ah-ahnxiouhsh, ...*PffpfFRrpbltt*... shoo ...*prrbt*... I p-puhllehd oouuht'sh ahn ...*prrbt*... eeh-eehmeehrgeehncy ...*Splrrrpffltt*... dildo aahnd g-got'sh to work, y-yoouuh ...*brap*... guuhysh haahveeh t-thoohsheeh ...*frrt*... riight?

(Its around this time that Natasha looks like she's going to faint from exhaustion…The Hyper Obese interview room was always kept cold and well ventilated however now it was balmy and it smelled like a sewer, the mattress meant to absorb all of her sweat and stool was overflowing and each loud fart was causing her huge ass cheeks to clap and her entire body to jiggle uncontrollably like a liquid…)

Dr Kal: Well um yes but…God I'm sorry but you reek….What are we feeding you!!??

Natasha: II doon't'sh knohw ...*PFFFPTTT*... s-shoomee ...*brap*... shloop ...*Frrrpffpbltt*... that'sh m-makesh ...*squelch*... mee ...*BlllffftTT*... huungriieer…

Dr Kal: Ok this interview is officially over, see you in a week Weighty Widow….

Addendum: Upon exiting this interview a new protocol is to be put in place immediately regarding what entity's can and can't be made using 02…Due to the nature of entities over 300 pounds in weight being so enthralled by their animal lusts they cannot be trusted to answer any questions or hold interviews, it is for this reason that all papers must now be triple checked by research group “Benders” before being allowed into 02 at all…
Weighty Widow upon finishing this meeting was given a green dildo and locked in the morbidly obese section where as standard protocol suggests a tube was inserted into her ass which pumped the gas out of the room and into storage…

Interview 02-A-Betty Boobs-02

Forward: It has been approximately 6 weeks since interview 01 with Betty Boobs by now and all she seemingly has been doing is crying, cursing and consuming….She was last weighed at around 260 pounds which she has been gaining exponentially faster and faster….She is still contained in the overweight containment wing but some are considering moving her cell as her ass Is rapidly outgrowing everything else in the cell…


Dr Kal: Why hello there Betty….Have you calmed down since last we spoke?


Dr Kal: Please Betty im trying to do this for everyone, if you don't cooperate I will need to send you back to your cell…

B.B: Did you know…?

Dr Kal: Please can you repeat that?

B.B: They are talking about moving me to a more secure containment wing…Something about a lot of lard being put on really fast? Please tell me they are lying…

Dr Kal: I am not at liberty to lie to you…So yes there is some talk about moving you up to another containment wing…Unless you talk to me and we can try and figure something out….Please let me help you….

B.B……Fine ..PFFFPTTT. .OK Doc asks away….

Dr Kal: How much have you been eating since my last visit?

B.B: A lot….I just…I just can't stop myself….

Dr Kal: Ahhh I see your addicted to fo-


(A silence falls over the interview room as Betty Boobs and Dr Kal just stare at each other for 20 seconds…)

B.B: I-I'm shorry ... .-.I jusht'sh ... .-.It'sh feelsh like e-every part'sh of m-muh body ish b-bein' told to e-eat, all day e-everyday ... .Like n-nothin' elshe ish w-worth doin' any m-more….

Dr Kal: And why do you think this started…?

B.B-Becaushe....I'm a monshter...We a-are all monshters'h i-in here right? I-I'm a monshter t-that'sh meant'sh to t-turn into a f-fat'sh pig like t-that'sh shwine Wonder W-Woman

Dr Kal: Ahhh so you know Wonder Woman, who told you that she was brought here actually?

B.B: BlllffftTTW-Wait'sh ...*squelch*... what'sh do ...*frPPp*... y-you ...*Sblrrpfffttt*... mean shhe's'h ...*squelch*... h-here? ...*SplrrpffTTbt*... You ...*brap*... brought'sh h-her through ...*brrrt*... ashwell?!?!

Dr Kal: Wait….So youre saying that in your world Wonder Woman was fat??!?!? Was she a big fan of hotdogs!?!?

B.B: W-Well I mean ...*nnghhmm*... y-yesh, ofcourshe!! ...*mmphh*... She w-wash ...*nnnff*... caught'sh ...*OOOOHHHHRRRRP*... on c-camera ...*hnnghh*... piggin' ...*nff*... out'sh ...*whimper*... i-in ...*mmpphhff*... de ...*hmmff*... shtreets'h ...*ouurRRPp*.. d-durin' her ...*ehhphh*... weight'sh w-week!!

Dr Kal: What's a weight week?

B.B: A-Aren't'sh ...*ehhnn*... you ...*mmehh*... a g-girl? ...*nnghhmm*... You ...*blurRRPPhh*... know ...*ehhrrgh*... o-once every month o-or ...*mmpphhff*... sho ...*OOOOHHHHRRRRP*... you ...*rrrRPPPphh*... k-kinda loshe ...*pruurRPP*... control a-and get'sh ...*bworrRRPPp*... a b-bit'sh ...*hrrpPPPHH*... hungry?

Dr Kal: Wait so…Do you get a…Oh god no…This meeting is adjourned Betty I will see you tomorrow ok??

B.B: W-Where are ... you g-going!?!??

Addendum: Following this meeting Dr Kal combined notes gathered on all forms if 02 inkmon and a common trend was discovered between each of them, they all had no periods but instead consumed 5 times their normal limit at the time for about a week every 4 weeks…This has led to the current hypothesis that these Inkmon seemingly all come from the same place (being drawn by the same person probably has that effect) and all follow similar rules….But the food out here must put a lot of strain due to the amount of nutritional value it has compared to what they have back in their world….As a result it is believed that the current 6 Inkmon created are to remain the only inkmon created as so far the A.F.C.O has found no way to slow down their ravenous appetite…Most of them are in the obese section drinking more then they need every day getting fatter and fatter like cattle….They all have very wide asses and are generally friendly so they can be accessed by anyone as long as they allow…So far the largest is Weighty Widow weighing in at around 7 tonnes of pure lard followed closely by Wonder Weight being at the 6 tonne mark herself then elastibelly at 4 tonne and the list goes on…Betty Boobs has been shown to have a little more self control then the other 5 and as such is allowed to move around the facility albeit under the watch of security….The machine endures still though, and a large amount of security is posted around it in fear of making a lifeform with malicious intent….
This concludes our look into The 3d printer and the Inkmon
1 chapter, created 9 months , updated 9 months
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