Becoming Her Bulk

  By Morbido

Chapter 1

You wake up to a disgusting smell assaulting your nose... You look around and see what appears to be a dumpster... There are takeout bags and dirty clothes everywhere. The air is thick with the odors of stale food and sweat, creating a nauseating mix that makes your head spin.

[Unknown Woman]: Oh, hi darling... I see you finally woke up... My name is Susie... your beloved

Susie can only be described as slovenly. She has a fat body, dirty, stained clothes, greasy, disheveled hair, and she seems to have a really unpleasant smell, a mix of sweat, old food, and something indefinable but terrible.

[Susie]: Oh, and sorry about the mess...

[You]: Hey! Who the hell are you?

[Susie]: Our relationship is simple, you're my boyfriend and I'm your loving girlfriend

Susie smiles and slowly pushes you down onto the bed, her weight crushing you, making it hard to breathe.

[Susie]: However, the reason you woke up in my bed... is because I kidnapped you

[Susie]: I knew a guy like you would never give me a second glance in real life... so I figured kidnapping was the right solution

Susie moves closer to you, invading your personal space. Her hot, humid breath hits your face, the smell from her mouth almost unbearable.

[Susie]: And now that I have you, I’ll never let you go

[You]: But... I don’t remember knowing you...

You notice your hand is cuffed to the edge of the bed. Your mind tries to piece things together, but it's all too confusing.

[Susie]: Of course you don’t remember me...

She slowly sits on you, trapping you under her fat body. The weight of her body crushes you, every breath a struggle.

[Susie]: When I saw you on that app, I knew you were the one

Susie smiles, getting comfortable on top of you, scratching her bloated, greasy, and sweaty belly. Every movement of hers seems weighed down by incredible laziness.

[You]: You look at her enormous body, she seems like a whale made of lard.

[Susie]: Do you like the view... my love?

She smiles and pats her belly, laughing at your expression. The sound of flesh slapping together is disturbing.

[Susie]: Come on... a little weight doesn’t disgust you, does it?

[You]: I’m more shocked by her weight and body than by being kidnapped.

[Susie]: Pfft... you should have seen your face! It looked like you’d seen a ghost

She laughs, emitting a loud and obnoxious burp, and pats her belly again, her body vibrating with the movement.

[Susie]: What? Never seen a girl with a bit of meat on her bones?

The sound of her laughter fills the room, mingling with the smell and the mess, creating a claustrophobic and oppressive atmosphere.

As I watch her burp, I notice her belly isn’t just fat; it’s filled to the brim, like it’s been stuffed endlessly.

[Me]: How much have you eaten?

[Susie]: I don’t know

She looks down at her stomach and presses on it with some force. The flesh moves under her hand, rippling like jelly.

[Susie]: Not enough

She laughs again and rubs her belly in circular motions, her smile widening as she revels in her own bulk.

[Susie]: I ate a whole pizza earlier... and two full tubs of ice cream...

[Me]: But hey... where am I... and why am I here... I don’t remember anything...

[Susie]: It’s simple

She smiles and gives my forehead a light tap, her touch surprisingly gentle for someone so large.

[Susie]: You’re in my room, on my bed... and you’re here because I kidnapped you

[Me]: How did I get here?

She smiles and leans in, bringing her face right in front of mine. Her hot, heavy breath hits me, the smell of food and stale breath is pungent.

[Susie]: I invited you over to "spend some time together"... only I drugged you and brought you here

[Me]: Wait... you’re Susie? From Tinder?

[Susie]: That’s right It’s me

She laughs and rests her head on my chest, rubbing against me. Her enormous body crushes me, her heat suffocating.

[Susie]: Surprising it took you this long to recognize me

[Me]: But... your profile picture...

In the picture, Susie looked completely different: thin, long straight hair, a well-groomed and attractive face. She seemed like someone who could turn heads in any room.

[Susie]: Well, yeah...

She leans down and burps in my face before bursting into laughter again. The sound is wet and powerful, and the smell is almost unbearable.

[Susie]: That girl was just some chick I found online I could never be that pretty

[Me]: You said this isn’t the place you invited me to, if I understand correctly.

She smiles and gives my cheek a gentle poke, her finger sinking slightly into my skin.

[Susie]: You really are that gullible, huh?

[Me]: Where are we?

[Susie]: We’re in a little cabin...

She laughs loudly, burping in my face again. Each burp seems longer and louder than the last, as if she’s doing it on purpose to disturb me.

[Susie]: In the middle of the woods, far from any civilization

[Me]: And why did you do all this...

[Susie]: Because I knew you’d never give me a second glance otherwise

She smiles and pats her belly again, making the bed creak under her weight. The sound of the wood groaning beneath her makes me fear the bed might collapse at any moment.

[Susie]: I knew if I wanted you, I had to be a bit... well... drastic
4 chapters, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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Man567 1 week
good story please continue