Chapter 1
How she hated having to attend after-work parties. But it couldn’t be helped. That was just how business was done here in Japan. At least the negotiations were moving forward slowly, but steadily. Her co-worker’s gut was growing steadily too. Although not very slowly. The fact that their Japanese negotiation partners were constantly ordering him more food was not helping. Apparently, they thought bribing the other party with food would gain them an advantage.
“Hmmm, those are soooo good!”, he remarked greedily biting into a Tebasaki Wing as if it was the best thing he’d ever eaten. The grease was dripping from his stumbly chin onto his white button up shirt. It used to fit him two weeks ago when they arrived. Now it looked like the buttons were going to pop off any minute. His soft flab was tightly pressing against it. She should have been disgusted at the scene, but instead it made her feel weirdly aroused. The Japanese women next to her whispered into her ear:” I knew Davis-san was going to eat a lot. He looked like that kind of person”.
“Can you order some more?”, he asked her since he didn’t speak any Japanese. “Those are sooo delicious!”, he had barely finished chewing.
“Haven’t you had enough already?”, it was getting late, and she hoped to escape the party soon. He gave her an upset look. “But I’m a growing boy, I need to eat!”, he complained patting his stuffed belly. The drunk Japanese girl next to her joined in: “Big fat American man needs to eat!”. “Hey, I’m not fat! Just a bit bloated!”, he desperately tried to shove away his business partner’s delicate hands that were grabbing his fat rolls. “Fufufu, so soft!”, she giggled. All the pressure on his gut made him release a big belch:” Urrrrrp! … Ugh, I’m so sorry. Maybe we should leave after all”.
With a “Soro soro kaerimasu ne”, she excused them.
As she wasn’t sure if he was still able to walk straight on his own when being this drunk, she gently laid an arm around him. His soft, warm love handles pressing against her made her whole body tickle. She dragged him through narrow back alleys with flickering neon signs until they reached the main street. A yellow sign in the shape of an M seemed to have caught his interest. He stopped and looked up to her:” Hey, I’m still a little hungry. Can we stop here?”. His tummy growled approvingly. “You’re just drunk. Look at you. Your fat gut is already peeking through your shirt”, she replied pretending to be annoyed while trying to hide her arousal. “Must have shrunk in the wash. Those Japs just don’t know how to wash it properly”, he countered stubbornly. Then he pulled away from her embrace and walked towards the McDonald’s. Not wanting to leave her intoxicated co-worker alone in a foreign country she followed him.
“Come, I’ll order for you”, she offered generously. “Thank you”, he smiled at her happily.
“Ohhhh, that burger tastes sooo good!”, he exclaimed squeezing his food as if he was scared it might run away. After a long day his always so neatly tied back hair had come undone. Covered in grease with messy hair and his work shirt almost ripping apart he looked like a true pig. “Ughhh, I’m stuffed. My tummy is so tight”, he groaned after finishing his fattening meal. “Are you feeling sick?”, she asked worried. “No, just -Urp! - full. Maybe I did overdo it a bit after all”, he admitted stifling a burp. His overstuffed gut was spilling into his lap. “Well, let’s get you back to the hotel then, big boy”, she urged him. Trying to follow her request he attempted lifting himself up, but his painfully stuffed middle made it a difficult task to undertake. “Huff, do you mind giving me a hand?”, he asked slightly embarrassed. “Oh, why would you need my help?”, she teased him. His cheeks flushed red:” My belly is so full it’s making it hard to get up on my own. Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last burger”. “And the burger before that”, she grinned stretching out her hand. He grabbed onto her wrists tightly while she slowly pulled him up. He truly had gotten heavy. As he rose his overfull gut strained his shirt more and more. The fabric was torn apart by the time he fully stood up, but the buttons were still proudly holding onto each other. With horror he stared at the damage he had done to himself. Then he panicky looked around:” Are they watching??!”. “Well, they’re pretending not to”, she answered. With fidgety fingers he tried to close his jacket to cover himself. It was tight, but still fit around his bloated body. “Let’s get you home, you greedy gaijin”, she giggled amused. “Ughh, I’m too stuffed to move anywhere right now”, he whined. “Let’s take a taxi then. The company is gonna pay anyway”, she suggested. “But tell the driver to drive carefully, because I’m really full”, he complained.
At the hotel he let himself fall onto the bed with a groan. He needed to lay down and relax his crammed stomach. With a mixture of scorn and horniness she watched him try to get out of what was left of his button up shirt. Despite his efforts he couldn’t muster the needed coordination to unbutton it in his drunk state. She lowered herself onto him:” Need some help, fatty?”. “I guess”, he avoided her gaze ashamed. Starting with the top buttons she revealed his puffy chest. She couldn’t unsee the bright red stretch marks around his arm pits. “Not only your belly has been getting fat”, she commented while grabbing his fat role. He softly moaned in response. All her teasing and touching was making him hard. Next, she uncovered his belly and love handles. Here angry stretch marks were present too. The thought of someone being so ravenous that their skin couldn’t keep up with their gluttony made her wet. Captivated she traced them with her fingers. “My skin has been stretching so much lately. I just keep growing and growing. Everything is getting so soft”, he explained with slight discomfort. As if to confirm she pressed her flat hand into his wobbly gut. “Oh yeahh, that feels really good. Urp! Please don’t stop! Massage me more!”, he pleaded. She gently started rubbing circles over his tight, almost hard upper belly:” Yeah, let me help you get out all that gas. I’m sure your tummy is gonna feel better afterwards”. “Uuuuurrp! Ugh, all that food made me so gassy”, he gasped. “Such a good fatty!”, she approvingly patted his gut. He smiled gleefully in response. Then she went on to carefully massage his bulging sides. Her skilled hands kept rubbing the burps out of his overstuffed belly: “Hic! Ughh… Uuurrp!”. Every burp he let out made her womanhood tickle more. “Those pants look pretty tight on you too”, she smirked while eyeing his throbbing erection, “Do you mind if I take them off too?”. “No, please go ahead”, he agreed. His fat gut happily flopped out of the already too tight pants:” Ahh, that feels a lot better. Thanks”. “No problem, big boy”, she smirked pinching his plushy thighs. “Ooff, walking has become so hard lately. My legs have gotten so wide that they’re always rubbing against each other”, he complained self-pityingly. “Aww, I’m sorry”, she responded “Should I lotion you up? I think the hotel is providing some. I’ll look in the bathroom”. She returned with some lotion and carefully started rubbing it into his stretch mark covered skin:” Here, this is gonna help your skin stretch and make your stretch marks less itchy”.” Ugh, do you think I’m going to grow even more?”, he asked worried. “Hihi, surely with how you’ve been pigging out”, she giggled shaking his bloated gut. “Uuuurrp! Why do I always lose control around food? I thought I had such good willpower, but when it comes to delicious food, I just lose all control.”, he moaned. “Haha, you’re such a pig”, she kissed his overstuffed belly. All he could do was moan in response. He felt so helpless. So helplessly fat. He was so stuffed he could barely move. His heavy gut was weighting him down. It somehow made his body tingle with excitement. She kept kissing and kneading his fat tummy. Slowly her mouth and hands wandered down over his fat pad to his pillowy thighs. Her touch seemed to send him to another world. His eyes rolled up and his body twitched while silent moans were escaping his mouth every time her fingers made contact with his overstretched skin. “Please, don’t tease me anymore”, he gasped. “Okay, let’s have some more fun”, she responded while lowering herself onto him. His cock slowly sunk into her. It spread a pleasant warmth inside her. She was now engulfed in his fat. His jiggly lower belly was rubbing against her clit while she was sinking onto his fat pad. His warmth and softness made her feel electrified. It was as if a thousand small flashes were eliciting from her sex through her whole body. Orgasm came over her in waves as she kept riding his ocean of fat. Finally, a big wave broke making her vagina pulse intensely. He threw his head back and moaned loudly as her pussy kept milking his aching cock. “Oh my god, that was amazing!”, he panted. “Yeah, you make me so hot”, she smiled positioning herself next to him. They fell asleep cuddled close to each other.
Author's note: I will probably continue the story a little more. I already wrote some drafts, but I'm still not sure if I like them enough to upload.
Also, if you have any suggestion about how you'd like the story to continue - Let me know! Maybe I'll incorporate them.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
9 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 9 months
I think I need to travel to Japan and find this two woman😄
Is there more?
Both stories from you are excellent.
Yeah, there definitely is more! I'm already working on it.