Brianna Gets Bulky

Chapter 1 - Brianna Finds Herself

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Chapter 1

Brianna was fat. Or so she had always been told. Her whole life thus far had consisted of far-too-skinny friends mixed with cries from her mother that, if only she did a few sit-ups, her belly would look good in that shirt.

But the truth was - Brianna was at a perfectly normal weight for someone her height. Maybe on the higher end of normal, but normal nonetheless.

For the past few years, Brianna’s weight had fluctuated between 125 and 130. At her most recent doctor appointment, the 20 year old had measured in a 5’1 and weighed 128 pounds. Despite feeling like she was a so-called whale, Brianna was happy so long as her size 4 pants continued to fit.

At that point in time, Brianna was a student at UT San Antonio and she had all the regular problems a girl her age might come across. Body image aside, she juggled a part-time job, her classes, a chaotic family, a as-yet-unfulfilled love of travel, and a cliquey group of friends that did nothing for her self-esteem.

Though perhaps not a 10 - Brianna was certainly a 8. Her wavy, shoulder-length brown hair, button nose, high cheekbones, and generally soft-looking features all lent themselves to a distinct girl-next-door vibe. And the rest of her wasn’t bad either - though she didn’t have much of an ass to speak of, she possessed modest 36C-cup breasts, a soft tummy, wide hips, and curvy legs.

As a 4th year university student, Brianna beginning to wrap up her degree and consider life on the other side of education. Frankly, the thought filled her with dread. So, it was lucky for her that, around that time, her friends talked her into a spring and summer abroad in Palermo, Italy.

Sure, she wouldn’t be able to get any credits from it, and it would mean delaying those hard decisions about adult-hood for at least a year, or thereabouts, but it was an opportunity of the sort she’d always dreamed. She had no idea what it would bring.

Chapter 2

The next 6 months in Italy brought the sort of whirlwind change that can only be associated with youth. For the first time, Brianna was away from her home and family, testing the waters of adulthood for the first time under the safe confines of studying abroad.

She was even free of the group of long-time friends she now knew to be rotten. Though they had invited her to the program in Palermo, they had all switched to Paris at the last second. After an excess of drama, and more than a little trepidation, Brianna found herself in a foreign land with unlimited opportunities.

She even made new friends from home. Her older sister’s high school classmate, Alicia, was coincidentally in the same program and made for an easy connection. Others included her roommates - aspiring model Kamala and nutrition student Eve.

Together, these 4 girls explored their new environs and even took several trips together throughout Europe, including for her 21st birthday. Brianna was a big foodie and an even bigger beer drinker - this life was nothing short of heaven. In Palermo alone, the pasta, cannolis, and Sicilian pizzas were to-die for. When Brianna washed it all down with some Birra Messina, life was good.

And yet, with the massive increase in walking that comes with leaving the United States, Brianna was losing weight for the first time she could remember. Not a lot, but enough to ditch that “I’m fat” complex for a while. And the boost in confidence showed - better fitting pants and more suggestive tops made an appearance. It was even around this time that she met the object of her European romance.

To Brianna, Bruno was sexy, Bruno was mysterious, and best of all, Bruno was European. If she was going to engage in all the European study abroad stereotypes, she might as well engage in this one too.

But the truth was - just because someone fits a fantasy doesn’t mean they are automatically the best kind of people. After 3 or so months together, Bruno ended things suddenly, saying that he was going back to a former girlfriend he had not previously mentioned, with whom he had merely been on a break.

A tad heartbroken, Brianna still wrapped up her time in Italy with high spirits. She’d had the experience of a lifetime, made incredible friends, seen a ton, and best of all, weighed only 115 when she checked before leaving back to America. Her eyes had been opened to confidence and the wide world - there was no going back.

Chapter 3

A year later, Brianna was still in school. Coming home from Europe hadn’t been the best experience. Returning to her family, her routine, and her old life had felt empty after 6 months of vibrance. Sure, all her new friends lived in her area, but it wasn’t the same.

Quickly, Brianna returned to all her old anxieties about her future. Even though Italy had delayed things by a couple semesters, she was out of classes to take for her major. So, she picked up a second one, and a minor to go with it.

Despite this, there was still plenty of room for fun. Sure, she had gained a little bit of weight back, now weighing around 121, but she could replace that confidence with alcohol and sex. The Bruno debacle had awakened her sexuality somewhat, and now, after weekend bar outings with Alicia, Kamala, and Eve - she’d usually find someone to go home with. Maybe not the most fulfilling of hobbies, but it was something.

That summer, Brianna turned 22 and was itching to travel once again. At a family reunion, Brianna was able to rope her sister and a cousin into a trip back to Sicily, if only to scratch that itch. And so they did.

It was like waking up from a long dream. Sure, it was only a couple weeks, but Brianna showed her family all her old haunts, and even where she met Bruno. Everything was just as she remembered.

It was there, over a couple bottles of wine, that Brianna brought up her recent sexual escapades. She hated talking about that stuff with family, but wanted the validation that it wasn’t just filling a hole. Her sister and cousin expressed their support, though the conversation then switched to the topic of birth control.

Here, Brianna was surprised. Her fellow travelers were highly against taking the pill, due largely to their laundry list of hormones. Now, Brianna had taken the pill for years - but after this conversation, she began to do some research, and later, ended up deciding to stop while considering better/easier solutions.

This is where things get interesting ;)
35 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Jazzman 1 year
Blarg328 1 year
Pd500 1 year
It's great reading! She's so into eating & I love it! Will there be a chapter 31?
Blarg328 1 year
There will be smiley And a 32 & 33.
Fatpeter 1 year
Finally she is pushing herself and wanting to get really fat! Been waiting for this moment
FTMfatty 1 year
This is great, but... 254 lbs isn't enough to give anyone trouble moving their legs. That part threw me off.
Blarg328 1 year
I hear ya - glad you’re liking the story! smiley I envision Brianna to be a 5’1 version of Mochii, BBL919, etc that struggled with mobility too. It’s something she’ll struggle with for the remainder.
Fatpeter 1 year
Please keep this going! I think Alex needs to come clean and tell Brianna he likes her fatter
Blarg328 1 year
Love the enthusiasm!! There’s lots of story still to come, you never know what’s gonna happen (even if I tend to agree with you haha)…
Pd500 1 year
I'm really looking forward to chapter 5!