Buried Alive

  By Hereiam  

Chapter 1

She had done it to him, buried him alive. She had brought herself to orgasm as his last labored breath had slowly released from under the folds and rolls of his fleshy coffin. She disengaged herself from his flabby corpse and dropped several feet onto the floor. She walked over to his heart monitor which was beeping in a singular tone, blaring with a flat line and switched it off. It's ringing had been the peak of her orgasm so it was a shame to switch it off.

She had been cresting this wave for the past week or so. Several times, his heart had flat-lined only to start again, desperately clinging onto life. Now it was over though, she had claimed her prize. She marveled at the mountain of fat that lay prone on the bed. There was barely any part of him that resembled anything close to human.

More like an giant shapeless blob with very few discernible features. He Hadn't started off this way. He'd entered this world thin and stayed thin right up until they'd met. Ne had been a needy, inexperienced geek and she had been a devious manipulator. She hadn't done this to him overnight. She had done it slowly and carefully as to not scare him away.

Thighs that once rippled with muscles with plenty of space between them soon rubbed and fought for space with every plodding step. Ripped arms that once lifted weights everyday quickly bloated like sausages lifting nothing heavier than quarter pounders and weight gain shakes. A muscled waist that had eaten through sit ups with ease, struggled just to sit up in bed within years of them meeting. Every bone, every muscle had slowly faded from touch.

At first it had been cute, a bit of relationship weight, but soon it had got out of hand. He'd never been much of an over eater but easily slipped into the role, she made it too easy. He figured he'd rejoin the gym once the honeymoon period of their relationship was over, but she always had an excuse for him not to. He'd never been in a proper relationship before her so had nothing to compare it to. He felt like she was constantly fussing over him(which she was, with food) and reveled in the attention.

Like many abuse victims, He made excuses for her behavior as he began to grow. "This is just her way of showing she cares", he'd think to himself after a feeding and fucking session that had lasted for hours left him too full to move. He'd mistaken possession for insecurity and had seen eating all the extra food as a way of reassuring her. She'd convinced him that each pound he added in weight made her more secure and more in love with him.

She'd turned his own insecurities and want to please into fat on his plumping body. Pounds added soon gave way to stones as he gave over control to her. He thought he was being a loving boyfriend letting her fuss over him constantly. He'd soon forget what a normal life was and be wrapped up in her love feast.

As the years passed, every part of him softened and grew. His frame widened and sagged as he lost himself to her deepest desires. He gave up the gym for her, because she wanted to spend all her hours with him. 6 months later, he gave up exercising at home, because she wanted him on the couch, eating. He'd found the exercise increasingly difficult as his body got in the way and his fitness was gone.

Months after that, she made him give up seeing his mates. She reasoned that he was too busy with her being fed and fucked night after night and didn't have the time. He gave up his Facebook account, because she seemed so insecure(plus he was now very different looking to his profile pics). He gave up going out anywhere besides work, as she said she couldn't bare the thought of anything happening to him. He gave up seeing his family, as she convinced him they didn't like her and wanted to separate them(which they did).

His world was slowly getting smaller, whilst he got bigger and bigger. He gave up all control over his appetite, as it made her so happy to fill him with treats. He'd given up pretty much everything, except sitting on the sofa after work and letting her stuff him into a food coma. He didn't know it, but he had become a victim. He obliviously feed himself for her whilst his body swelled beneath him. His defined jawline, now buried under a thick double chin. His chiseled cheek bones became rounded and fat. He was so worried about doing anything to upset her, it was all he could do to eat for her happiness.

Her trap was set, her prey putty in her hands. To snare him though, would take time, and an avalanche of food. As time passed he slipped further and further into her cage. All signs of the man before, now sunk under a sea of lard. His days consisted of eating to bursting point in the morning, struggling to work, stuffing his face in his cubicle, before heading home and stuffing his face the rest of the night.

He was dully aware that she had to lift his belly out of the way to get to his manhood. he was getting huge but didn't know how to stop. His body now wobbled and shook with every movement. His belly pressed further and further between his thighs as it took on weight and heft. His hips folded into side rolls that joined onto his thick back rolls. Where he once walked with thoughtless ease, he now lumbered from place to place, growing increasingly breathless.

He felt like he was living in a dream/nightmare where each day he grew and spread a little more. He was lost now, in greed and paranoia. He was so scared she would leave him, he ate whatever she put in front of him, anything to make her happy. He was ballooning out of control.

It was almost too easy for her. When she'd suggested he quit his job and stay at home all day every day he'd dutifully complied. He hadn't even been allowed to give notice as she didn't want him talking to anyone else. She'd loved seeing him huff and puff and struggle to cart his behemoth of a body off to work every morning, but the time had finally come.

Giving up work had upset him but he knew she wanted what was best for him. From that point on his world became very simple. His life now consisted of lumbering to the sofa every morning, eating until he passed out, wake up and being forced to eat again. He just slept and ate all day now. He'd never seen her so happy and so attentive.

Having him at her mercy, she doubled his food intake within weeks and took full advantage of the extra hours keeping him too full to think, let alone move. His already dramatic weight gain increased two fold and within a year, he was struggling to rise from his bed. Walking was also an ordeal, every foot step was a struggle as he heaved his gelatinous mass across the apartment to the sofa. once there, the feast continued.

It scared him how his belly was now so huge and wide it pushed against his legs when he walked, slowing him down. She knew the last part of her trap was at hand.

The wider and heavier he got the more of an ordeal it was just raising from his bed. His walk had slowed down so much due to the fat offsetting every foot step. He was now struggling to put one foot in front of the other as his legs were so huge, heavy and hard to maneuver. Sensing the time was right, she told him he was no longer to leave his bed. His eyes glazed over at her words but he didn't put up a fight. He wanted her to be happy.

Happy that he could be there for her and prove his love for her by doing this. He was also worried about just lying there and eating. He'd didn't want to be this way but no longer felt he had any hope of resisting.

Not seeing any other option, He allowed her to get her way. Within months he was pinned to the bed by his lard filled mountain of a body. His belly now sat heavily in front of him, pushing his legs apart around its girth. She was as attentive as ever as his mobility faded from sight. After seemingly no time, just sitting up was becoming difficult for him. His body was now so big and his muscles so weak, he couldn't sit up without her help.

He was scared being so overwhelmed with fat, but she seemed so happy. To his shock, she seemed to take it as a cue to increase his eating to unprecedented levels. Almost every hour she was forcing treat after treat down his throat. There was no point in arguing with her, even if he was painfully full. And so, his weight gain continued exactly as she wanted.

Soon even with her help it was becoming nearly impossible to sit him up. He ended up settled half way between sitting and lying thanks to her stuffing a huge pile of pillows behind him. He felt so useless now. All he could do to make her happy was eat, so he kept eating. When he got too big to even roll over, he had to admit a deep sense of panic was overtaking him. no one should be this fat and still eat so much. She seemed so content though to feed him to the point of bursting throughout the day.

The trap was fully snared. She now had him where he wanted, too fat to even roll out of the bed. pinned and useless. Primed for her to enjoy finishing her mission, to feed this *** to death. When he woke to to his huge flabby arms tied to the bed, he was confused. It wasn't like he could go anywhere so why bother. He soon realized why. Not answering his questions she entered the room and began to force a device around his head. He tried to struggle but could do little as she pulled it down around his chubby cheeks.

The rigid part of the device was forced to his mouth. He tried to keep his mouth shut but needed to breathe. As soon as he did she rammed a metallic gag into his mouth. It fit the profile of his lower and upper teeth as he clamped down around it, still trying to keep his mouth closed. She pulled the straps tight so the thing was wedged into his mouth. She grabbed his head and turned a small handle on the front of the device protruding from his mouth and against his will, his mouth was forced open.
2 chapters, created 5 years , updated 3 years
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StoryEnjoyer 10 months
Legit my favorite story.
Grizz 4 years
Wow, this was amazing. Great work.
Hereiam 5 years
Thanks for the compliments! Definitely encouragement to write more!
Whatever1234 5 years
One of my favorite stories... You are an incredible author.
Garfield 5 years
What happened to his excretions? Did he die in his own filth? Maybe that made her even hornier?
Growing Bigger 5 years
Impressive hopefully the end is just as great. Great writing