Rather You Than Me

  By Hereiam  

Chapter 1

Five Years Ago

Gabby was angry. Looking down at the body she used to know filled her with a boiling rage. It was no accident that she now had voluminous features, soft rolls and a huge jiggly back side. No mistake that her latest set of clothes were all struggling to contain her. She grabbed heavy handfuls of her belly, her fingers sinking into it and dropped it in disgust -wincing as it wobbled.

Nathan's fetish had really gotten the better of her these past few years and left her weighing in at a hefty 368 lbs. Where she should have cut back, he'd made her have more. When she should have been exercising, he'd kept her lazy and eating. At every step he'd sabotaged her attempts to lose weight causing her only to get bigger. He claimed he loved her but how could he when he'd made her so fat and unhappy. She knew he loved this and couldn't help himself. She also knew that if she sat back and did nothing to stop this she'd only continue to balloon by his hand, undoubtedly until she was far too fat to ever come back from it.

No, she had to find a way to turn this around. She knew full well that inside of Nathan's skinny, feeder body sat a dormant feedee, ready for fattening. Previously, he'd been the fat one in the relationship but had developed diabetes and high cholesterol. All these things he'd reversed through diet and exercise. All these things he was now happily risking her developing without a second thought.

As much as she wished she could avoid it, she didn't see any alternative. She'd have to turn the fetish back onto him. Make him gain whilst she lost weight. Be damned his health risks when he was so inconsiderate of hers. She'd start making him much more food and encouraging him to eat it all, by using his fetish against him. She knew he was a soft target waiting to get softer.

In the days that followed she planned her revenge as well as her salvation.

Four years ago

She felt pretty proud of herself. Weighing in just over 300lbs, she'd managed to shed 65lbs in the year. She felt fitter, stronger and healthier than she had in a long time. Seeing the number going down on her scale instead of up gave her the confidence she needed to continue. Realising the difference in how she felt had made her more determined than ever to turn her life around. She was still fat by most peoples standards but was enjoying feeling lighter. This feeling made her more determined than ever to exact her comeuppance upon Nathan.

Gone was his toned physique, his body had quickly softened and plumped up by her efforts. His cocky, feeder demeanour replaced by a greedy submissive pig. Seeing his weight shoot up on the scale had been hilarious. He wasn't prepared or able to resist her sudden role reversal and had easily put on 70 lbs this past year. He'd started at a toned 168lbs, now weighing in at a portly 240lbs. His body had filled out considerably but she was nowhere near done.

Him putting on weight spared her being forced to put on weight, so she'd get him as big as she needed to, to reclaim her old life. She couldn't help but derive a sick pleasure from turning his fetish against him. If he'd had his way, she'd be close to 400lbs by now so he deserved every life threatening pound.

Three years ago

250lbs on the head! Her weight loss had continued steadily with just over 50lbs lost in the past year. She has so much energy compared to just a year ago. Every month she could feel her muscles improving as her body lost bulk. She knew she'd made the right decision with every pound she shed and every pound Nathan put on. She almost felt guilty, but Nathan had really packed on some serious weight by her hands this past year.

When she'd been at her heaviest, he'd weighed a measly 168lbs, after the first year of her efforts he'd beefed up to 240 lbs. This year, she'd gone a little crazy and stuffed him silly. He'd piled on an incredible 128 lbs bringing him up to her old weight of 368 lbs give or take.

It was so satisfying seeing him looking as big and fat as she did two years ago. She took great pleasure in seeing his thick wide belly now hanging between his meaty legs. Riding him when they made love was so pleasurable for her as she was no longer the bigger one out of the two of them. It made her feel small again on top of his bulging body. It also made her more determined to continue ruining his body. That he'd willingly got her so fat still caused a bubbling rage to froth up in her at the thought of it. Seeing him now weighing that much, looking so big and round reaffirmed her convictions that the only way to save her body was to sacrifice his.

Grabbing handfuls of his flabby belly and shaking it like she had her own two years, gave her an altogether transformed feeling. Instead of anger and disgust, she felt a rush of excitement and satisfaction. The power trip of forcing this onto him made her shake with endorphins. She wasn't sexually aroused by his fat but was certainly aroused at the power the fat gave her over him.

The need for revenge also made her want him much bigger than her old weight just to give him a taste of his own medicine. Inevitably, he'd had to start on his diabetes medication and his statins for cholesterol. It actually made her a bit gleeful, seeing him breathless, popping pills and eating everything she brought him. She couldn't bring herself to feel guilty when all she was doing was swapping her fate out for his. He deserved this.

Two years ago

189lbs!! Woop! Being under 200lbs again was an amazing feeling. She could jog, run, wear clothes she'd not fit in for years. She'd rediscovered her old life and was loving every second.

Nathan on the other hand was far from enjoying himself. She made sure he'd become the lazy, overeating, fat storing machine he'd tried to turn her into. Unlike Nathan, Gabby had a mean competitive streak. Once she'd wrested the control from his hands, she'd shown him how a real feeder operates. She'd found tactics to keep him gaining he'd never have dreamed of.

Subsequently, he was now clocking in at 512lbs. She knew she'd pushed him into ruining his body, but she felt more an elation now than anything. This was exactly what he would have done to her. His wide lardy frame , filling the sofa was symbolic of her freedom from the fat prison he'd tried to put her in. His health was seriously struggling with the weight and he was popping pills constantly, just like she would have been in his place. It kind of amused her now how immense he'd powerlessly become by her efforts.

She couldn't say she found his massive rolls of fat attractive, but she certainly got a kick out of having him there stuffed to the brim, night after night. There was a thrill in seeing all that useless flab stacking up onto him as he grew by her hand. The funniest bit was that he couldn't help but get off on it, despite his efforts. He'd want to lose weight, beg her to help him whilst she pushed treat after treat into him. All the while he'd be getting horny at how fat he felt. She knew full well that any such concession would mean her gaining again, so she made sure to feed him more than ever and bury his misgivings under more quivering lard.
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Sexypeggy 2 years
Good job really
MikeTehCakeBoy 4 years
Omg I want to have this happen to me...have someone destroy me with hundreds of pounds of soft sexy flab!
Karenjenk 4 years
I liked how the table was turned.