Chapter 1 - How A Burger Started It All
Jake had always been exceptionally charming. With a toned body and a smile that had everyone melting away, it was easy to ignore his not so pleasant sides.It wasn't even that he was a complete asshole, no, he could be the sweetest guy alive if he just cared about you enough. His boyfriend Mike for example couldn't complain. He was funny, attentive, and damn good in bed. One thing however Jake was definitely not, was kind. And as it so often goes in these stories that would be his downfall.
There was a BBQ for the whole neighborhood he and Mike lived in. The people hosting it weren't exactly Jake's favorite neighbors, but he wasn't about to turn down free food. If there was one more thing Jake was, it was kind of greedy, though thanks to his metabolism he has so far been spared from any consequences.
Which is why, despite already feeling kind of full, he still grabbed a third burger, the last on the table, right in front of a little girl just reaching for it. "Too slow kid" Jake laughed as he plopped the burger on his plate. "Please sir, I'm so hungry..." He looked down at the girl, she was heavy, much bigger than a girl her age should have been, with short legs and chubby cheeks. The kind of kid who would later be eating her second portion of ice cream while the other kids played in the bouncy castle.
"Well sucks to be you, Tubby, the last thing you need is more burgers anyway." With that he pushed past the little girl, walking back to his table.
As the afternoon went by, evening quickly approaching, the adults shared drinks and stories, while the children one by one returned to their mothers, tired from hours of playing. As always when Jake had had a few drinks he got a little touchy and, if Mike was near, also increasingly horny.
He'd scooched closer to him, touching him under the table, while exchanging kisses. From afar they looked like the sweetest couple, completely smitten with each other, which they of course were. But as they were alone at their table, and people chose not to bother them, nobody noticed the less innocent touches going on.
Until Jake couldn't take it anymore, grabbing Mike's hand to drag him away. Towards home, he thought, but turns out Jake's patience was running thin and he just pulled him behind a shed, where they were out of everybody's sight.
Pushing Mike against the wooden wall before crashing his lips against his, Jake's hands quickly found the button and zipper of Mike's pants and undid them, before slipping a hand into his pants, cupping his half hard dick. The surprised gasp got swallowed in their kiss, Jake using the chance to slip his tongue into his mouth.
After a few minutes of making out heavily they were both out of breath and Mike rock hard in Jake's hand. For Mike this all was already more than exciting enough, but Jake had other plans. Kneeling down before his lover he pulled his underwear down, just enough to expose his cock, and licked his lips.
"Fuck, Jake, are you nuts? What if somebody sees us?" "Relax babe, nobody's coming back here." "Can't we just continue this back home?" "No, I can't wait any longer" Before Mike could voice any more concerns Jake's lips had already closed around him, whiping any rational thought from his brain. "Fuck, you greedy bastard" Just as Mike was really starting to enjoy himself however, they heard a voice.
"That's him, Mommy!" Startled Jake pulled away, jumping up from his spot in the grass, while Mike stuffed his dick back into his pants in a panic. At the corner of the shed stood the girl from earlier, together with a woman Jake assumed to be her mother. "You!" She began, stepping closer. The woman was surprisingly slender, not at all what he had expected the tubby girl's mother to be like, and had a vaguely threatening aura about her. But that might also just come with the situation of being caught with his boyfriend's dick in his mouth during a neighborhood BBQ.
"You are the one who let my daughter go hungry just to stuff your face!" Glancing at Mike who seemed as if he was trying to become one with the wall behind him she added: "and it seems you are still not done! Does your greed know no limits?"
Before Jake could even think about defending himself the woman stepped closer yet again, this time nearly hissing at him, most likely so her daughter couldn't hear.
"Have you no shame? So greedy you can't even make it home to suck his dick? Instead you had to give in to your primal desires here? I heard it all, heard that even your lover calls you a greedy bastard, and that greed, my boy, shall be your downfall."
As she walked away, Jake could only shake his head, while Mike beside him seemed to slowly have processed his shame. "What the fuck was that?" he asked.
"I have no idea. Come on, let's go home. Only crazy people out here." reaching out a hand to Mike he winked at him and added: "and let's continue where we left off."
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
3 chapters, created 1 month
, updated 1 month