Captain Dustie!

Chapter 1 - Captain dustie

This is the tale of Captain Dustie, with every step she took, her Buttons burst forth! As Captain Dusties every step rocked the ship with her immense girth, the feeling her stomach bulging and billowing out from the constrains of her captains uniform paced her ever moment, additionally with the jiggles of her blubber and the high seas. Her thunderous thighs wobbled about, squishing , as her hip bumped and tapped on the interior of her cabin, her wide rump, jiggling more then jello as she sunk into the depths she once called a mattress, squashing it beneath her girth. As Captain Dustie rested to her quarters, her gaze was met by soft mountains, doughy mounds she once called a chest, overshadowed by the massive dome she called a stomach, once where she was able to see past and know she had feet, they've been obscured by the softness and jiggle of each and every step. Soft sausage fingers gently tapping and patting along her girth, as each heavy breath of the captain, sent her jiggly chins into a small wobble. Those fingers tapped and tapped, hams of arms wobbling with soft fat. She never ceased to be impressed by the treasure of the seas she's feasted upon during her travels, King Crabs, Giant Squid, Clams Galore, a bounty that hastily made its way into the captains stomach. As she was dreaming of how she ballooned to her current size, a knock on the door awoke, as a cremate came tip toeing indoors, with a platter of Curry and Indian bread, plate as wide as the captains beach ball of a belly, only the best to sate the captain! Off to feasting before a nights earned rest~ Her plump fingers dug into the flavorful bread, topped and garnished with small chives, light and fluffy, odd and lasts quiet a while. But the soup however was divine, Captain Dustie couldn't help but schlurp, chug and greedily lap away at the spice, her double chins wobbling with each gulp, as she felt her bloated blob of a belly, slowly inch from the feast she grazed upon. The crew-mate simply waited there as Captain Dustie was never more then 5 minutes to finish a meal.
As she finished the final drips of food, her hams of arms slapped away at the drum, a loud wobble and jiggle shaking, jiggling and shaking while chipmunk cheeks grinned, her chubby face was red and taunt after a mighty feast, letting out a gentle *Urp!* with nearly comedic timing buttons *BURST* forth from her captains coat, as bloated stomach oozed through, her grand hips rolled over as she handed the plate over the crew mate. Letting her lardy plump rump, wobble and stretch over her pants as she barely inched out of bed* "Aye, a good meal, after this, we'd best be singing a shanty n heading off to sleep, aye?" The crew-mate nodded, still barely able to accept the glutton of legends. Captain Dustie, the Queen of meals. *As the Captain squeezed out through the quarters, fat flesh barely inching over as she made her way through, around her was all of her crew. Dressed appropriately within Blue shirts, Aprons, and Chef hats. All at the command of Captain Dustie. Her Hams of arms rested upon her massive love handles as she eyed each one up, none of them over 140, not with Captain Dusties gluttony around that is. With a stomp of her boot, the ship shook, and tremored, as the sound of voices in unison started to sing a chantey. "Oh come ye gluttons of the sea, Weight me, blow me up nice and round, now pay attention to me, Blow up the girl, nice and round!" Yar Har!

Thus concludes the tale, of Captain Dustie, The Queen of Meals
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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DustieKisses 4 years