Captured and force fed by the sheikh


Chapter 1 - a dream of 1001 nights ...

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This is all a dream … Tessa couldn't believe her luck. She smoothened her expensive Louis Vuitton dress when getting out of the limousine. A gift from Khalid. Dashing handsome Khalid, who explained to her that he was some more or less distant relative of the current sheikh.
When they had first met at the tennis court, Khalid has been so charming and poetic and Tessa had been eager to accept, when he had invited her over to his palace, to spend the evening with him and his sister.
Now, Tessa stood at an entrance door which was covered in beautiful ornaments even more making her belief to be in her very own fairy-tale of 1001 nights. Only that this palace was guarded by two guys who looked as if they had been part of the last Mission Impossible cast.
"Please, miss." One of them rolled his eyes and indicated her passport.
A little hesitant, Tessa handed it over. What could happen, right?
A moment later, she was led to a beautiful half-open Veranda overlooking a garden that was so much more splendid than everything Tessa had ever seen in Disney movies.
Khalid was waiting for her, dressed all in white, smiling at her beamingly. He looked so handsome. His dark hair fashionably cut. All virile and masculine.
Behind him sat a woman with strikingly beautiful features, but Tessa was astonished to see how fat the girl was.
Khalid came forward, but didn't touch her, which was a nice difference to all the guys she went out with before, who seemed to have misinterpreted her accepting an invitation as meaning they could take liberties with her. Khalid however, had explained to her that he was not allowed to touch women who were not his family or chosen by him in marriage.
Tessa’s mind went back to her game at the main court the other day, when they had first met. She had done well in the tournament, but she was 28 years old now and slowly it became more and more obvious that she would never be world class.
"Tessa, are you alright?" Khalid looked at her concerned.
"Of course. My apologies. This is just very overwhelming." She indicated their surroundings.
Khalid smiled at her. "I hope you will soon wander these grounds as if they are your own." Then he led the way to the other girl and introduced them. "This is Reem. My sister."
The other girl smiled at her fondly. "My dear, I'm so glad my brother has met you. And he is right, you are such a beauty! Please, sit with us."
The three of them spent a wonderful evening together, but every now and again, Tessa couldn't help but notice how much Reem ate. When dessert was brought, Reem didn't hesitate a moment and devoured three pieces of cake, each of them bigger and filled with more cream than the last. It was a good thing, Reem was sitting, because she looked like she could barely move after indulging herself like that.
"So, Tessa." Reem began after a short pause to let the feast settle within herself. "Khalid tells me you're a tennis player. But, please forgive me for asking, are you a professional one?"
Khalid frowned, but Tessa didn't mind. She knew, she wouldn't be on the pro-tour next year. She had made her peace with it.
"No, I'm not. In the end, my career just didn't develop the way I wanted. But I enjoy playing and hope I can do it for as long as possible."
"Tessa, please don't sell yourself short. You make an amazing figure on the court." Khalid beamed at her fondly.
"That is very sweet." Tessa smiled back, her eyes wandering over his body. He was lean and muscular. He looked definitely like the type of guy Tessa would go for.
"My dear." Reem began again. "As it is, Khalid said you are interested in modelling? Your type, American honey-blonde is very thought after here. I could make a few calls."
Again, Tessa couldn't believe her luck. "That would be amazing. Thank you!"
Reem smiled at her broadly. "Of course, you would have to live here with us. At least for a certain time. There is a smaller guest house on the other side of the gardens. Would that be sufficient for you?"
Tessa looked from Reem to Khalid, who nodded encouragingly. "Absolutely! I can't believe I'm so lucky. I've always wanted to live here in Dubai, and now … well, I can't thank you enough!"
“It is our pleasure. I am so happy, to have met you and who knows, maybe we will soon model together."
Tessa nodded to hide her surprise. Khalid's fat sister was a model? She didn't want to think bad about people, but Reem wasn't really the ideal type, was she? But Tessa knew better than to insult the young woman who had met her with such friendliness.
They talked a while longer, and Tessa enjoyed the food and drinks that were brought to her, even though it was hard to eat as much as she was given. The food was rich and heavy and she couldn't even remember when she had last eaten that much.
At one point, Khalid called an end to the evening. "My dears, please, I will show Tessa the guest house now and the two of you can reconnect tomorrow."
They said their goodbyes, and Khalid accompanied Tessa along the beautiful, fragrant garden.
"Do you like it, Tessa? If you prefer, I can get you another, bigger place." Khalid asked.
"No, this is beautiful. I'm so happy."
Khalid smiled down at her, and they stopped in front of the house. Still, he had not laid hand at her, as he had promised her the other day. "I am very happy, that you accepted my sister's proposal. Reem is very fond of you. And ..." He hesitated.
"And what?" Tessa smiled at him, trying to ignore the feeling of her stuffed belly.
"It cannot have escaped you that I am no less intrigued by you than my sister." Now he smiled almost shy. "But this is all I want to say today. Have a good night, Tessa."
"Thank you. You, too." Tessa whispered and entered the house, looking forward to what the future might bring her.
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