Chapter 1 - Arrival
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They had hit it off instantly and for Lauren it was clear, that Mattia was the one. Within no time, she had organized to study a semester abroad at the university of Milan and now, roughly 6 weeks after he had left the US, she was here, right in the heart of Europe.
Her eyes wandered around nervously. 'Where are you?', Lauren texted him and started walking back and forth. Her phone vibrated almost instantly.
'Behind you!', read the text from Mattia.
She turned around.
He was leaning against a pillar with a cheeky grin. "I have missed you sooo much, tresoro." They kissed each other for several minutes.
"Shall we go home?", he inquired, "or are you hungry?".
Lauren was exhausted, but somehow, she also was giddy and it was around lunch time here anyway. Probably it was best to get into the right routine straight away, though she didn't really feel hungry.
"Lunch would be nice", she smiled, "is there a place near?".
"Sure. A couple of blocks down. We can have a look. Let's grab your baggage"
"That would be great."
"I can't believe you are here!", he exclaimed once again and grabbed her hand affectionately. Shortly after, Lauren's luggage was safely stored in Mattia's super tiny Fiat 500 and they parked in front of a modern looking pizzeria.
"I hope this is okay. They do good food and it is also on the way."
"Of course, I love Pizza", Lauren smiled with anticipation. She hadn't eaten any for the past few weeks, having cut carbs for the final weeks before her departure. They sat down and ordered their respective favourite pizzas though she was still not really hungry. A chubby girl delivered them shortly after and Lauren had to admit that they smelled delicious.
Slowly she started to eat. Mattia looked at her concerned. "Is it not to your taste?".
"Oh no, it is very good. It's just... I am not as hungry as I thought I was. And the flight was also a bit exhausting."
Mattia kissed the palm of her hand. "You really should eat up. Only that way, you will get used to the time difference quickly. Afterwards, I will get you home and you can rest."
Lauren blushed a little bit and took another bite. She really had to force herself though the pizza was indeed really delicious. When she had finished the next piece, Mattia was ready to hand her another one until none was left. Only then, Lauren realized how full she was. Exhausted, she leaned back, grabbing for the big glass of soda still untouched.
Mattia watched her, concerned. "Are you sure you are alright?".
Lauren nodded, trying to fight her exhaustion and the feeling of bloating.
"I promise. Let's just get home and then, I will just sleep for a while, alright?"
Mattia nodded, but he seemed to be not entirely convinced.
Lauren was glad when they finally set off and on their way to Mattia’s place where she could finally rest. Absentmindedly she looked out of the window watching the streets and places of Milan pass by. "It is so beautiful, Mattia. I can't believe it."
"It is. But only because you are here."
They shared a short kiss before he had to concentrate on the road again.
Eventually, they reached his flat. Lauren had expected something similar to the typical American apartments. Instead, she found herself in a small flat. Everything seemed so compact and close. It was a new feeling for her and somehow, she liked it.
"Well, I would offer you a cup of coffee first, but I guess you really would like to see the bed room straight away, right?" There was the sweetest crooked smile on his face.
"I guess...", she grinned.
The bedroom was not large either. In the middle, the double bed was pushed against the wall.
"This is so... nice."
"Yeah, it is cosy, but it's all I can afford for now."
They kissed again and fell down on the bed.
Lauren was excited and nervous. They hadn't had sex inn a while. Sure, there had been plenty of steamy phone calls, but still. Would it be the same as it had been, now that they were finally here, in his bed? Mattia was gentle and loving, his kisses so tender and deep, but Lauren felt so tired.
Mattia moaned, but when looking at her, he leaned back. "How about you getting some rest first. It seems as if we have all the time in the world now."
Lauren smiled gratefully, and slowly fell asleep in his arms.
11 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year