Carried Away

Chapter 1 - 01 Departure

Jay looked around the gate, what the heck took him so long? Fortunately he saw Miles behind the crowd after what felt like hours. Jay had been in line to enter the vessel. The gate had been open for some time now and their numbers we’re already announced. Miles jeez! Did you go back home to piss or what?! Miles who was still breathing heavily, huffed something about the que he had been in.
‘Passports please!’ – both guys showed their boarding passes and passports, which showed that of these two handsome college friends the shorter (5’10, 178cm) dirty blonde green eyed guy was 23 year old Christopher Miles and the taller (6’3, 190cm) guy with light brown hair and blue eyes guy was 24 year old Jayson Brughes. Their boarding passes led from the US to a large amount of Mediterranean ports in Europe. Two broadly smiling friends excited to enter a luxury 42 day Cruise.
Both guys had just graduated in logistics and had been roommates for past years. Jay had been studying hard during graduation year to make up for his backlog. He had had some tough years and had now managed to fight back and graduate with outstanding results. He even got a job-offer right after graduation which he had graciously accepted, so he had everything in order for when they would return. His parents were so proud of him for getting back on track that they surprised him with this cruise at his graduation party. He was dumbstruck by their great present and already looked forward to the day of departure.
Jay and Miles’ party had absolutely been one of the best! While celebrating their freedom, it marked the start of their ‘relaxation period’ in which both guys had planned to lay off the stress and enjoy life to the fullest.
Miles, who was called so by friends instead of ‘Christopher’ or ‘Chris’, couldn’t get his head around the size of this ship. M: Jay! Have you seen this? This thing is more than humongous! The screens along the corridor told him that the 1100 feet ‘thing’ had 16 decks, 5 pools, 23 dining areas and could carry more than 7000 passengers. Wow
At the end of the corridor they were introduced to the staff waving in the great atrium. Anthony, a small Latino looking guy led the way and asked them to follow him to their cabin. A: I’m delighted to tell you that we gave you a cabin upgrade. “The upper decks are not completely booked, so we offer you quite the nice a suite in the upper decks, of which I assume will suit you well”.
The upgrade was truly awesome! Anthony explained everything from the mini bar to the luxury bathroom and their private balcony with a view on one of the pools and dining decks. After he left the guys jumped on the bed laughing out loud in joy! AWESOME Jay roared!
After installing themselves they immediately changed into their swimming shorts and prepared to discover the nearest pool. Miles looked at his friend standing there in his shorts and wondered how Jay got so lucky having such a great body. Ok fair to say Jay had worked out al lot since the beginning of college but nevertheless the guy must have been blessed by nature being able to develop such broad shoulders. Miles was right; it had all started with this already outstanding natural build. Jay was that guy we all know who just triggered jealousy; with naturally thick arms and legs and the somewhat V-shaped back before he even started. A dream start for all guys having fitness goals, but truth must be said; mainly Jay’s hard work had led to that body of a god he had nowadays.

Miles on the other hand hadn’t worked out as much as Jay, but there was not much to complain about either. When looking in the mirror he could see his 5’10 (178cm) physique, 188lbs (85kg) worth of more muscle than pudge. He shortly tried to flex his abs but no, they weren’t visible. He immediately let go hoping Jay wouldn’t have seen it or worse; tease him about it. Next to Jays body his stood no chance whatsoever; the guy (6’3, 190cm) was all lean muscle with approximately 12% of fat. At 88 kg (194 lbs) His abs were clearly visible; no need to flex.
Of course Jay would never talk condescendingly about people being a bit less fit or lean Miles thought, he remembered Jay told him that he himself had been bullied for being quite pudgy when he was a child. And off course; Jay and Miles were friends; no need to be envious.
Miles walked into the bathroom and saw Jay inspecting himself in the mirror. M: “you can’t be criticizing what you see right?” He laughed. J: “nah, just looking at the state of it as it is now”. Jay answered. M: “Now? Like compared where you came from or do you ever it to change?”. J: “Haha mostly compared to where I came from, and since I’m never going back there’s nothing to worry about. Instead I might gain a couple, but no more than a few of those commonly known holiday pounds” he laughed. “Happens now and then; I lose some definition, but when I pick up the weights again, everything burns off before you even know it”. M: “yeah I get it. Besides that who doesn’t gain weight during holidays? But you can be proud of that body man, I know you worked quite hard to get in shape like that.” J: “Thanks bud, you bet I worked harder than most people know; I told you I’ve been that chubby kid once right?” R: “hard work pays off!” But does it also take a lot of effort to keep it like this? L: I don’t know actually, I always trained for a better physique and I came to like the way it went; I never stopped. You still train twice a week right? M: “yeah man, that’s more than I like to be honest but you need to do at least something to keep up with the fit guys huh?” Miles spotted. J: “Well, you look perfectly fine… and honestly I don’t need you to attract even more girls when being around me man, but have you ever thought of pitching up your routine to a higher level?” M: “nah, just keeping in shape like I am is more than enough for me. I’m that ‘just-fit-above-average is good enough kinda guy’ you know” J: no need to push it Miles. I would stop training immediately if I wouldn’t like it that much. But if I remember well were about to start a great trip right? so why bother? M: Yeah haha you’re right let’s hit the pool!
The pool had more to offer than they had expected, like honestly everything on the ship had so far. They felt they were immersed in luxury right form the start. The first few hours had passed while lounging around, swimming, talking, sitting at the pool bar, drinking quite some beers and snacking. They learned that everything was included for them, even the snacks and extras they had had. Just show that simple silver bracelet. J: What a life Miles! I can certainly get used to this!
brrrROOOARRRRRP the ships horn sounded… when they both got out of the pool. After some delay they were finally leaving! They watched the shores slide along the railing at the pool deck, and went to their cabin to fresh up and get ready to explore more of the ship.
When walking around the area of their cabin they discovered that these luxury upper decks were mainly occupied by elderly people. People their age would be in the lower decks where the cheaper cabins were situated they assumed. The middle decks were mostly family cabins Miles pointed out on the section map hanging down their hallway.
In minutes they had reached one of the many dining areas, looking like an extensive luxury food court. It was set up like a large city’s shopping mall containing lots of different food shops and restaurants. They stood in the center of a large atrium with escalators leading to the surrounding restaurants. Jay was amazed to see such a thing; food from all countries they would visit seemed to be present and next to that there were the familiar shops for donuts, ice cream, waffles, and all kinds of pizza. J: whoa Miles look at that! He pointed at the sign that listed all the foods in this area.
M: “What the…” Miles stared along. “I wouldn’t even know how to choose!”
J: “You better choose though! Because currently I am quite hungry to be honest, haha” Jay joked.
“Why choose if you could have it all?” sounded the smiling voice of a young cook standing right behind them on the escalator. He advised them to go to one of the main restaurants first. “they are serving an ‘welcome aboard diner’”. They could agree with that.
While having a 3 course world buffet dinner, along with many beers both friends went several times back and forth to the buffets and ate whatever they liked until they were stuffed to the brim. They decided to stay seated a bit longer to let the effects of eating too much fade somewhat.
M: “ooofff man I overdid it.” J: “yeah man, like I don’t know. Pffft, it was soo good! You should have stopped me before It became ridiculous” Jay joked. M: “haha I should have indeed! I might have been busy doing something else instead.” J: “No worries man, that taste! These belly aches are more than worth it, haha. I think I could get used to this”
After they were somewhat more comfortable the two friends went strolling around the ship again. Meanwhile the night had fallen and changed the atmosphere on the ship to that of a lively festival. They walked along the casino, game area and cocktail bars surrounded by live music and cheerful vacationers. Within an hour Miles had gotten them these large good looking ice creams already; he just couldn’t resist the cute girl in that parlor he explained. Jay accepted knowing he could always throw it away if he had had enough since everything was free anyway. (which of course he never did)
They ended up in a cocktail bar having a few too many drinks. Laughing along with some European guys they had just met there. Getting drunk over the differences between two continents and laughing over strange habits. The bars didn’t seem to close on this ship, so it became quite late, before the Europeans offered to call it a night. Miles and Jay went along with them finally leaving the bars. Those guys were heading to the pizza shop for a late night snack, taking both friends with them. Not that Jay and Miles could even be hungry anyway. But before they could even consider that, they both got their slices pushed into their hands. No need to refuse; luckily young guys could always eat. One slice each even became two, laughing, hanging around slurring jokes with their new friends… After number three they were so so stuffed they had to leave before someone would offer another; none of both boys wanted to puke in public. Ready to sleep off the bloat.
Next morning Jay woke up with a hangover, finding Miles on their balcony in the same state. It was already 11 o clock. Not that it mattered since breakfast was served whenever you’d want. Ooff it took some time to recover enough before they headed off to a restaurant to get their fair share of anti- hangover breakfast containing of, sausages, eggs and bacon, pancakes and waffles. Both guys got seconds of all items.
This would become a lazy day, at least until they would shake off some of those hangovers…
They decided to rest it off on a sunbed in the pool area. And like their plan they napped both their breakfast and hangovers away.
M: “aww man! That was one great start of our trip!” J: “ooh”, Jay yawned, so much for this! And were just getting started. I never imagined it to be this awesome! No worries, no obligations, no restrictions” M: “that, and the limitless of sailing Candyland!” J: “Fire dude”! “Wanna get some pie before heading off to the pool?” M: “sure, I think I can manage that again by now! haha”
29 chapters, created 10 months , updated 49 mins
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HungandHungry 2 weeks
Dude, the way you are writing jay now is sooooo incredibly hot. His lust for more food and more fat is so sexy! And he only wants more! Give him more!
HungandHungry 1 month
Dude the newest chapter is so hot. The huge hot stud giving into and pushing his food lust and belly growth even more.
Sven0204 1 month
This story would be an amazing cartoon to watch. I need to find a gym bro like Jay to show me how to bulk 💪😈
Felixsparke 1 month
Thanks! Maybe we could find someone around here who can draw? smiley
Imalwayshungry 1 month
One of the best stories I’ve read!
HungandHungry 1 month
Your story is amazing and I can’t wait till each chapter comes out. Maybe Jay actually realizes he wants the weight gain and appetite stimulant doubled!
Felixsparke 1 month
Thanks! Nice suggestion. ☺️ we’ll see what Jay is up to…
Saguaro 1 month
Or flipping roles and make Steve to go on his treatment…
GrowingExJocks 8 months
Love your story! I check back every morning for more updates! I personally think that having some more visual imagery would really make the coming chapters even more hot!
Saguaro 8 months
What about another jock entering the scene, making Jay aware how much he gained.
He convinces the new guy to go on a heavy bulk as well...
They get closer, explore each other's bodies, encouraging...
Seveneleven7 8 months
A hot thought would be pedro sneaking in jays cabin and telling him that he will blow jay for as long as he is eating. Maybe feeding him trough a tube during his sleep so he can gain more "muscle".
Felixsparke 8 months
great idea, gonna work on something like that thanks!
Seveneleven7 8 months
Jay should be encoraged to step up his bulking, which means less and less time for the gym replaced with food and maybe some gainer shakes from his friends or pedro. Maybe also more sexual encounters.
Sneaky Bastard 9 months
One of the best series here. I like the emphasise on stuffing/pain and gradual wg, the story behind isn’t distracting, yet not bland.

Thank you, it’s really hot, you’re great with words.
Felixsparke 9 months
wow, thanks a lot! I hope I'm able to keep delivering while i'm trying to take it to a more exciting level.
Tobebig86 10 months
Loving where this is headed. Can’t wait for more
Felixsparke 10 months
That’s a pity; I didn’t use AI at all. English is not my native language though… I’m sorry if it doesn’t come along that well.
Jeoire 9 months
It's genuinely one of the best stories with a realistic original theme. Thanks Felixsparke : )
Jens01 10 months
very hot.......more please
Felixsparke 10 months
Thanks! There’s a lot more to come (in many ways 😏)