Co-worker Chaos

  By Kaitify

Chapter 1 - new girl

Rachel and Belle felt isolated from the entire world, the small room they were in accommodated (barely) enough space, computers and resources for four people. However only two of the desks were occupied by the aforementioned girls, they hadn't had a full room for months...

It was a typical day at the office, the silence in the room was only broken by small bursts of typing and sighs of boredom. Rachel was taking one of her many breaks, using proxies to browse inappropriate videos online of larger girls. She slipped her hand under her shirt to feel her slim, soft stomach, wondering how different the feeling of a large cushiony belly was.

Belle didn't have the luxury of being in a lone corner of the room, so she couldn't browse so freely online. All it would take is someone to pop their head through the door and she would be busted. She stared blankly at the documents in front of her, wondering why Rachel had a longing smile painted across her face. She ran her fingers down her wavy brown hair in thought, wondering if she should speak to Rachel. They had shared a room for over a year now, but never interacted.

Rachel jumped violently, squealing and taking her hands out of her shirt, she blushed and looked over at Belle.
"Um, did you hear that a new girl was coming in today?" Belle said awkwardly, flustered by Rachel's reaction.
"N-no, I didn't," Rachel stuttered. She looked at the cute, soft girl on her screen, admiring the multiple rolls spanning across her whole body.
"Hopefully she'll be as cute as her," she thought, unconvinced. Her and Belle were the only young girls to ever be in this room, everyone else who joined them were at least forty, and never peaked her interest.

The only door to the room burst open abruptly. A stern-faced, bony woman in her sixties sneered at the coziness of the area. Rachel's heart dropped at the sight of her. Before she could utter a disappointed welcome another face peered in.
"This is Lizzie," the woman croaked, "She'll be working with you for the foreseeable future."
After a final disapproving glare, the hag left without bothering to close the door behind her.
The heart rate of the two girls' increased dramatically. Lizzie was stunning. Her large, dazzling blue eyes complimented her long, wavy hair. Her soft pale skin spilled out of any areas that allowed it. The relatively formal dress was clearly a few sizes too small, emphasising the size of the girl. Her ditzy expression and friendly smile made her seem immediately approachable and likeable.

"Hi," Lizzie giggled nervously. Her laugh was bubbly and sweet. Rachel was speechless, she compensated with an awkward wave and giddy smile. Her eyes kept dropping to the new girl's legs. Her huge thighs rubbed together with every step, Rachel longed to see them exposed.

Belle fell out of her trance and whispered a greeting, admiring every angle of the employee as she walked past her. Her large ass forced the back of the dress to ride up, it jiggled with every step despite being contained in the undersized tights. She moaned softly when she watched Lizzie sit down, her butt spreading over the entire chair, hanging off of both sides.

The two girls were already infatuated by Lizzie and thought excitedly,

"I need her."
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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