College Weight Gain Story

Chapter 1 - introductions

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“College weight gain story” is about a group of friends:
- Zoe: the ‘used-to-be-fat’ girl who got athletic. Will she fall back into her old habits?
- Victoria: the popular, blond bombshell with a killer body, who’s suddenly cut off by her parents. Can she keep her thin body while working at an all-you-can-eat buffet?
- Erinn: Zoe’s athletic best friend, who finds it harder to find time to work out and is suddenly surrounded by bad influences
- Anna: the ‘chubby’-friend of the group with a carefree attitude. How will her eating habits effect her friends (and her own waistline)?
——————————— ————

Chapter 1 - introductions

After a long drive Zoe finally arrived at her new college. She longed to see her best friend Erinn again after spending 2 weeks apart.
Erinn lived next to Zoe and ever since Erinn moved there when they were 16, the two girls had been best friends. Zoe’s mom had died when she was eleven.
Her dad didn’t know what to do after he lost his wife. At first Zoe spent a lot of time at her aunts, who gave her a lot of sweets and spoiled her. It didn’t take long before the 11 year old Zoe started to eat every time she missed her mom or felt lonely. Her dad focused on his job to take is mind of his sorrow. The little time he did spent with his little girl he used to spoil her. Zoe had been very chubby until she turned 16.
That year Erinn moved into the house next to hers and the two girls quickly became best friends. Erinn played volleybal so Zoe started to play too. She started losing weight and no longer needed to snack whenever she felt sad. Now she had a friend with who she could talk.

Now Zoe was rather skinny. She didn’t get very good at volleybal, but she discovered that once she lost the weight, she was very good at running. She was tall, had a flat, toned stomach, her legs and arms showed some muscle but in a very feminine way. She had a firm but and nice B-cup brests. Most boys liked her body but she missed some curves to be a total knock-out. However she had a pretty face and long brown hair.
Erinn always told her how pretty her hair was. God, she really looked forward to seeing her bestfriend again.
Erinn had left for college 2 weeks ago. She hated her parents and her ‘perfect’ brother and left as soon as she got the messages that her dormroom was ready to move in to. She had begged Zoe to come with her, but she decided to spent some more time with her dad before leaving for college.
She would be meeting Erinn and her roommate Anna in the cafeteria later in the afternoon. But first she needed to find her own room to drop of her bags. She wondered if her roommate had arrived yet.
It was still 2 more weeks before the schoolyear officially started so there might be a chance that she’d be alone in her room for a few days. She was starting to feel hungry when she finally found her room. When she tried the doorknob, she noticed that the door wasn’t locked.
Hmm, that probably ment her roommate had moved in before her, thought Zoe. She clumsily opend the door with her bags and immediately regretted not having knocked before. Right in front of her was a couch with a girl with very long blond hair in it. Zoe couldn’t see the girls face because she was busy frenshing the boy she was seated on top of. The boy noticed Zoe and immediately ended the kiss. His face turned red when he coughed:
“Uhm, hello, sorry we didn’t know you were coming today. You must be Victoria’s new roommate?”
“Yes, I am, sorry to interupt you two, I’m Zoe by the way.”
Zoe smiled a little awkard at the boy and at the blond girl, who she assumed must be Victoria. Victoria adjusted her clothes so her bra was no longer visible and gave Zoe a hug. “Welcome, Zoe! I’m Victoria, your roommate.” Zoe was perplexed and immediately noticed how pretty Victoria was. She looked like a model. She was a bit shorter than Zoe but looked skinnier. However she had more curves than Zoe.
Zoe guessed she had a C-cup, in combination with a nice sculpted ass and a very slim wasted, Victoria had a hourglass figure. She looked quite sportive, she had some muscle definition in her arms and legs and Zoe already guessed her stomach would be flat and rock hard. She had a very pretty face with full lips and long eyelashes. Her hair was had a nice wave to it and had the color of honey. Zoe was convinced she could have been a Victoria Secret model.
“This is my boyfriend Matthew. He will be leaving now”, said the blond as she gave her boyfriend a kiss and pushed him toward the door.
“See you later, Vi?” he asked his girlfriend with a playful grin.
“Maybe”, Victoria answered with a flirty wink. Matthew grinned and said “Nice meeting you, Zoe!”, just before Victoria closed the door.
Now it was just the two girls. Victoria started talking before Zoe even had time to ask which bed was hers.
“You have nooo idea how happy I am to have a normal roommate! It’s my second year here and my previous roommate was such a slob. You know how some people gain the freshman 15? Well, she gained 50, hell maybe even 150 pounds by now. No, that’s my room, that’s yours. You can unpack while I talk. So what was I saying? Oh yes! When i first met her I could spot she wasn’t sportive like you and I, and that’s okay not every one can have a perfect body but then she started gaining from all the cafeteria food. She was always snacking and playing videogames. I was so happy when she dropped out! Everywhere I looked there were empty foodcontainers, pizzaboxes, empty soda bottles,...”
Zoe could not believe how much Victoria talked, but she seemend like a nice girl. Maybe they could become friends and go jogging together.
Zoe lost track of the story Victoria was telling her, but she let her finish the story.
“So your first year, huh?” Victoria asked.
“Yes, it is. I’m studying literature.”
“Oh, me too! But it’s my second year. Well second time, first year actually. I failed most of my classes.” Victoria looked away.
“Oh, I’m sorry, maybe we can help each other this year?”, Zoe offered.
“I would like that! But to be honest it was mostly my fault. I spent most of my time practising with the team, and the rest I spent partying and frenshing boys!”, Victoria laughed.
“That’s how I met Matthew. Last year we hooked up a few times. It’s only this summer we started going steady. Mostly because he’s the only guy that doesn’t live to far away. Don’t get me wrong, I like him a lot. It’s just that I get a lot of attention from the boys and I like she fooling around.”
Zoe was surprised at how much Victoria was sharing with her. After all they had just met.
“But enough about me. Tell me something about you. Do you have a special someone, Zoe?”, asked Victoria. Zoe turned red.
“Uhm, no I don’t. I mean I have kisses before but always at parties, nothing serious.”
Zoe didn’t mention that she had been chubby ‘till her 16 so all the guys had known her as “the chubby girl” even after she had lost so much weight.
But Erinn hadn’t had a boyfriend either so she had always been happy with just a bestfriend.
“Oh, thats alright. Your pretty enough and I bet there are a lot of guys here who would like to date you! Matthew had a lot of single friends. I’m meeting them later tonight, I could match you with one of them!”
Victoria seemed already very enthusiastic to play matchmaker. Zoe however didn’t feel like flirting with boys on her first night at campus.
“Maybe another time”, she quickly answered.
“I’m meeting my bestfriend Erinn and her roommate in the cafeteria in half an hour. I kinda promissed I spent the evening with her, so we can catch up with each other.”
Victoria looked kind of sad.
“But your welcome to join is if you like?”, Zoe added.
Victoria seemed to think about it.
“Hmm, I could. It’s just that I don’t have many girlfriends. Most of them hate me because I did something with their boyfriends, or because their boyfriends wished they did something with me”, Victoria winked at Zoe.
“But I like you, I think we could be friends. So I guess I’ll give ita shot!”
Zoe smilled.
“Great! I’ll text Erinn to tell her I’m bringing my roommates as well.”
Zoe texted Erinn and could wait to finally talk to her bestfriend instead of texting.
Erinn replied almost instantly.
“Oh they’re already at the cafeteria! Let’s go meet them!”

After the left their room Victoria let Zoe the way to the cafeteria. Although Zoe was confinced she would have found it herself.
You’d just have to follow the smell of food and walk in the opposite direction of the other students who had their pants unbuttoned or were rubbing their bellies.
“Ew, who could let themselfs go like that?”, Victoria wispered to Erinn.
When they entered the cafeteria Zoe immediatly spotted Erinn sitting at a table in the far end, talking to a short blond girl.
Erinn had dark brown hair, that she always wore in a ponytail. Erinn was kind of boyish, but pretty never the less. She weighted more than Zoe eventhough she was less tall. She wasn’t skinny or chubby, she had a normal figure. Erinn had C-cup brest and was obviously more muscular than Zoe.
Erinn played volleybal and her body reflected that. Erinn didn’t follow a diet, she always told Zoe that she was the only person who needed to like her body, she wouldn’t eat or drink anything less because society dictated her to have a size 2.
(Erinn excally wore a size 6, she had nice brests but she was more ‘bottom heavy’ thanks to her muscular legs.)

The girls sitting next to her was a lot shorter than Erinn. She had short blond hair, she had put the top half backwards with some hairpins. She had a friendly face, almost like a child that hadn’t lost it’s “babyfat” yet.
It was only then that it hit Zoe. Now closer to the table were they were sitting she could see that the blond girl did have a chubbier face.
But not because of babyfat.
When the girl picked up a slice of pizza, Zoe could see that she had some extra meet around her arms, unlike her own, or Erinn’s or Victoria’s for that matter.
Zoe couldn’t see the girl’s waist because of the table, bur she could already imagine a belly that would slightly poke out of her pants and in to her lap.
Zoe wandered off in to thought as she tried to imagine how the blond girls thights must be touching beneath the table.
Then she got snapped back to reality by Erinn’s voice, calling her name and waving them over to their table.
“Zoe! I’m so glad you’re here, meet my roommate: this is Anna”, Erinn gestured towerds the plump blond sittin next to her.
Anna give Zoe and Victoria a smile before swallowing some pizza. However before she could say hello to the girls, Victoria opened her mouth:
“I sure hope thoses slices aren’t all for you? I wouldn’t even want something so fattening if I had already gainend the freshman 15! hahaha!”
To emphasize her statement she but a hand on her own flat stomach while eyeing at Anna’s belly with disgust.
Zoe watched as Anna put the slice of pizza she was holding back down.
The poor girl had turned terribly red. Zoe noticed how she was trying to hide her belly with her arm.
She already regretted bringing Victoria and gave Anna an apologetic smile.
If Victoria noticed the look of horror on Erinn’s face, she didn’t care.
Erinn raised an eyebrown at Zoe.
“Is she supposed to be your roommate?”
Before Zoe could answer, Victoria had already sat down, while answering herself:
“Yes, I am! I am Victoria, but you can call me Vi. I assume you’re Erinn.”
Zoe sat down on the fourth chair and dicided to lighten up the conversation, so she asked Anna and Erinn if they’d already met some new people.
Erinn decided to ignore Victoria. They talked about the two girls that lived in de room across from theirs. Both were very weird and geeky, Victoria told them those girls were infamous on campus for their weird clothing. They were even nicknamed “the aliens”.
Soon the rocky start of the conversation was in the past and the four girls were gossiping about the school, discusting which classes they’d be taking and ofcourse, the boys.

Erinn told Zoe that she’d spotted a guy she might like in the cafeteria a few days ago.
She hadn’t talked to him yet but she hoped they might have a class together.
Suddenly Victoria saw her boyfriend Matthew enter the cafeteria and he and a few of his friends came over to their table.
Victoria immediately kissed him as to claim he was hers.
Matthew didn’t seem to mind. He smilled to the other girls.
“Your name was Zoe right?”
“Yup, that’s me. And this is Erinn and her roommate Anna.”
Erinn and Anna smiled at Matthew when Zoe mentioned their names.
“Hey, nice meeting you, I don’t know if Victoria has mentioned it, we’re throwing a party toningt at Liam’s house”
He gestured at one of the guys behind him.
“You girls are ofcourse welcome to come.”
He smiled at the girls and Zoe immediately understood why Victoria liked him.
Sure, he was pretty, but his smile seemed to brighten up his hole face.
“It won’t be super fancy, but there will be music and some beer, a good event to meet some new people”,
one of Matthew’s friends answered.
He was a bit taller than Matthew and was very muscular.
“Why wait till tonight to meet new people? You might want to introduces your friends to us, Matthew”, Erinn spoke.
But Matthew was busy flirting with Victoria, so instead his friend that had spoken before answered:
“I am Liam. That’s Greg, Ethan, Jake and Marco. But if you want to get to us better, you’ll have to come toninght.”
He winked at the girls and then he and the boys left.
Matthew was wispering something to Victoria, who was giggling and looking at him through her lashes.
Then Matthew left the cafeteria and Victoria said to the girls:
“I am so sorry but I’m leaving you, Matthew is going to his room and his roommates won’t be back for an hour so... yeah. Maybe I’ll see you tonight! Bye!”
When she left Anna turned towards Erinn and asked her:
“Wasn’t that the boy you liked?”
Erinn looked down and then muttered under her breath “yes”.
Then she laughed en said:
“Doesn’t matter, his friends were okay good looking too. But i’m gonna be honest with you Zoe; I don’t now if I’m a fan of Victoria, she can be funny and chatty but I get the feeling she can be a real bitch.”
Zoe sighed and turned toward Anna to apologized on behalf of her roommate for the comment she made earlier.
Anna turned red again, but waved it away.
“Oh no, don’t bother. It’s not the first time and it probably won’t be the last. I’ve tried to be skinny, but I wasn’t happy and well, if you ever see my family, you’ll know the skinny life just isn’t for me. I come from a big family”
Anna took a sip of her tall glass of cola.
Erinn laughed “Yeah, that’s the least you can say Anna!”
Zoe wasn’t sure what was funny.
“How so?”, she asked.
“Well, I am the youngest of 4 daughters and I also have 2 brothers. Kate, the oldest is 28 now, has a son, Archie and has been married for 3 years. Sophie’s 26 and married last year. I think they’re trying to have a baby but I’m not sure. Jacob’s 24 and has just started his own company. He’s dating someone that works for him but he hasn’t told us much about her yet. Then there’s the twins. Clara and Adam. They’re 2 years older than me. Adam is still single but Clara married a month ago. She’s been togheter with Oliver since they were 16, and before that they were friends since kindergarten.”
“Oh, so by ‘big family’ you meant you have a lot of brothers and sisters?”
Erinn giggled again, Zoe felt as if she was missing something.
“Yes and no. My parents have 6 children and 4 of the are married an there’s already one grandchild, so yeah are familydiners count a lot of heads. But what I haven’t told you yet is... hmm how do I say this? Well, in comparison to my sisters, I am skinny. And they’re skinny in comparison to my mom. Well maybe not Kate. It doesn’t matter you get the idea.”
Zoe was trying to imagine Anna family but couldn’t.
She already wished she could meet Anna’s family. She imagined that her sisters must be at least over 200 pounds.
Anna continued her story.
“When I was younger I really hated being teased for having a ‘chubby’ sister and a ‘fat’ mom so I did everything to be skinny and to stay that way. But I wasn’t happy. When I became 15, Kate got married and Clara and Sophie both had boyfriends even though they weren’t skinny. They seemed so happy as did my mom. So from that day on I stopped caring about my weight. I ate what I want and I didn’t do any excercise if I didn’t want to. The first year I gained a lot of weight, very fast. But after that it kind of plateaued. Well, yes ofcourse I still gain a little every year, but doesn’t everybody?”
Anna ended her story by stuffing the rest of her muffin in to her mouth.
Zoe was inspired by the way Anna looked at her body.
Yet she couldn’t help but think about how it had been when she was chubby. She didn’t feel happy, she only felt the pain of having lost her mother.
She felt Erinn take her hand beneath the table.
She must’ve know she was thinking about her mother.
“So, what about this party huh?” Erinn asked.
“You two choose, I’m also fine with staying in and watching a movie with some popcorn”, Anna said.
Erinn looked at Zoe.
“You know what? That actually sounds nice. I’m tired anyway from the long drive, I’m not in the mood for drinking, dancing and flirting.” The 3 girls giggled and started discussing which movie they would watch.
31 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 year
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Klaufra 1 year
I really enjoyed reading it, I hope you continue the story.
JigglyArms 1 year
Will they ever do the run mentioned in chapter 14?
Noname078 1 year
If I ever find the time to write it: yes! Although in my head I always thought to keep it for when Zoe and especially Victoria are fatter.
Richman92 1 year
I love the story. Anne and Victoria have good chemistry, I hope they end up together
Honking Ante... 3 years
can't wait for more!
Admirergirl07 3 years
Are there more chapters, I really enjoyed reading it😊
Shammyboy 3 years
I'm really enjoying it though the editing is rough. There are times where the names are obviously mixed up along the lines of "Zoe talked to Zoe about Zoe." Also breaks for paragraphs would help.
Noname078 3 years
Thank you for the feedback! I know there is still a lot of editing to do. I hope to get around to it sometime soon.