Dancing With Yourself

Chapter 1/1

(Authors note: this is fanfiction, also I originally wrote this with furry characters, but this has been rewritten as humans. It is also part of a much longer story but can been read on it's own.)

Josh's friends stood watching him dancing around the ballroom by himself, humming loudly.

They were late night ghost hunting at a historic mansion and trying to attract the attention of any local spirits by inviting them to dance. They had heard rumors of a female spirit who liked to dance around the room.

Seth snickered as he held his camera, eager to catch every clip. Dan held an SLS camera trained on him to catch any ghostly activity.

Josh paused and held up his arms like he was holding an invisible dance partner. “Honey,” He giggled. “I’m desperate for some ghost action!”

The young man froze when the lights went out. Candles around the room lit themselves until the ballroom was bathed in an eerie glow, and that wasn’t the only glow in the room.

Instead of the sweet dancer spirit they were expecting, Peeka the tricky ghost had instead materialized in Josh’s outstretched arms. She was dressed up in a black flapper style dress and had changed Josh’s clothes into a matching suit and hat.

Seth mouthed the word “whoa” while he kept recording, and Dan gawked at the stick figure on the SLS dancing around with Josh.

“May I have this dance?” Peeka beamed as she started to lead her partner in a waltz. Haunting music began to play from a record player by the fireplace, where Marvin stood in a tux.

With each guided step of the waltz, Josh began to feel…softer, and heavier. He looked down when he felt his suit stretch, and noticed that he was rapidly swelling up. His belly grew and grew and tightened his dress shirt until the buttons popped off, and still they danced as he gained a pound with every step.

“Whoa…uh, Peeka? What’s happenin’ to me?!” Josh grabbed his still growing, doughy belly in surprise.

“Just some special magic~” Peeka smiled and held onto Josh’s new love handles as she guided him around the dance floor.

With every pound of fat added to his frame, he found it more and more of a challenge to move. His stomach and legs wobbled with each step, and his chin had doubled and his thighs now rubbed together. When his big tummy started to reach his knees, Peeka guided him onto a couch on the side and snuggled up into his wide lap.

“Now, who’s hungry?~”

Peeka brought her apple scented gooey tail to his mouth with a smile. He half-lidded his eyes and held his mouth open.

“Hey, Dan, do you think he’s okay?” Seth lowered his camera and pointed his thumb at his plump friend on the couch.

“I dunno, he looks to be in some sort of trance, eh?” Dan scratched his head, deep in thought. “I say we try and snap im out of it.”

“Or you could join him,”

Marvin appeared between them and adjusted his glasses. The strange glow in the room intensified ever so slightly. “O-or not, it was just a suggestion.”

Dan snorted. “The caramel guy’s right, why not have a little fun, huh?”

“Yeah, man.” Seth hooked his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans and strolled over to Peeka and Josh as casual as could be, as if he were put under a spell himself...

“Hey dude, what happened to the ‘diet starts now’ mantra?” Seth snickered as he poked at his buddy's exposed belly. “You’re huge!”

“Mmmf…” Josh wriggled a bit, but couldn’t do much with the slime from Peeka pouring down his throat. He couldn’t even say a word when the his other friend came up and tickled him.

“Excellent work, Marvin. And I didn’t even have to ask!” Peeka purred with glee as her male counterpart crawled onto Josh’s belly and began to feed him with his own slime too.

“Well, I…” Marvin blushed and looked at the ceiling. “They were just standing there gawking so I figured you…we might enjoy an audience.”

“Holy hell, his belly is getting so big!” Seth spread his arms and hugged his friend’s tummy, laughing at the sloshing sounds it made as it filled up with candy apple slime. “Heheh, it’s like a big, squishy pillow…”

“And watch how it jiggles!” Dan teased. He grabbed a hand full of fat and shook it, watching the ripples across Josh's newly fat body. He pressed his other hand deep into his belly and made him burp.

The couch creaked as his plump body filled with slime that made his belly taut under the malleable fat. He groaned in bliss, finding it hard to keep his eyes open as he mindlessly swallowed gallons of yummy slime. He felt so fat, so full, so embarrassed, but he couldn’t fight back through the blissful haze that cloaked his mind. All he could sense was pleasure and comfort with four friends playing with his big belly. Seth began to knead his tummy and Dan leaned on it like a bean bag. A smile crossed Josh's mouth as loud gulps echoed around them.

“You seem to be enjoying yourself, Joshy~” Peeka kissed his face. He nodded and gave a little burp.

Marvin watched Peeka and grinned. “Do you think he’s full enough yet?”

“Haha, no, give him a couple more gallons.” Snickered Seth. He lay on the floor now, slowly but surely being covered by the overhang of his friend's soft belly. “I need his belly to be my blanket…”

Dan was already asleep and snoring loudly with his face in Josh's tummy.

The ghostly pair snuggled up to Josh as well, easing up on the slime as he drifted off to sleep. His belly grew to finally cover Seth in a soft blanket of chub and the three friends were fast asleep.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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