A Feeder for Christmas

Chapter 1/3

I always love a good shopping spree for myself, but my favorite thing has always been finding the perfect outfits and gifts for my friends and family. Everyone told me I had a knack for it. So when I found a job as a personal shopper, you know I went for it.

My newest client, whom I had yet to meet, was a top YouTuber who was living in a mansion for an extended period of time to star in a new TV show alongside his friends. He would be attending all the fancy galas and whatnot they had for the upcoming holiday season, and I was hired on as his personal shopper for a few months while they were in town. I was psyched, it wasn't everyday I got to work with a celebrity who was my age, and I knew I was going to have a good time while getting the chance to show off my skills to a new crowd.

Before I would even get the chance to meet with the man and talk to him in person, I was instructed - via email from the film company that apparently had him hire me - to pick up some snacks to bring to the mansion. I was told that my new client enjoyed spicy food and ice cream, so I swung by the nearest grocery store and picked up a few bags of spicy chips, two medium tubs of ice cream, and some sweet candy, because who doesn't like candy?

When I pulled up to the mansion, my jaw dropped. It was huge, fancy, surrounded by decked out sprawling gardens complete with strings of lights, windchimes, and bird houses. We're talking millionaire, rich Disney Princess shit. And it looked historical to boot. I couldn't wait to get inside.

I parked my car, grabbed the groceries, and made my way up to the grand front entrance. I knocked, and the door was answered by a legit butler with tailed suit, gloves, and shoes so shiny I could see my reflection in em.

"Can I help you, miss?"

I fished the ID badge out of my faux leather jacket and presented it. "Norah Yume, new personal shopper for one Joshua Yozura."

"Ah yes, right this way, Miss Yume."

Butler guy led me through a massive foyer, down some halls, past the kitchens, down some more halls, up some stairs...I would have lost my way in an instant. Finally we stopped outside a door to what I assumed was one of the many private suite-style rooms.

I wasn't used to meeting clients for the first time in their private bedrooms, but there's a first time for everything.

Butler knocked on the door, and a minute later the door was opened by a handsome man, and I mean drop dead gorgeous. He had an updo of fluffy blond hair and reddish stubble across a sharp jawline. His clothes were more on the street-style side, a sharp contrast compared to butler.

"Mister Yozura, your personal shopper has arrived."

"Thanks, James!"

"Hey Mister Yozura, I brought your snacks." I held up the grocery bags.

"Oh, thank you! You can just call me Josh by the way."

Cute and humble? Another first.

I guess butler guy James had called him by his last name out of habit. He left and I was alone with my new client.

"Nice to meet you, Josh. I'm Norah!" I held out my hand for him to shake. His hands were a bit rough but the grip was gentle.

"Nice to meet ya, Norah! And thanks for the snacks!"

"Sure thing! I got you some chips and candy and two little tubs of ice cream. Do you want me to put those downstairs in the kitchens or something?"

"Oh, I got a mini fridge in here!" The man walked back into his room, leaving the door open. Assuming he wanted me to come inside, I followed him to a cozy little living room type area that had several couches, a coffee table littered with wrappers, and that mini fridge he mentioned.

"May I?" I held up his snack bags.


I unpacked the snacks and put them away in a cabinet, then found room in the mini freezer for the tubs of ice cream, meanwhile making small talk with Josh.

"So Josh, while I'm here, are you against me getting your measurements?"

"Huh?" He had blushed.

Oh Jesus Christ, men and their dirty minds...

"Height, chest, arm and leg length, waist size...for the outfits I'll be buying for you. Do you like to wear any accessories as well? Any new earrings? I saw the diamonds you're wearing now. Maybe you could give me a little sense of the styles and garments you like to wear."


I took out my fabric tape measure and got to work while Josh told me a little of the sorts of outfits he liked to wear and what he wouldn't mind getting for fancier clothes. He didn't seem like the type to enjoy fancier clothes, but I knew that he cleaned up nice.

As I was measuring Josh's waist, I felt and heard his stomach rumble loudly. He blushed and stammered an apology, going on about how he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

I didn't hear most of what he was saying, I was too busy trying not to gush over how completely adorable he looked when he blushed...

"No need to apologize. Here," I took out one of the candy bars I had purchased and offered it to him. He unwrapped the chocolate and munched on it while I finished measuring him and we got to chatting about our interests and whatnot.


"Alright, I got what I needed, thanks for being my scarecrow." I said with a chuckle. "I'll get outta your hair."

"Do you want to hang out for a bit? I brought my PlayStation!"

Video games were something we discovered we had in common, but I was taken aback. Never had a client wanted to spend free time with their personal shopper, much less had any of my clients ever expressed such a love for video games.

"I actually have an appointment to go to, otherwise I'd already be on your couch, controller in one hand and Mountain Dew in the other." I laughed. "Rain check?"

"Sure! Oh, do you want my number?"

Before I could get too excited, I quickly reminded myself that this very attractive man was also my client and we would need to exchange numbers in order for this whole job thing to work.

"Yes, please, that would be helpful. Much easier than going through your manager."


Over the next couple of weeks, Josh asked me for snacks, sodas, TV dinners, and more spicy noodles than I thought existed in this world, along with some new jeans and an outfit for a Halloween gala. I grabbed foods that were both familiar to him and not, which, most of the time he ended up enjoying. Everytime I dropped by, we got to chat more and play video games here and there.

November rolled around, and Josh asked for hot cocoa, fancy coffees, and those gooey chocolate mug cakes with all kinds of toppings. I also got him a few new jackets, a new scarf, and a fancy sweater and pants for a Thanksgiving dinner with the filming company. He insisted he was going on a diet, but I sincerely doubted that.

Then came December and the need for a three-piece suit for the upcoming Christmas Eve ball that would also be taking place at the manor where he was staying. Of course I couldn't just get the suit, he wanted cookies, chocolate milk, candy, and other holiday treats.

Damn young men with their high metabolisms...

On December 23rd, I drove to the mansion with freshly dry-cleaned suit and four bags of snacks and groceries in tow. I was let into the foyer, and made my way to Josh's room without help from any of the staff.

I knocked on the door, and Josh answered with his usual dashing smile, and a candy cane dangling from his lips. "Hey, Norah!"

"Hey there, Josh!" I followed him inside, set the groceries on the coffee table and took his new suit out of its protective cover.

The suit was dark red with elegant black lapels and a matching waistcoat with black trim and a metal chain to stand in for a real pocket watch. It came with dark red slacks, a crisp white button down shirt, and a black tie. I had also gotten a pair of shiny black dress shoes to match.

Josh looked confused. "But...the ball thing isn't until tomorrow."

"I just wanted to try it on you, see if it needed any tailoring. I think the sleeves might be a bit long, but I couldn't pass this one up! Do you like it? I thought it would pay homage to your street style, but in an elegant, hardcore-holiday kinda way."

"I love it!"

"I thought you would. Here, go try on the button down and the slacks and we'll try the waistcoat and suit jacket on you when you get out."

Josh took the clothing, brought it into the bathroom, and closed the door.

I ran my fingers over the buttons on the waistcoat and played with the metal chain while I waited.

I totally didn't get the suit because I thought Josh would look sexy in it. Absolutely not. He was my client, not my date... Hell, it's not like celebrities invited their personal shoppers to prestigious events, especially not Christmas Eve balls with their mistletoe and jingle bells. Yuck. Not my scene, anyway...

When Josh came back out, I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head and handed him the waistcoat to try on. I then took the suit jacket, and, while standing behind him, helped his arms into the proper arm holes and went around to his front to smooth out the shoulder pads and button the waistcoat.

The waistcoat barely fit; the buttons were straining and appeared to be digging into him uncomfortably. I stood back to look him over, and noticed the slacks looked rather tight and sported a dangerously strained button as well. Were the goddamn sleeves the only things that fit properly?!

"Either you gained weight, or I got the wrong size." I looked at Josh from the side. "And I've never gotten the wrong size before. Ever."

"Y-yeah...weird, right? I probably gained a pound or two-"

Why was his voice so strained? My gaze slowly traveled up to Josh's flushed face as he did everything he could to avoid looking at me with those pretty eyes of his. Ohhh, that's why.

I got up close to him and clapped his shoulder. Power move.

"Oh my god. Josh, are you sucking in?"

"Uh, no-" A sharp intake of breath.

"You are!" I stepped back and smacked his belly. "Let it out!" I commanded.

When he finally exhaled, Josh's belly surged forward to fill what little space there was available in the suit, and even pushed out a bit above and underneath the waistcoat.

"Okay, I can work with this. We'll leave the waistcoat unbuttoned and-"


One of the buttons on the waistcoat snapped off and clattered to the floor.

I felt myself blush almost as darkly as Josh did, though I didn't know why...I was going to be the one to sew that sucker back on, dammit!

"Sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be," I bent down to pick up the button, and heard another one pop off. I felt this one bounce off my ass. Pervy little piece of plastic. "It's your money that I bought it with."

I stood up with two buttons in my palm and looked at Josh from all angles. Yep. Those snack runs and feasts were really catching up to him. His stomach hung out over the red slacks: a few more holiday dinners and that button was going to disappear under a whole lot of...soft fat...

I looked back up at his red face, that sheepish smile and reddish stubble. Josh, you are one handsome, charming...hedonistic and glutinous little devil who's gonna pig out and stuff himself tomorrow at that-

"Are you okay, Norah?"

Shit. I quickly averted my gaze, hoping against hope that I wasn't just giving him bedroom eyes. Personal shoppers do not sleep with their clients. And they do not think about purposefully over feeding their clients. What had gotten into me?

"I'm fine, just wondering what to do with you."

Snap-clatter, another waistcoat button abandoned ship.

"Oy vey. Please tell me you're pushing out now." I snickered.

Josh shook his head and that sheepish smile returned to grace his soft lips.

"So, I'll sew the buttons back on and you'll go with that waistcoat unbuttoned. It'll look fine just a bit stretched over that belly of yours. As for the slacks, if you can handle an evening with the waistband digging into your stomach, we should be just fine as long as you don't gorge yourself too-"

Snap! Clatter, clatter.

The sound of a pants button giving up on life and throwing itself under the sofa.


"Ah, shit!" Josh immediately put his hands over his crotch to hide the fly that had loudly unzipped itself. That and to hide the black and gray Kingdom Hearts boxers and the-

I quickly turned to give him privacy and distracted myself by bending over to retrieve the button that had landed under the couch. Which left me in an interesting position, bending forward with my ass up in the air aimed at him while I stretched to grab the runaway button.

"I'm gonna go change!" Josh darted into the bathroom and practically slammed the door.

"That 'diet' really isn't working out for you! I'll sew everything back on and sell it back later after Christmas. We'll have to go now and find you a new suit in-store."

"I'll drive!"

I had finally grabbed the button and stood up so fast I bumped the couch against the wall. That blush was going way beyond my face and neck now.

Watching an attractive man driving a car was almost as hot as having a flustered attractive man standing vulnerable in front of me with an erection while he was literally spilling out of his clothes.

This was going to be an interesting shopping trip. 
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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