Dangerous Cake

  By MottiF  

Chapter 1

Shoval was famous model, under the strong influence of a sudden infatuation with a mysterious stranger.

She decided to spend the evening with at a cafe and ordered a cake from a mysterious witch granny.

Unfortunately, the cake was eaten by her alone. Later, at her house, she decided to enjoy moments of intimacy. However, when she just started to took off all her clothes, she noticed with horror how her figure began to transform.

Her breasts, once a modest third size, were rapidly increasing stretching out her shirt. Her bra could not withstand the pressure and burst. In a panic, she realized that her waist was also rounding, turning into a big belly, which eventually tore the lace underwear and continued to grow.

Her hips and butts were rapidly growing, changing just before her own eyes from toned to thick and flabby.

In horror, Shoval jumped back, not believing her eyes. In the mirror that hung on the wall, she did not recognize herself. A full body instead of the ideal forms that had previously attracted her gaze. She tried to pull on the remains of her lace underwear, but its fabric could not hold her new dimensions.

A feeling of fear and uncertainty overwhelmed her, as if every moment was wasted. But she soon learned that she is going to fatten up even more…

Her shirt was m bursting: before eating the cake it had been roomy and a little loose, but now it was getting tighter, the spaces between the buttons growing wider as she was ballooning up. She was surprised that her dress was still tight, but it didn’t even seem to be about to burst at the seams, it seemed to have grown with her, hugging her luxuriously rounded curves like a glove, while, it seemed, not interfering with her breathing or moving. She couldn’t help but wonder if it some kind of magic.

She has such exciting gaps between the buttons on her shirt, hoping that the fabric will just stretch and not bursts. But her bulk and swollen belly continues to expand.

She never felt such a feeling but could feel her body growing and soon enough she has managed to gain fifty kilos in course of one hour. Her shape was going to change radically.

From that moment on, the changes began: her clothes were stretching even more, revealing her lacy underwear. Her hips transformed into massive, majestic and flabby shapes, stretching her pants to the limit. Her stomach, as if by yeast, swelled, pushing forward and to the sides, filling the space with new folds. Gradually, inexorably, Shoval's forms were excised, freeing the growing volumes from the constricting clothes. Gradually, like a light gradually fading, nothing remained in her outfit - not a single thing, not even the previously luxurious sports uniforms that once so elegantly emphasized her individuality. Now only the remains of clothes hung uncomfortably, like a shadow of the past, in which there was no room for her former self.

She felt her world crumble when she realized with horror that the pride in her eyes was once replaced by tears. A life full of hopes and dreams now seemed to be falling apart into small pieces. With each slap on her body, despair grew in her heart. She knew that there was no point in resisting. The parameters of her existence had changed, and every sound resonating in space reminded her of the lost lightness. Belly, chest, all of this... flashed through her mind like a cruel joke, causing her rosy cheeks to burn with shame. And in that moment, Shoval realized: she no longer wants to be a victim. She is ready to tell Ace. But her forms grew to such a size that she would not be able to move quickly. She was getting fatter 5 times faster, and became a hostage to her own hips and body, she was gradually turning into a huge, non-walking mountain of fat.
1 chapter, created 4 months , updated 4 months
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