Chapter 1
This story is one of love, feederism, weight gain, health play and other dark themesCharlotte; The Person
Charlotte was a slim figured and healthy girl of twenty two years of age. She had a desirable frame to most with an ample pair of D cup breasts and a booty to match. Charlotte had a an almost perfect hourglass figure that complimented her piercing green eyes and dirty blonde hair. At 5’ 11 and a mere 145lbs, she was the definition of a “pretty girl” by any day’s standards. This wasn’t due to gym memberships or a busy lifestyle, Charlotte just didn’t eat.
The only daughter of a working class family, her father was a rancher and her mother a teacher. With a frugal upbringing, she inherited work ethic and personality. A high achiever in her classes, a cheer leading sensation and an up and coming, all rounded good person.
Charlotte made a very hefty income working in sales an telemarketing after starting her career in sales at age eighteen. Sales was never her “dream job”, but she had a knack for it and certainly enjoyed the financial returns As well as the well deserved promotions that came with being a natural salesperson in a company that greatly appreciated her work ethic and sales figures. She was never unable to do the things she wanted to do, like spending time with friends or taking vacations.
Maree invested a lot of her time and money in the stock market after and before work, depending on the shift that she worked. She had made it quite a financially easy life for herself after a massive investment gain and payout came when she was just 21, funding her to purchase her house and car.
Being well off as a natural in a career that she never desired and excellent skill investing in the stock market, didn’t mean that she didn’t enjoy what she did for work either. Charlotte was enthused by seeing the wealthy returns on her investment of time and care. But, no matter how much money she had saved in the bank, no matter how many vacations she took and no matter how many respectable suitors Charlotte found herself contending, she was never completely satisfied.
Charlotte was scrolling through her social media feeds as a way of ending her eight hour shift and ultimately, her forty hour week. Platforms from Facebook, Instagram and finally, Reddit when she stumbled across a post from a sub titled “r/femalefittofat”. A blurred out post with the caption “18+ NSFW”. Now, as Charlotte did not engage in any sort of fantasy or fetish pages, nor did she know that they even existed. She was intrigued after scrolling past and found herself scrolling back up with every intention to see the post...
Charlotte; The Tangent
In the two days that followed that fateful Friday evening where Charlotte found the Reddit post that showed a young woman around her age who had a seemingly similar weighted, but less “gifted" figure at age eighteen undergo what could only be described as a “shocking transformation” to most. The post she saw showed a younger and considerably gorgeous woman transform over twenty slides in to a 365lb “stacked” bombshell.
Charlotte had begun to find herself questioning everything she though she knew about beauty, her wants and desires as well as her goal in life. She was partially “grossed out" by the way she felt initially. In the sixty seconds it took for her to view the post and partially study what she was seeing, she had grown extremely wet and heavy in her womanhood and found herself almost immediately beginning to fantasise about this woman and her body.
Her weekend had been a planned quiet and “socially recharging" weekend anyhow and she was not expected to be anywhere or see anyone. Without distraction it would seem, Charlotte became consumed with what she saw on Friday night. A woman that deliberately “ruined" her figure, why would she do this? There was a link to her OF account on the post, did she do it for money? Why would anyone risk their health so blatantly for money? And why on earth did it stir her up sexually like that!? It just didn’t make sense!
Charlotte; The Moment of Change
Charlotte called in “sick” to work on Monday, she emailed her management team and lied. Telling them she was ill and hoped to make a return on the Tuesday that followed. Charlotte had only three sick days in her entire four years of working for the company that took her on straight out of school. Her management team knew she was dedicated and committed and didn’t cause a scene, instead wishing her a speedy recovery and well wishes.
Charlotte was not physically sick, she was stricken. She had to find out more of what was going on in the world of weight gain and eventually, feederism. She became obsessed and begun her research from the moment her eyes opened. Making herself a cup of coffee and setting herself down in front of her computer in her home office. Two 42” monitors beamed to life as she used her extensively well acquainted computer to begin her day of research and soul searching. She had to find out why women, and men, were doing this and why it caused such a stir in her loins and her soul. Why was it calling her so badly? Why was what she seeing causing her to act and feel this way?
Still pent up from Friday night's findings, which she did nothing about, her woman hood roared to life and begun weeping her pleasure juices as she set about opening Reddit on one of her monitors and Google on the other. A notepad that lived next to her mouse pad became a list of names and terms that she found and Googled up, noting down any connection that she could find between names and websites. Before too long, her bare and tight pussy became a mess that had begun to make more heat and fluid escape between her toned thighs than she had ever felt before. She opened up the exact post that she found on Friday night after scrolling down past what seemed like an entire busy weekend of posts that had loaded up, all exhibiting the same behaviours of women that were seemingly “blowing up” before her very eyes.
She opened the post and spread her legs, moving aside the silk gown she was wearing. With her left hand operating the arrow keys on her key board and her right hand operating her womanhood, she begun to massage her clit. To her surprise, she felt ready to cum almost instantly and did nothing to deny herself of the waves of pleasure that ensued. Charlotte came, HARD. Before she could get to the end of the pictures in the post, 14/20, to be exact, she blew. No more than forty seconds in, she couldn’t believe her eyes or what she was feeling. She came harder and stronger than she ever had before, leaving an intense puddle of cum on the wooden chair she sat on.
That’s when it hit her, she never was attracted so much to women. But, she was more turned on by imagining herself being this woman. Her body being the one to be bloated and heavier, thicker and sexier, bigger in every way.
After cleaning herself and her chair up and between viewing the posts that followed and some of the posts before, she knew she was hooked. Little did she know, this was her undoing. A lucky girl that grew into a lucky woman, who was focused, dedicated and gifted, was all about to mean next to nothing. The skills she had gained by being as good as she was at her job were about to be put to use to investigate her sexual pleasure.
Undeterred by the orgasm that caused her to lose her grip on reality for thirty seconds, Charlotte pushed on in her research. Safe to say, her coffee went cold. BBWs, SSBBWs, USBBWs, feedees, feeders, gainers and other related words of the search begun filling her browser history and search bars. Seemingly orgasming her way through her searches, cumming when she found something that gained her interest and turned her on. By just 10:04am and from only a 6:30am start time, she found it. Immobility.
Charlotte had never even heard of the term “immobility” when describing a person, but on this Monday in the middle of April, she found it. Her first viewing of a woman that was completely incapacitated, immobile and helpless, giving an interview of how she ruined her own life. Despite feeling somewhat sorry for her, Charlotte found herself massaging her nearly numb clit and feeding her fingers deep into her pussy, sounding now like a bowl of pasta and sauce being swirled around in a giant pot. Charlotte denied herself a quick orgasm as she watched on, imagining her life at this size. Completely dependent on her feeder for EVERYTHING. Food, care, mobility, pleasure and companionship. The tears that streamed down the immobile woman’s face only added to her pent up tension, Charlotte had officially lost all control. Muttering to herself under breath between her pants of pleasure, “you ***ing pig... oh yeah... you did this to yourself, didn’t you?... huh?... yeah... couldn’t have just put the fork down, could you?... uh... uh!...uhhhh!... do you even use a fork? Or do those fat little digits you call fingers just scoop it up in the... uh!.. end!...”. She plunged deeper and deeper with her right hand, using her left hand to left her left nipple of her D cup breasts to her mouth before she begun sucking for dear life, loosely and gently dragging her teeth before she dropped her tit and immediately grabbed the inside of her left thigh, imagining her being this big. “I’ll bet you love a good funnelling don’t you... fuck... uh... uhh.... uhhhhh!... how do you get your pleasure now!?... I’ll bet your lover needs a fucking crane to get to your ***ing pussy now huh!... oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuuuuuuck!”, Charlotte screamed before cumming harder than ever before, something she never though possible after her early morning orgasm.
Finishing up and wallowing in her mess temporarily, she regained her breath and looked at the clock “15:21”, she read. For the first time in her life, she blew off her commitments to chase something that had a hold on her like never before. Yet Charlotte, felt the most feeling of achievement that she had ever felt in her entire life. Closing the windows on her computer and taking a good five or so minutes to piece together the way she was feeling and the things she had witness that day. She begun to feel hungry, as she always did around this time of day. But this time, this time was different.
Charlotte didn’t want to eat healthy. She wanted to “pig out” and order take out, “a pizza or two and some garlic bread ought to do it”. Charlotte ordered Domino’s pizza and ate it in her bad that evening, she took photos on her phone and viewed them back, only slightly turned on by what she saw, but extremely turned on by what she felt. Full.
The App
Charlotte woke at 6:00am and got ready for her Tuesday morning shift. Commuting to work in her late model Mercedes-Benz hot-hatch. Trying to separate her findings of the weekend and yesterday from today and the remainder of the week so she can focus on work. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake it. Before she knew it, McDonald’s drive thru was asking her for her order as she sat on her leather seats with the vents on, still managing to be forming a warm wetness between her slim thighs. She ordered small as not to bloat for the people at work to see, but she ordered nonetheless. Her first breakfast in three and a half years, and it was McDonald’s.
Her stained panties would have to wait until 2pm today when she returns home, because she had also never been late to work and wasn’t about to start. Hiding all of her evidence in her console as she pulled in to the underground carpark of her office building job. She stepped out of her car and straightened her blouse, which was definitely showing a slight bloating bulge. “shit...”, she murmured as she locked her hatch and walked towards the lift.
Alone in the lift, as she was always early. Or “on-time", in her mind. She opened her phone with gusto after having a flash idea, “there has to be dating apps or fetish apps for people who are into this” She thought. Finding Feebie and Grokio as a start, she downloaded the app as she walked to her cubicle. Setting her bag and belongings down on her desk and turning on her monitors, she got ready to start work.
“Feeling better today, Charlotte?” Mark asked, her manager strolling past to check on her. Caught off guard, Charlotte grabbed her phone and flipped it upside down, despite the phone screen being off.
“So much better, must have been a twenty-four hour thing, you know? Thanks for checking on me though, did I miss anything yesterday?”, a startled Charlotte responded.
Mark raised an eyebrow at her reaction and begun to set himself down at the far end of her desk, “You ah, sure you’re alright? Happy to see you’re feeling better, but you seem edgy.” Mark asked while staring at his employee.
“Ugh, yeah. I’m OK, sorry. Some personal things going on that have me on edge and have made sleeping a luxury, but I’m OK. Nothing will get in the way of my work Mr. Jones, I’m back and ready to hit the week running!” a perky Charlotte replied.
“Alright, if you’re sure? You’re an absolute star employee and salesperson here, if you need anything at all, talk to me. I’d be happy to help” a concerned Mark responded.
“Mmhmm, absolutely. Thanks Mr. Jones, I appreciate that!” Charlotte responded, her right hand against the right side of her face and her crossed legs facing him.
Not convinced, Mr. Jones nodded and walked off. Briefly looking back at her smiling back at him before continuing the commute to his office down the hall. It never crossed her mind how this looked. She was worried that he was pressing to find out why she wasn’t at work on the Monday, when he was more worried about her leaving the company. Making sure she had everything she needed and someone to talk to was one of the reasons Mark was such a good manager. Something that would definitely help Charlotte in her journey later on.
The Inevitable
Over the coming weeks, Charlotte started exploring the Apps and talked with both feedees and feeders in the communities. But one person that consistently liked her photos and posts, was Chris. The constant stops at fast food outlets on the way to and from work had started to take a toll on her once slender frame. Charlotte was now sporting a bloated look at all times and had a very gentle second chin starting to form. She was posting pictures of her “binging sessions” and her bloated and stuffed belly for all to see on her Feebie profile, as well as posting her feelings and desires. She finally felt a sense of belonging and support.
Her friends had started to notice the increased appetite that their friend Charlotte now had, and said nothing at first. Passing it off for a phase or perhaps a temporary lapse in judgement.
Chris however, seemed to be someone who’s opinion she kept in the form of gospel as he had more experience than her in the world of feeding and gaining. Living across town from each other and yet, never having met each other. Chris was an older man at age 30, that had his head screwed on. He wasn’t like the other commentators of Charlotte’s profile that were just after photos or sexual content. Chris was calm, the opposite of pushy and extremely busy with his own life. But Chris, was a feeder.
Talks between Chris and Charlotte had begun to take a more intimate turn when Charlotte asked Chris what he liked about the fetishist side and what exactly it was that he seeks in a woman.
“So, what exactly is it that you find so attractive about the fetish? How far have you gone with it? What’s your limit? What is it that your ideal feedee would be?? X 😁”, asked an eagerly awaiting Charlotte.
“Uhummm... well, I enjoy all the aspects of this “fetish”😅I like the gaining, satisfying the constant need to eat, the sexual side of it. Just, everything really. Gone with it? Ah, I’ve fed a few women over the years, but only as a spontaneous thing. Nothing that has ever been a committed feedee/feeder relationship. My ideal feedee would be... HUNGRY 🤣” a nervous Chris replied.
“Do you like playing with the extra weight on a woman? Asking for a friend.🤣🤣 X” stated an eagerly awaiting Charlotte.
“Haha, ah. Yeah, very much so. How far have you gone with it? What gets you going the most?” asked Chris, starting to feel like he’s able to open up.
“Honestly, I’m only new to this. But, I’ve noticed that I’m drawn to the idea of being immobile... I really, really like the idea of being too big to move.. too big to care for myself... too big to... please myself. And I’m finding lately that I’m doing things to get myself to that size. I know it sounds crazy, please don’t think I’m weird. X” a now, very vulnerable and nervous Charlotte explains.
Absolutely shocked and being speechless, Chris was without words. Nursing a semi-erection that couldn’t be tamed by an axe, Chris decided to leave Charlotte on read at the risk of replying with something that he felt may expose him to be the “mad” feeder that he feels he is and potentially drive her away. He liked what they had, he cherished it. But to Chris, this was music to his ears.
Fit to Fat
5 chapters, created 3 months
, updated 3 months