Gaining by the Letter

  By Jim505  

Chapter 1

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It was a day like any other that involves me being away from my loved ones, especially my girlfriend Jayne. I’ve been working away recently in spurts for a company representing a multi-national repair agency specialising in anything with an engine. As a salesman and representative, I am called to go where I am needed next for our client to expand into the global leagues. As for my skills? I’m good, damn good. And I get paid as such. However, it's been a burden lately with my new relationship now reaching new levels of attention required. We’re not so new to this any more and we both want to settle down.
Things in the bedroom are hot, they always have been. I’ve been open with her about my desires as I’m not like every other guy when it comes to my interests in women’s looks. Most guys will find any girl over a certain weight to be less appealing, yet here I am with the opposite interest. Don’t get me wrong, I think it all comes down to personality for a meaningful relationship, regardless of size and figure. But when it comes to my undeniable sexual desires, I have told her what I like. Bigger women, so big they struggle to do simple tasks like walk or reach their womanhood. She’s not majorly into her fitness or health regimes but she does like to stay somewhat toned. And that’s great, I’ve always found her slightly thicker Italian frame to be attractive... And sometimes I even fantasize about fattening her up. But I never mention this to her, she becomes uneasy and doesn’t know how to handle it when I talk about my desires. So I keep it to myself.
Just like I said, nothing unusual about my last day away. I rest at the hotel after my 12 hour drive to a town 5 hours from home. Not risking an accident by driving into the night is a company policy, and I like my job! Being later in the afternoon Jayne was feeling tired and wanted to have a rest after cleaning everything in the house for my arrival home like she does every time, even though I couldn’t imagine the house getting dirty with 1 person at home for 3 weeks of the month. She messages me saying she is laying down in bed feeling knackered after cleaning all day, I reply with the usual “Aww baby. You know you don’t have to clean for me to come home. I appreciate it but it’s not necessary! How dirty can a place get with a clean freak being there for 3 weeks of the month! Haha.” Sitting down on the hotel bed I begin taking off my shoes and getting ready to unwind. I get up and sus the room out, checking my phone for replies. Realizing she has fallen asleep on the bed after 10 minutes has gone by with no reply, I send “Enjoy your nap beautiful. Sweet dreams.” Still no reply usually means she is out cold and will hopefully wake in an hour or two otherwise she will be up all night! Which happens quite often now seeing as she doesn’t have to work.
I keep trying to encourage her to stay home and eat but of course, she doesn’t over do it like I wish she would. She catches up with friends, watches some T.V. and plays some games on the console. But she also spends a lot of time out with her family to keep occupied, which is big to her as she comes from a big, tight and close knit family. I’m just so glad she felt comfortable enough to give up her job so she can focus on her own thing and be happy. There really is no point in us both working with my 6 digit income starting with a 3. We’ve got it good.
After imagining her cleaning and laying down. I’m relieved. Imagining how good it would be if she didn’t even have to do that. Hiring a nanny came to mind months ago but she tells me the idea is futile as it’s all she has left to keep her busy at home. I continue thinking how good it would be if she listened to my encouragement and ate all day like the pig I want to turn her into. I think and I think until my burgeoning shaft is pressed against my underwear and jeans. That’s when the idea of writing a story hit me! That way I could get all of how I want things to be in an ideal fantasy world out, without upsetting her or feeling restricted in what I say!
I immediately snap into action and slide my phone from my pocket. I open Word and start typing... “she goes to sleep a size 14, unbeknownst to her. Her boyfriend is writing about her big, stretched, 450kg body being too big to roll over. After subconsciously struggling in her sleep. She wakes in uncertainty, rubbing her eyes as she tries to come to a quick conclusion as to why her hips feel so pinned. In doing this, she realizes it’s taking so much energy to rub her eyes... And she can feel her cheek sticking out further, like she has filled her mouth with air. But it’s so soft and warm. She opens her eyes properly and sees her hand and fingers and screams as loud as possible! She starts to hyperventilate way quicker than ever before and quickly reaches for her phone on the bedside table. She opens the camera on selfie screen and sees her face, and it’s huge! She uses her chubby digits to poke and prod her chubby, rosy face in disbelief as she sees what has happened. She’s become fat. So fat that even simple things are impossible, like getting up from bed. She stares at her multiple chins covering her neck. She tries to gaze down but is restricted by her chins. All she can see is her spread chest in shock as she sees her previously tight little C cups have turned into these flowing thick rivers of skin with big tan nipples at the end of them. She quickly turns the camera off and starts dialling my number. Although through the tears filling her eyes she enters the wrong number and hits call to hear... “Sorry. The number you have called is not connected. Goodbye.” She screams, “Fuck!”. She goes to her messages and enters out conversation, slamming the call button with her swollen thumb. New feeling the weight of her arms after holding them up for not even 30 seconds she is mostly grateful she is able to return them to her side. Feeling her new found arm size causing an issue with holding her phone to her ear as she battles the day in her upper arm to hold it there. The phone rings once, twice, then a third time where I answer sayi-"... I stop typing as I see Jayne’s name and number come up on my screen. I let it ring for 5 or so seconds, unsure of what is going on and feeling kind of guilty for what I’m writing. I hit the answer button and speak, “Hello beautiful, how was your sleep? You weren’t out for very long!”. I am met with s reply of sobbing that quickly turns into a burst of tears as my sweet Jayne struggles to get words out. All I can hear is her crying and sniffling. “Honey! What’s the problem?!”, she continues crying but begins to reel it in as she tries to say something about impossible and embarrassed. Like a fool I say “Jayne, I can’t understand you! Can you calm down and tell me what’s wrong?”, her crying goes silent as I hear her take a long but shallow sounding breath in. “I’m Fat Chris! I’m fucking fat!” She screams at me before breaking out in tears again. I chuckle on my end as I think she has had a horrible micro dream that has left her disoriented, it’s happened before. “Honey. You’re not fat! Don’t use that word! You’re a perfectly healthy girl with a very attractive figure baby.” I say, not knowing that she was not kidding. She takes another long drawn breath but again sounding shallow, making me tilt my head as I question why it is taking so long to inhale for her today. “I can’t get out of bed Chris!... *puffing and panting* I can’t lift my legs!... *more puffing followed by a long draw of breath* My cute C cup breasts... *puffing* are hanging down either side of *puffing* this fat body of mine! And I feel so hungry!... *gasping for air* I could eat a fucking horse!” She cries over the line. I begin to hear the seriousness in her voice and jump right over any possible fact of her doing this to turn me on surprisingly. My Jayne has become fat... Just like how I wrote her to be. And I'm 540 kilometres away from the woman I’ve ben wanting to feed and fatten since we first met. “Honey! Are you being serious!? This isn’t some seductive way to get me home a day earlier?!” I ask with a firm and louder tone in my voice as I feel my blood runs hot, I start to tremble and my cock grows hard again. She replies with “I need you home! *huff* you need to help me! *Laboured breathing* I need you to help me fix this! *silence follows* And don’t come home without fucking food! *huff* I need a whole pig!”, the phone goes dead.
I put my shoes back on and grab my luggage, popping the boot to my Jaguar XFR and throwing my luggage carelessly in the back. I run back and shut the door, leaving the room key on the bench before getting in to the car and pulling out. I’m on state route 1 before I know it and driving into the night, milking that 380 kilowatt supercharged 5 litre V8 for all its got! I crack 230 km/h most of the way back to our house miraculously avoiding any police attention before stopping into a customer of my client’s, 15ks from my house who owes me a favour for putting him on this amazing service and repair deal that costs him way less than it should in exchange for excellent pricing on anything from his bakery/deli, for entertaining friends and family in the case of events. Can’t say I didn’t think about how cheap it would be to fatten Jayne up if she ever did turn that way, but it wasn’t looking likely.
“What sort of shindig would a guy like you be having at such late notice that requires so much food young Christopher!? Huh?” says my local butcher, standing at 6'5" tall with a solid frame and a thick Russian accent. “Ah... I’ve... Well... It’s a surprise for ah... One of Jayne’s friends! Yeah! Who was planning a nice dinner for her family... But had a catering disaster! Yeah. So ah. Jayne asked me to pull a favour to deliver it to them. You know how she’s always trying to help everyone! Haha...” I reply, looking uneasy as I finish putting the load of food in the boot, shutting the lid firmly. I hand him my credit card quickly and he chips it into the machine. I enter my pin and pull the card. “I really appreciate this, Pavel.” I say as I approach the open door of my running and waiting car. “Sure... Anything for you Chris... Keep out of trouble.” He says as he looks at me with a risen eyebrow, trying to catch on to my uncertainty And pace. “Thanks again!” I shout as I take off in a rush out of the alley and back on the final stretch. The sun has gone down and all I can think about is how long this last 2 hours would have felt for a woman who loves to move around would feel if she was stuck in bed. That’s when it finally hits me, what I've written about is what has happened to my Jayne! I slam the breaks down hard and bring the car to the side of the road. Pulling my phone again from my pocket and reading my word document.
“Feeling her new found arm size causing an issue with holding her phone to her ear as she battles the day in her upper arm to hold it there. The phone rings once, twice, then a third time where I answer sayi-“ was the last thing I wrote before my phone rang. I space down to the next paragraph, leaving what has already been written as is. I continue to write, “ As Jayne is stuck in bed waiting for her man to arrive hone with all the food she wants to fill her hungry stomach. She feels a familiar sensation and the tears dry immediately as it hits her. She’s helpless, She's fat, She’s the hungrier she has ever been and now, she is wet. Her womanhood has begun pulsing under all her flesh. She was focusing on breathing under her weight but now she has become fixed on getting to her wet pussy. Forgetting about her colossal size, she goes to reach before her heavy arms and chubby fingers are met by her stomach. “Surely it can’t be impossible to reach... Can it? My pussy can’t be that far down.” She thinks out loud as she fondled over what she thinks is her lower stomach, little does she know. She was still about 10 centimetres above her belly button line. She glides her hand across her big belly to try and see if she can feel how far away she is when it dawns on her that it feels the same as how used to feel when she was touching half way between her belly button and her tits. She shudders as she feels another surge of juice come to her pussy lips. “Oh my God, I’m being turned on by how big and helpless I am!? Are you fucking kidding me?!” She shouts as she is becoming increasingly frustrated. Then she imagined how swollen her pussy would be... “Oh Fuck. What if Chris can’t get to it! He’ll have to! I know he thinks about those thoughts, surely he’d have a plan!” She says, trying to convince her self that her pussy is still able to be reached and pleased. Her face turns ghost white pale when her stomach begins to gurgle and she feels something big shift inside her lower body. “Oh my God, no! I can’t get up and I need to shit!” She quickly throws her swollen hands on her stomach, “Ow! Fuck! The last thing I snacked on was celery sticks 3 hours ago! It feels like a watermelon is passing through my fucking body!” She shouts into the dark room. She gives a final attempt to stand as she now becomes desperate for mobility. She huffs and puffs but has not even the slightest affect on how her mass is compiled on the bed. She gives up, desperately waiting for Chris to get home so he can help her up.” I click save & exit on the screen and turn the screen off.
I put the Jag back into Drive and punch it again to hurry home, keen to see what state she is in when I get home. I screen around the final bend and up our gravel drive way. Pushing up the last 200 metres of put drive way to our house I press the garage door button and park the black XFR Next to her black BMW M6. All sorts of things are running through my head as I open the garage door leading into the house. I run back to the car to retrieve the 3 full loads of food before putting them to rest on the bench top. I shut the garage door and walk into our unlit home. “Jayne... Jayne honey... Are you here...” realising how stupid that sounded, I was met with the reply “Chris! Chris stop! I need you to understand a few things before you come in here!” hearing her voice coming from our bedroom, I pick up pace in her direction “I’m coming Sweetie! Hold on!” I shout. “Stop! I need you to understand!*huff* I’m not how I was when you left. *puff* and big doesn’t describe my size anymore! *pant* and to top it off! My pussy is aching and wet!*huff* My stomach is sore from starving so bad! *puff* And now, I need to shit! But!*pant* I feel like, I’m about to shit a bag of potatoes!*huff*” she exclaimed as I stood 6 feet away from the door. “Honey, none of this is putting me off, I think you under estimate just how much I am turned on by-" I inhale sharply as I turn the bedroom light on to expose the biggest mountain of flesh I have ever seen. Bigger than I ever though was possible. She just lay there with her huge swollen arms wrapped as best they can be around her huge swollen tits on the bed. With big areolas the size of saucepans and nipples bigger than my thumbs. I walk in speechless as I see what looks to be my girls feet... “They’re so puffy” I think to myself, “look at her toes!”. I’m sure that’s her skin but it’s so hard to tell through all of the stretch marks on her lower belly and the dimples around her knees. Her thighs aren’t visible anymore. Her calves are so swollen and look so puffy down to her ankles. I continue walking around her to so more of her. I am looking for a belly button on a stomach that is heaving up and down as I can hear breath being drawn in. “...Baby...” She says softly. I try to think of a quick reply but I don’t have one, all I can think of is “Holy fuck.” She shudders and begins to sob, “Now I’m to fat for you!?” She bursts in to tears.
7 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Olga01 2 years
Fantastic story!!!
Miemosira 2 years
This story was really great! Keep it up