Chapter 1
This is a weight gain story that contains stuffing, weight gain, immobility, sex, pregnancy, domination and slob. This is not my first weight gain story and is based on the concept that was created by my now ex fiance. So without further ado,Jayne and I had broken up after being together for over four years. We had grown apart and could hardly be around each other towards the end as tempers flared with both of us feeling increasingly unheard by our counterparts. We were both gutted and pained by the decision, but we had to keep what little respect that was left for each other for the sake of amicability. We have two children together and we both agreed it is important to keep things civil for them as well as our selves.
There were no secrets between Jayne and I in terms of sexual fantasies and preferences. Jayne knew I liked big women, real big women. This made her feel somewhat inadequate and in competitions most of the time. Even though she knew I found her attractive at any size. Jayne had also enjoyed fantasizing about being bigger for sexual pleasure, it got us both off with every time it was spoken about or used in the bedroom. Despite the fact Jayne had certainly been encouraged to feel comfortable in the skin she was in and had certainly put on some weight since we first started dating (to be expected after giving birth to two kids), Jayne didn’t want to let herself go. She loved to eat though, so often. It made her depressed when she would eat for comfort and would in turn put weight on, even when she was trying to lose weight. I respected her decision when we were together and never pushed her to do anything she didn’t want to do, she never had an issue making her point clear.
However, when we separated. Something began to change in Jayne, she grew more hungry as the pain of being alone had begun to set in. She begun to go out drinking more often when I would have the kids and she threw her healthy eating to the wind. She had really started down the path of her letting herself go, even though it was unintentional. Jayne weighed just over a 100kgs when we separated and it didn’t look the least bit out of place on her 5” 10’ frame. She was “Thick” and had curves in all the right places.
Six months had passed since Jayne and I had separated and a lot had changed. I had met a woman recently and have been seeing her for two or so weeks now. Certainly nothing serious at this stage for sure, but Jayne didn’t take to that concept very well at all. To Jayne, it was still too soon. Even though the separation was mostly Jayne’s idea, she clearly hadn’t dealt with her issues from us and appeared to be somewhat hung up on the concept of “us” still. This is when things took a surprising turn. Remember when I said Jayne was over 100kgs when we separated? She would have easily been pushing 125kgs now and she was sporting it. She was always wearing tight clothes and using any excuse to strut her newfound glory in the form of excess weight.
When another month had passed and my new woman (Claire) and I started getting fairly serious, Jayne really took off. Her new eating habits left her constantly devouring some sort of meal for most of the day and her new weight had to have been hovering around the 135kg mark at this point. She was always wearing exposing clothes that left her deepening navel or growing thighs on display for the word to see. Her weight was sky rocketing, and it was getting to me.
The whole time we were together, I tried making her comfortable with her body. Yet the second we split, she starts piling it on. I used every fibre of my being to not check her out up close when we would exchange children and I would certainly never want to acknowledge her new changes as this would surely confirm I know what’s going on and in turn, confirm to her that she was right about me thinking of her. I didn’t want her to have the satisfaction of that after she was the one who chose to ultimately end it between us.
After 12 months of seeing Claire and 18 months of Jayne and I being separated, I proposed to Claire. Clair was a very business oriented woman. She loved the gym and was subsequently slim. She was a power figure of a woman and loved to prove herself. She did not like over indulging with food and had no love for food, she wasn’t really a very good cook either. Not like Jayne. By this point, Jayne would have to have been pushing at least 205kgs. She had gotten BIG. She was sweating when I would see her for the exchange of the children, her fatty parts were now bulging from any part of her attire that it could, she always smelt of food and cheap perfume. One time when I got slightly close to her, I could smell the still ever familiar smell of her body. She smelt far more, intense. My mind got off to racing about her shower routine and her womanhood. How was that handling the new changes?
I was had, I couldn’t resist having a stare and I of course, got caught by her. I couldn’t help but stand back and immediately take in all of her beauty. She had a hanging gut, thunder thighs, triple chins, swollen breasts, flabby arms and chubby cheeks. Even her fingers had plumped up! There is no way my ring would have fit on her ring finger now. It was right as that thought went rushing through my head that I looked her in the eye and she caught my glance. “I don’t think that would make Claire very happy. ” Jayne said as I broke her eye lock. “I’m sorry Jayne, I, I don’t know what cam over me”, I said as i noticed her expression changing to this look of achievement. Like she had purposefully set out to get my attention, even though I know that wasn’t the case. I know this was Jayne’s depression eating along with an extremely fast depreciating form of self control and just pure laziness.
After 6 months of engagement, 18 months of commitment to Claire and two whole years of separation from Jayne. Claire and I were married. Jayne and I had stopped seeing each other for exchange of the children as they were now going to school. There was no need for us to see each other for at least 6 months before Jayne told us she wanted Claire and I to have 50/50 split custody of the kids so she could “live her life” to the fullest. Something told me that this was going to be the start of some major changes in her appetite, figure and lifestyle. But, this wasn’t really my concern anymore as long as the kids had a Mum who cared for them. Despite how much her new changes turned me on far more than they should have.
Six months had passed and I need her to sign documents for the Child Support Agency that states I have the children for 50% of the time. Jayne had been too “pre-occupied” to get this done, so between work and home, I found the time. I had dropped the signed copy in her letter box and just needed her to fill out her details. A week had gone by and I hadn’t heard from Jayne. Parents at school said they hadn’t seen her for a while and passed judgemental comments about her rapid weight gain. I had to really try and hide my growing boner and pretend I wasn’t interested in hearing every single gruesome detail of her journey. I called her twice with no answer so I decided to pay her a visit. All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind on my way over to pick her up. Had she had a fall and couldn’t get back up? Was she in a food coma? Had she finally gotten so big that she was stuck under her own weight somewhere? While these thoughts turned me on, I became increasingly worried for my ex-fiance and put the pedal down to get there.
When I pulled up, the sun had just gone down. Her bedroom window was dimly lit with what looked to be the glow of a television. I got to the door and heard to television, the knot in my throat got worse. I knocked on the door as loudly as I could. With the reply of the television being turned down, I knocked again. This time I heard Jayne’s voice, “Who is it!?” she called. “It’s me, Chris. I’ve come to get the paperwork for CSA, and to check on you. Can I come in?!” I shout. I was met with the electronic sound of the door handle being unlocked. I opened it and walked in and was hit by the overpowering smell of cooked food, cheap perfume and Jayne. Her room was the first room on the left. I made my way up to her door and my jaw just about hit the floor. There she was, bare titties exposed and hanging down a top of her distended and stretched belly, trunk sized thunder thighs spread, bingo wings working hard to keep her bloated digits forcing food down her open gullet that was being framed by at least four chins and the puffiest and most adorable red cheeks I had ever seen.
I stood there in shock before she said, “Is everything ok???”. “Holy shit Jayne, you, you’re, you’ve uh. Are you ok?” I spat out as I slowly moved forward into her room, A more sinister and pungent smell no filling my nose. It was the smell of her womanhood when it was in full motion. Jayne was awkwardly grinning at me, not ashamed in the slightest. Almost as if she had planned this. How did she know my curiosity was growing? How did she know I would come here? Why isn’t she shameful or protective of me seeing her figure this way? “I’m fine Chris, but your paperwork’s safety is another story...” She said as she trailed off looking to her side on the bed. I followed her glance and couldn’t see the paperwork by her side. She locked eyes with me again and said seductively, “I haven’t left my bed in two days Chris, and the las time I saw that paperwork was on this bed, two days ago. I think I’m, sitting on it Chris.”. She must have weighed well over 255kgs now, she was sweaty, greasy, clammy and glistening. “Did you want to hop up so I can grab it and send it off Jayne?” I asked Jayne with as much sincerity as possible. She paused while locking eyes with me again before biting her bottom lip and slowly shaking her head, “I don’t think I can do that Chris. I’m very full, and I’m not really in the mood to put in that much energy right now” she said slowly as she placed her hand on her drum tight stomach before burping like a trucker. “Oh wow, ok. I need to hand it in. I’m paying so much child support and I’ve been having the kids more often than not lately. I’m beginning to think I know where the money is going though.” I said confidently as I gestured toward her big gut that appears to have a soft layer of flab below it as i get closer and am able to study it more. “Of course Chris, I understand. That must be very, frustrating for you and Claire. You can have it tonight. I have no issues in you taking it, but. You’re going to have to get it yourself. I certainly am not interested in helping you. I hope that’s ok.” Jayne says with a cheeky grin and a hint of sass.
I walk along side her and her bed. I place one of my hands on her bed and try and form a plan to get it when my hands are met with a gentle vibration. I immediately look up and into her eyes which ae now locked on mine before saying, “You’re really living out this fantasy aren’t you Jayne?”. She knows exactly what I mean. She has a vibrator either under her or in her right now. Which means she has just fed herself silly while pleasing herself, which she knows I find extremely hot, we used to fantasize about it often. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes got slightly teary before she replies with, “Yeeeeaaaahh, turns out this is a lot better than I thought it would be. Chris, do you like my new body? Do I, turn you on? I know it’s wrong to ask, but I need to know.” She begins trembling and a tear runs down her cheek. I respond only with my actions of placing my left hand with a wedding band fully exposed on her tight stomachs lower region and begin to gently lift while looking her in the eyes. Noticing all of the changes in her body up close. Without sounding horrible, Claire didn’t even cross my mind. It was immediately like a spark had ignited something between Jayne and I and the sexual tensions went through the roof. I began using two hands to fondle and caress her big stomach and sagging tits. I stop and look her in the eye, “Jayne, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. But, I’m going to get my paperwork. I hope I don’t offend you or cross any boundaries...” I say while veering off to look down at her gurgling gut. Jayne just picks up her milkshake drink and takes a long gulp before placing it back on the night stand and wiping her glistening tears.
I lift her lower gut and immediately am hit with the smell of my ex-fiance’s pussy, tenfold. I’m shocked when I see her fupa and lower stomach, the one that has been hiding under the main one. She truly has let go. She has become lazy and fat, and she knows it, she isn’t the slightest bit ashamed of herself. She seemed to be enjoying it. I had to dig my hands deep and under her pussy before I felt the paper work I needed, I thought. I begun to pull and rock against her before she let out a massive burp and the paper work ripped. It was drenched. I brought it to my nose and smelt it, it was her. Jayne, she had done this with her woman hood. I have no idea how she could produce this much fluid, or how she got the vibrator inside of her woman hood when she definitely can’t reach. My paperwork was ruined. Torn in half. She smiled and apologised, “Sorry Chris. I truly did forget it was on the bed. I promise. I’m sure a new one will only take another week or two to fill out and complete, I won’t lose the next one. I promise. I’m sorry.”. I lost all control. Sitting on top of my ex-fiance while she was over 155kgs bigger than she was when she left me. I unzipped my pants and she opened her mouth and made an “aaaahhhhhhh” sound. I plugged that throat of hers with my raging hard, 9 inches of meat. I plunged at her throat while I fondled the tops of her sagging breasts. Rubbing at their stretchmarks and gently squeezing her flabby upper arms. Finally after she got all choked up and drooly on my cock, I pulled back and grabbed her various chins, “Are you happy Jayne? Is this what you wanted? I’ve watched you baloon up since we separated. I was so angry that I didn’t get to experience it with you or be a part of it, but I can see now you had it in you all along. I’ve fought for so damn long to make sure I don’t show you how you make me feel or pay you any attention, but sitting here. I’m compromised. ” I said as she jokingly laughed and wiper the slobber from her maw. “I thought that might have been the case. I knew sooner or later you would have to show your appreciation for my hard work.” She laughed as she pulled her gut up from between her legs and attempted to re-adjust before letting it go with a distinctive slapping sound. I got off of her and pulled my zipper up. She looked puzzled and upset, but didn’t say anything.
I looked around her room and saw food wrappers everywhere, the place was getting messy. I knew that might have been getting to her as she used to be a clean freak. So I stuck around and cleaned up her room quickly. I walked out and saw the rest of her house was the same. An hour and 5 garbage bags later, I had her house all sorted and cleaned. “Chris! Chris!” She called. I returned to her room and quickly brought myself to her side, “Are you ok Jayne?”. “Chris, I really appreciate you cleaning my house, but you don’t have to. It’s cleaned weekly by my new cleaner. I can’t be bother with it anymore. But look, seriously. Chris. I have a problem. A big, growing problem. If you tell CSA that I don’t have the kids as often, they’re going to cut my Child support from you and they’ll cut my welfare payments. I won’t be able to survive. I’ll have to get a job to pay the rent and for food. I really just started to begin living my life and enjoying myself. I don’t know what to do. I know it’s wrong to ask of you. But can you delay it a little longer until I get things sorted out with, this?” She says as she gestures towards her bloated body.
I shook my head and held her hand. “I can’t do that Jayne. A business man like me knowingly tied up in welfare fraud will not go down well for me or the business. But! I might be able to go one better. How committed to this new life style are you? Like, seriously Jayne? Is this something you’re going to ‘get sorted out’ or is this a new way of life for you?” I ask as she breaks my glare. She begins to cry and breaks my grip, instead using her hands to rub her belly and fondle the rest of her body slowly. She knows she is in love with her new self and has finally had to face what’s happening. “Chris, I’m finally fucking happy. For years, I denied myself of what I wanted. It made me insecure of you and it made me feel gross and yuck, for my whole life. I’m finally at peace with my growing body and I want to embrace it. But I can’t see how it’s going to help if you take my income away. That’ll only make it worse Chris! Please! Don’t do it just yet. I’ll research ideas to make money! I’ll do what ever it takes. I just need more time.” She begged as she looked at her swollen belly. I broke her pattern again and grabbed her soft underbelly and gave it a gentle shake. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she moaned,”Uhhhhh that feels so good. This is the first night I have been touched by a man since we broke up, Please. Don’t stop. I just need another 30 seconds like this”. I kept jiggling her soft underbelly while her tight gut fought me. I sped it up and made things more intense for her. She only needed 15 seconds before she relived her womanhood of it’s tension. All over the remains of the CSA contract. “Uhhhhhhh! Chris! Oh! Fuck! Chris, yes!” she shuddered and moaned as she came back down to earth from her climax.
Sexual acts/Love making
No Transformation
2 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years