Designed Woman

Chapter 1

My story starts after I designed the perfect supplement for weight gain in animals such as pigs and cattle and I sold it to a large company in that field. I now had all the money I could ever dream of and the cheques just kept rolling in from royalties. The supplement was all natural with no chemicals all based on herbs and herb extract so I thought maybe I would try it on a woman and design the perfect fat woman. One day I created this web site and listed that we were looking for single women to be part of a trial and was surprised at the number of applicants. I ran the offer for two months because I had specific requirements of what type of woman I wanted to start with, after all I was designing the perfect fat woman. The first requirement was their age was to be between 25 and 35 with more than a little body fat. They also had to have large breasts and a booty that looked as if it would fill out. I started to wonder if I was going to find the right woman to start with when on the last day a woman walked through the door with a pastry in hand along with a latte and introduced herself as Suzy. I looked up her application and she was 28 so I started her interview. She told me she was laid off from her last job and she was worried how she was going to pay her rent and would do anything for work to earn a living. I told her this study would be for a year and it was about safe weight gain and she interrupted me and said you are paying money to see someone gain weight this is sick and got up to leave. I said you have not heard the offer and the salary and she fired back how much and when I told her $1000.00 per week she sat right down and said where do I sign. Once she signed the contract I pulled out a bottle of the supplments and said take one of these now and then we can go have lunch. Suzy asked just what the pills would do besides add weight and I told her that it would enhance her appetite. I said now that we have started let's get you weighed and had her step on the scales and the readout showed 160 pounds which I thought was about right for her height at 5'7". We left for lunch which was around the corner from my office it was your typical lunch counter but their food was really good comfort food. As we looked over the menu Suzy said the pill must be working because she was famished so I said order whatever and how much you want this also is part of this trial all your lunches and food is included. I ordered a BLT and Suzy had 3 Banquet Burgers with fries and a chocolate shake and then we talked while waiting for the food. Suzy asked what type of weight gain would she experience and I told her she could be up to 100 pounds heavier in a month and her jaw dropped, how could that happen she asked. I told her that the pills would slow down the Thyroid hormone which allows the body to store everything as fat and the other part of the pill would keep her hungry all the time. Then the food arrived and with Suzy it disappeared even faster than I could eat my sandwich so I said order something else and pointed to the pies in the cooler she said yes that should do which kind would you like and she said Cherry Chesecake so I motioned to the server and said bring us a whole Cherry Chesecake and one fork. The server was looking at Suzy strange as she placed the Cheesecake in front of her and left. Suzy went right at it eating it all in under 20 minutes and let out a burp with this satisfying look on her face. We went back to my office and I said well do you thing your going to like this job and Suzy said she was looking forward to tomorrow and was that all she had to do was come take a pill and then go out to lunch and I said basically but I just rented this office for a couple of months and she would now go to my building I owned which was on the street behind the diner where we had lunch. I said before you head home I'll take you there so you know where it is. We arrived at my building and Suzy was impressed with the indoor pool and hot tub and lounge chairs. Every wall was mirrored and Suzy asked why so I said it will allow you to admire your growing body as you fill out and in another room was the biggest bathroom you will ever see. When Suzy went in she saw the huge shower and was puzzled by the toilet why it was so large and I said as she gains she I said going to be happy it's so large. After her tour she left to go home and said she couldn't wait until 9:00 the next morning so I said put my number in your phone in case you need anything even food and I'll get it delivered to your apartment. The next morning I put out a tray of donuts and had protein shakes in the fridge when Suzy arrived. I asked how was your night and Suzy said she completely emptied her fridge and if she didn't fall asleep she would have called for a food delivery. Today I said I am having someone come in that will make her clothes as she gets larger and later she can have lunch by the pool which she can order from wherever she wants and then she took her pill. I had some work to do in my office so Suzy was left with all those donuts and protein shakes and when I returned she was standing in front of the mirrors feeling her fat and as I suspected all the donuts and shakes were gone. Lunch for Suzy was by the pool and she ordered 4 large Deluxe pizza's along with chocolate shakes. She brought her bikini with her and it was tight and her belly now had some hang to it but what I really liked was how large her breasts were they at least had to be 48 D so I asked how big were they and she said 48 F and did I like them, yes I do I replied. The first week had gone by in a flash and this Monday was her weigh in. Suzy had gained a fair amount in the first week and I was really pleased when she got on the scale and it read 180 pounds she had gained 20 pounds the first week. What I didn't expect was her asking was that all the pill could do what if she took two pills which there was no way she could but I could just make pills of the appetite enhancing which would keep her continuously eating and hungry and she said she was liking her new size and was looking towards the month end. Before long it was month end and Suzy really had filled out more rapidly than even I expected and when she got on the scales it read 260 pounds exactly 100 pounds for a month. That day she was lounging at the pool and took the off her bikini top and just seeing these huge melons resting on her fat belly got me rock hard. This was going to be hard to hide as I was blessed with a 12" cock and it was thick but I had to see her body. While still hard I went over with an excuse saying did she want anything and her eyes were locked on my cock. Suzy reached up and said I want this and unzipped my pants and tried to get me in her mouth which she couldn't so I lifted and separated her legs and entered her pussy and she could take me all there but she screamed until I exploded into her a hot load of my cum. As each month went by we had great sex and she very seldom wore any clothes she just lounged by the pool and ate getting bigger and bigger. It was now the four months since Suzy started and she was now 560 pounds and her huge belly hung to her knees her ass measured 120 inches and she had to go braless all the time because she even had a hard time getting a bra made. Now that it was four months in I said we will stop with the pills so she didn't become immobile but Suzy said that she didn't want to stop she was only 28 and healthy. We continued on for two more months and Suzy now was 760 pounds and was beautiful and I told her that I wanted to marry her and she accepted and was so happy. We had just a Minister come in because she had a hard time moving around so she just laid in bed covered and we said our vows. After Suzy ate and drank for 6 hours straight then we had wedding night sex and she now could fit the head of my cock in her mouth as she told me she was doing stretching exercises for her mouth. Once I shot a hot load in her mouth I rolled her on her belly and had anal where again I erupted a load of hot cum into her then Suzy licked my cock clean. Looks like I have the perfect woman and as Suzy says 860 here we come.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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