The Making of Riley Chapter 12

Chapter 12

The month of November went by in no tiime and Ginger really loved working here at the house and she would say this is not work this is fun. This morning while I was having coffee in the kitchen with Ginger I noticed she looked as if she put on a little weight but just kept that to myself. Ginger said this morning was weigh in day for Riley and Barb and she would weigh them when they woke up just before their breakfast. She said she was using the same program that calculates calories at the buffet because the government was strict on this nutritional information to be provided to the customers and you see it on every package in the store. I said that was cool but how could she still use it and she said the owner hadn't cancelled her password yet so I said I had a friend who was a programmer and he should be able to help us with our own and I would give him a call. I could hear the shower so I went to look and Riley and Barb were showering together which they usually did so Ginger got their pastries and shakes ready. I noticed it was still 2 shakes each but only 1 dozen pastries between the two of them and asked Ginger why and she said because they started eating bacon and eggs as a real breakfast. We took the girls their shakes and pastries but first the weigh in and Riley got on the scale first and it read 508 pounds that was a 62 pound gain since Ginger started and Riley was so happy with all her new fat and then it was Barb's turn on the scale. Barb weighed 557 a 46 pound gain in a month and she was happy because the fat was well placed all over then the two of them climbed into bed and had what they called their pre breakfast snack. I went back to the kitchen to finish my coffee and Ginger was starting their breakfast which was 6 pounds of bacon 2 dozen eggs and a loaf of bread toasted with butter. When Ginger first started she asked if I had one of those toasters at the restaurant that continually toasted and I did so I brought it to the house it toasted a loaf in no time. She did all the bacon in pans in the oven and fried all the 2 dozen eggs in 4 large frying pans. When it was all done both Riley and Barb each would have 3 pounds of bacon, a dozen eggs and 10 slices of toast slathered in butter for their breakfast and we both took it to them. When Ginger and I were back in the kitchen and she said each breakfast was 6035 calories plus a shake at 9000 and 6 pastries at 1710 totalling 16,745 calories for breakfast and the best part was it kept them hungry so more food was going in them more frequently during the day. Ginger said do you want some bacon and eggs and I said sure so she took her coffee and went to the stove to cook and I set the table. When it was ready she said how many eggs and slices of bacon and toast and I told her 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon and 2 pieces of toast and she dished it out and brought it to me and then she brought her plate and it was big. She said she thought I would eat more than she gave me and she cooked 6 eggs a pound of bacon and 8 slices of toast so she ate the rest and now I knew why she was putting on weight and this was not a one time thing. I said to Ginger I needed to go into town and she asked if she could come along she needed to get some things and I said sure so she cleaned up and reloaded shakes to the holding tanks and put a box of chocolates in each bowl and a bag of chips for each along with a 2L soda and when Riley and Barb woke up from their nap they would have everything they needed and we left for town. On the way into town Ginger said she had to go to Walmart and and she was going to stop in to see Sally for a coffee if I wanted to come too and I said sure I would drop her off at Walmart and then just call me and I'll pick you up and go to Sally's Bakery. Ginger said can I ask you something and I said sure I'm open and then she said awhile back I heard Riley call Barb Mom and Barb said no more of that, what was that about and I told her yes she is her Mom and Barb is separated heading for divorce and all of this just happened. I have always been attracted to large women and Riley worked for me at the restaurant and as time went on she said she wanted to be a large women like Barb and that's how we got together though I hadn't met Barb yet until one night we had dinner at their farm. Then we had that snow storm and Riley and Barb went shopping in town and when she got home she phoned the farm and her husband said all the roads were closed and stay at the house. Well that was a whole week and then she found out her husband was having an affair and she left him, there is more to it but Riley said she loved Barb and would I just go along with everything so I did and here we are today I am both their lover and there is no jealousy. As we were talking I could see that Ginger had a fairly good belly that hung over her waist of her jeans and with what she ate at breakfast it was no wonder and always around food to feed Riley and Barb maybe she was nibbling a little. I dropped Ginger off at Walmart and went about doing things till she called to be picked up and she said maybe an hour and as I drove away she was walking over to the mall maybe she needed to go another store first and I drove off. I went to the Home Depot I wanted them to send a fellow over to give me an estimate on carpeting my home gym it was along the back of the house and it was huge and It had a large bathroom with a 8 person whirlpool a large shower and full sinks and toilet that was glassed off at one end of the gym. I worked out every day in there keeping in shape and I needed to in order to keep 2 large women sexually satisfied. One wall was floor to ceiling mirrored closets all with drawers and loads of hanging space and my equipment was spaced around the room. The other wall was all windows with drapes and a large sliding door out to a patio where it got all the sun from noon till the sun set at night and it had a large BBQ with a refrigerated bar. I had it all set for the fellow to come the next day and then Ginger called and it had been about a hour and a half so I headed back to Walmart and when I got there she was sitting in a bench out front waiting with a full cart. She had bought a ton of chips and other snacks and some stuff for herself and then we went over to Sally's for a coffee. It had been a month since I saw Sally and she had definitely gained some weight since I last saw her and her and Ginger hugged and gave each other a kiss and then Sally did the same to me and I could feel her extra weight and we sat down and had a coffee and Sally put out a plate of pastries. Ginger said she was planning a movie night on Friday and asked Sally if she would like to come and Sally said sure and if it went late she would have the other girls open up and get the bakery ready the next day. We were just about done and I looked at the plate, it was empty and I didn't have any so I came to the conclusion something was up both Sally and Ginger had been gaining and Sally did tell me she went on a diet when she first met me hoping I would notice her and maybe we would go out on a date and then I told her that one day that I was attracted to larger women and then Ginger said we better be going and we did. On the way back I said to Ginger I noticed that Sally had gained some weight and Ginger couldn't hold back and told me that I was all she talked about, say what I said and Ginger said when I first opened the restaurant Sally told her about me and she thought Sally still thinks about me because she always asks about me, wow I thought and then we arrived home. I took everything into the house and Ginger checked in on Riley and Barb and they were sleeping but they had drank their shakes and eaten the chips and chocolate bars so she cleaned all the wrappers up and went to the kitchen to get lunch and dinner ready. After she got things underway I asked her to come back to the gym and Ginger did and she was wowed it was so large and all the mirrors and the glass wall looking out to the patio. She said this is fantastic and I told her that a guy was coming tomorrow to give me an estimate on carpeting the whole room the tiling was too cold a look so I thought carpeting would give it a nice warm feel and she agreed and then she said this is where you disappear during the day and I said yes, my own little space. I said to Ginger I was also thinking about putting a driveway at the side of the kitchen and putting a small loading area room this would allow all the deliveries to go to the side and it would be easier than the front door to move into the kitchen and I said come I'll show you what I mean. I showed her that all I had to do was change the one large window that already was floor to ceiling at the end and put in a set of double doors to the room I would have built and Ginger said that it would make it a lot easier. The rest of the day was as every day was stuffing Riley and Barb and then amazing sex for hours. The next morning the fellow was out early to measure for the carpets and gave me a price for the carpet I selected at the store the day before. He said because it was one large regtangle room and there was little cutting he said the price would be good and gave it to me and I said when could you start. The fellow called the store and they could have it delivered the next day and he said he is a private contractor who does it for the store and he could start when it got here and it would be done by the mid afternoon so I gave him my card number and away he went. I went into the kitchen and Ginger was making the girls their breakfast they already had their shakes and pastries and Ginger was wearing some jean shorts and a sweatshirt and she really had put some weight on the shorts were really snug on her and she said it was hot in the kitchen and this made it comfortable.
3 chapters, created 5 years , updated 5 years
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