Chapter 1 - Big Hopes
Amy lived a relatively quiet life on her own these days, her job like many peoples had changed as soon as the covid outbreak took hold and all of sudden anybody who could work from home was having to do so, whether they liked the concept or not. At first most employers seemed to make this out as a temporary change, however after the dust settled and the pandemic was over with, they soon realised the cost benefits and cut their ‘unnecessary’ overheads of running offices everywhere. Amy was one of these thousands of people in much the same situation. At first the freedom, flexibility and lack of a workplace authority that came from being at home was a welcome change and one she became well settled into, but as Amy would discover it wasn’t without its setbacks in the long term.Being inside your house all day almost every day for months or even years has the potential to make even the most sociable and healthy person into an overweight reclusive type. Amy, like most, hadn’t managed to avoid this almost inevitable transformation of course. Before 2020 she weighed a modest 120 lbs and ate quite healthily, often exercising by going for walks, jogging or playing tennis with a few friends. Amy had always had a good figure in the past, thanks to good genetics her weight was well distributed on her 5ft 4” frame and she had nicely proportioned curves. Her D cup breasts were well balanced by her hourglass hips and tight round bum, her stomach was flat and her legs slightly toned. Pair that body with medium length slightly wavy brown hair and a pretty face and overall she was what most people would consider a healthy slim and highly attractive woman. Was being the operative word of course.
Three years passed by since Amy had become a work from home girl and she’d since developed a multitude of bad habits, so much so that her weight had ballooned to a more-than-chubby 200 lbs. It didn’t happen overnight though, she tried to get outdoors again and eat a balanced diet and she held out for the best part of a year before she dropped off the wagon. Now, at the age of 32, she was sporting wider and fuller E cups and her once flat stomach was now a noticeably round soft belly that sat on her thick thighs as she tapped away at her keyboard on her laptop. You’d also struggle not to notice her much more expansive flabbier hips and her fat ass, both of which seemed to spread out considerably whenever she sat down. Recently Amy had become quite the subconscious snacker throughout the day, regularly munching through large bags of chips or cookies as she worked. Often she would be working into the evening to catch up on all her emails that kept coming in, then she would be too hungry and unmotivated to cook a meal so she’d order takeout.
After another long hard day tapping away (whilst sat on her butt eating too many calories again) Amy logged off her laptop and decided to have a quick shower before deciding which food she was going to order and inevitably stuff her belly with that night.
Amy got out of the shower, dried herself off a bit and then headed over to her dresser to get something comfortable to slip into for the rest of the evening. Now Amy, partly due to her denial on the matter, hadn’t been shopping or ordered any new clothes in a while and it was starting to become apparent to her that most of her clothes just didn’t fit her anymore. She grabbed a plain crop top and pulled it on and over her large breasts, it stretched tightly around her thick flabby body barely covering the top roll of her chubby belly as her tits squished together. Hardly contained by the thin undersized fabric around them they looked almost ready to burst out the top at any moment. She looked down at herself in disapproval and sighed, this wasn’t really comfortable clothing but she couldn’t lounge around the house or answer the door to the delivery guy completely naked so this would have to do. She then grabbed some pyjama shorts and pulled them up over her chunky thighs and then found herself having to pull harder as they slowly squeezed around her fat round ass cheeks, ultimately disappearing halfway up her crack and settling tightly around her waist allowing her love handles and soft belly to spill over the seam of the waistband. She stopped and glanced in the mirror as she was walking past, she couldn’t deny or hide the fact she was a fat girl now and she felt ashamed and disheartened by that.
Amy shrugged off her guilt as her stomach rumbled and she got out her phone and ordered pizza on the app. She always went for the meal deals which were usually meant for two or more people but she’d just gotten in the habit of it. She often found herself ordering two large pizzas and sides and a big bottle of coke and then eating anything left over the next day as breakfast or a snack before lunch. However as time went by there seemed to be less leftover the day after as her belly grew and she needed more food to fill it.
The next day as Amy started another dull day in the office that was her couch she had a feeling of determination to do something with her life. I need a change and a reason to get out of the house and this job has ruined my figure and my motivation, she exclaimed to herself. If I could find another job in an office like the good old days, maybe if its local enough I could even walk to work, she thought, with an increasing optimism now driving her search. She quickly updated her resume, before spending over an hour scouring a few major job sites. She applied for a few places, one or two were a bit of a change for her job role but not beyond her capability she decided. None of the jobs on offer really caught her interest and frustratingly a lot seemed to be work from home positions just like her current one. She begrudgingly went back to work duties before she got too far behind on the days tasks.
The next evening Amy was going through her emails just as she did every night, which usually meant replying to impatient and often incapable colleagues about mostly trivial issues. As she had almost finished she stumbled on one that grabbed her attention. It was a reply from a job as a Personal Assistant at a small marketing company based in a neighbouring town. She opened the email and swiftly read it out loud to herself:
Dear Amy,
Thank you for your interest in the job as Personal Assistant here at J.E Marketing Ltd. I have read your resume you sent me and was impressed, particularly with your skills and qualifications which I think could make you an ideal candidate for the role. I would like you to attend an interview on Thursday 6th June at 4.00pm so we can discuss the position and get to know each other better. Please let me know if this is a suitable date and time for you.
Yours sincerely,
Jason Everton
Amy was both surprised and excited to be offered an interview by this small local marketing firm, she quickly responded by agreeing to attend the interview. It was unusual to get such a quick and positive reply from a job applications these days, more often than not you would receive an email a week or two after applying with just a basic 'thanks for applying but you were unsuccessful on this occasion' or something equally as depressing.
Now that it had sunk in that she was going to a job interview for the first time in over six years Amy felt excited but apprehensive and anxious. She quickly came to the realisation that she had no smart clothes that would fit her at all. Once she had spent a particularly long time doing some online clothes shopping and picking a suitable outfit she finally ordered it, feeling slightly more relaxed knowing she shouldn’t have to worry about fitting into something and looking a fat mess on interview day. Spurred on by her recent good news and promising career prospects Amy threw caution to the wind and didn’t hold back with the treats for the next few days. She managed to polish off a whole tub of ice cream each night after her takeout, meaning she was surely a few pounds over 200 by now.
It was the day before the interview and Amy’s new work outfit finally arrived, she swiftly took the parcel from the delivery guy and hurried into her bedroom keen to try it all on. Now you could blame it on the 3 tubs of full fat ice cream or the 5 packs of cookies this week already, or perhaps it was just Amy’s slight misjudgement on sizes, but she was about to realise she's a little too fat even for her nice new ‘bigger’ clothes to fit her as well as she was expecting. In the package was a smart pink blouse, black pencil skirt, smart jacket and some new heels she decided would finish off the look. She opened the skirt first and quickly proceeded to try it on, she pulled it up her legs with relative ease, however quickly met resistance as it reached her fat round ass. She pulled at the skirt and wriggled as her large cheeks reluctantly slid inside bit by bit until it was finally over her large rump. The next problem was the skirt was supposed to pull up higher across her waist over her middle but there certainly wasn’t any more give in the material for that to happen, not to mention it was shorter than she expected so it would be even shorter if it was pulled up higher. Concerned but still hopeful Amy tried on the blouse next, she pulled it over her arms and began to button it, she soon found herself breathing in to try and get the buttons to fasten. After some moderate effort she fastened most of the buttons but couldn’t get the button around her tits fastened leaving most of her bra on display. To make matters worse the blouse was shorter than she’d liked and because the skirt stopped below her fat gut this meant the very bottom of her round belly was poking out the blouse slightly. Amy panicked trying to figure out how to get her clothes to somehow fit better. She took the blouse off again and then decided to take off her bra as a last ditch effort to see if she could get her melons to fit in the top. This time she managed to fasten the button around her tits just about, this left them less exposed and therefore just about avoiding looking like something out of a slutty secretary porn video. She remembered she still had the women’s suit jacket which could help her hide some of her flab that was spilling out. She pulled on the jacket, which did fit sort of, but it wasn't even close to pulling all the way across her front and meeting in the middle, therefore only really serving to cover her arms and sides. Ultimately overall she looked ready to pop out of the whole outfit if she even looked at another cookie or slice of pizza.
The day of the interview came and Amy was nervous, the fact it wasn’t until 4pm meant she had most of the day to think about it and also importantly, try no to eat too much and risk bursting out her outfit before she even got there. She tried her best to stay focused and only had to stop herself from opening more chips once or twice before the time came for her to get dressed and make her way over there. Luckily her clothes fit about the same as the day before and after doing her hair, makeup and putting on the heels she brushed off her wardrobe dilemma and headed out the door.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
2 chapters, created 7 months
, updated 5 months