Chapter 1: the advertisement
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After he graduated college and scored a well paying accounting job, Carl's life remained extremely mundane just like it had been for his whole life. He went to his 9 to 5 job and then home. He never went out and kept to himself.
One of the few things that had changed over the five years since graduating was his waistline. He'd gone from a slim 145lbs to a chubby 210lbs. Nothing too crazy but definitely a little out of shape. This led to his other change which is his sexual interests.
Because of the weight gain he stumbled upon the world of feederism. He never really considered himself a part of the kink community, he mainly just surfed the web and read different articles about it.
This would all change once he saw the advertisement.
It was for something called the Feedbot 3000. This peeked Carl's interest so he clicked on the video.
A narrator starts talking.
"Need help being the fat ass you're destined to be? Lonely and need a feeder, or just simply want to explore the idea of having a feeder? Then you need the Feedbot 3000. The Feedbot is the perfect feeding machine. It's an incredibly life-like robot that is completely customizable to your liking designed to fulfill your every fantasy. So why wait on your fantasies any longer? Make them a reality by getting a Feedbot 3000 today."
Carl was stunned that something like this actually existed, but he was also ecstatic. He had wanted to explore the idea of being fed and gaining. Carl wasn't 100% on what he was getting himself into but decided to give it a shot. Plus, qith the risk of spunding pathetic, he liked the idea of having someone, or something, around the house to keep him company.
Carl weighed the pros and consand decided it'd be worth it so he clicked the link and began his order.
10 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years